Conversation Between Illusion and Zargabaath

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey man, happy birthday!
    Don't forget to party.
  2. Sounds cool. Wait, there's a RE card game? I've never heard of it or seen it at the store. Sounds like a fun thing for fans of the series.
  3. I'm doing pretty well. Going to be playing the Resident Evil card game and later on Munchkin Quest with my friends soon. Watched a couple of Victory Gundam episodes.
  4. Haha, they usually play mid-week and weekends. US played Canada in it's first game and won 2 - 0, but given that Canada isn't a very strong team they should have done better.

    How you do today?
  5. No. I don't even know when they're on.
  6. You like all sorts of sports, that's cool. I've only really been a fan of soccer, that's what I grew up hearing about from family. Basketball and hockey kind of get my attention, but I haven't spent the time watching the sport because I don't know when the seasons start.

    You know, the soccer in MLS is not terribly bad. It's no where near as good as European football, but it has good rythm. The Gold Cup is currently being played this month, have you thought of watching the US games?
  7. Only World Cup soccer. Don't really care for the US's MLS. I'm a huge baseball fan & like football & hockey. Basketball is not bad but I really only watch the playoffs.

    I am interested in rugby, cricket, & Aussie Rules Football.
  8. That's good, just keep it up with your classes, you don't wanna have to repeat classes later. Just more time and money that could be better spent elsewhere.

    Do you happen to like soccer?
  9. I'm doing quite well though I know I could be doing more regarding studying material.
  10. How have you been doing with managing your classes and work? I find I need to dedicate most of my attention to school when I'm taking classes, so I don't work during semesters.
  11. I'm good. I've been working on Tactics Ogre and have been busy with school & work.
  12. How you do?
  13. Initially Gen. Studies, but I'm thinking of switching over to Business or Accounting.
  14. What's your planned major?
  15. You could say that about my courses.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 28
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