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    I never wished to be older. Only because I was smarter than the rest. Lol. I don't mind being older, I just need to figure out what I want and soon. I'm sort of just a lump right now.

    I'm not really sure who I am. Well I have an idea, I just feel like I don't fit in anywhere, or maybe I'm trying NOT to fit in. I'm a quiet, silly, loner. I can be nice but I can also be very angry and sad. I don't really have anything I want to achieve. I think my real issue is that I'm lazy at life. I need to try and change that.

    Thanks for the nice wishes!

    I guess I don't have to grow up, I just feel like I have to for some reason. I'm pretty mature already, but I still think like a kid sometimes. Yeah I think that's it. So confusing.

    I'll end this with a 'cause I feel like it.
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    Personal choice.

    When I first joined up, I had actually forgotten about Aeris/Aertih and her name didn't enter into the equation when creating a username. I created the name for an RP and just went with it from there. A lot of people still get confused by it and refer to me as 'Aeris'. Which is slightly annoying.
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    Yeah darn responsiblity.

    Yes. Well they've been together along time and he's a good man.

    I know. I'm nearly 24! I feel like I need to be more grown up soon. But i will never stop being silly! I can't believe I'm nearly that age. I still feel 19 When is your birthday?
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    Yeah me too. Might not get either because I have yet to get a full pay at work and I have some bills due too. Ah well.

    I'm not really like OMG there getting married. But I'm happy for them

    Naww. Hopefully you'll get some time to play. I'm sure all your hard work will pay off. How long have you got to study for?
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    I suppose I could do a hug. *hug*

    My holidays were ok. It's my birthday soon, I'm not doing anything because I don't do things. BUt I'm hoping to buy Skyrim or Final Fantasy XIII-2. My mother is getting married on the 18th February! She's no bridezilla thankfully, so it'll just be a court house marriage and then a small family BBQ at home.

    How are you??? School? Soccer? Friends? Games? Lol. Hope it's all good.
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    The forum seems to be suffering from technical difficulties right now.
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    HELLOOoooo!!!! That is all.
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    Why hello Illusion. Thank you soooo much, your an ewsome person toooo coz you, I guess also like SUPERNATURAL ( I know Cass is awesome *woot* ). Angelmarie is on of my friends but I don't think I've talked to Nikkilinkle. You also have fun and take care.
    And lets not forget, SUPERNATURAL ROCKS!!!!!!
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    ah! ive given up on larsa... i cant capture him cuz he turned to vaan. damn him. heh...
    and hi!!! im back!!!
  11. Yes, It Actually Does Get Kinda Hot In Canada During The Summer, And I Don't Like Hot Weather Either. To Answer Your Question, Yeah, I Do Like Samurais, How Did You Guess? LOL
  12. edit: error message
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    The birds have got it made, and they know it! I wouldn't mind living a day as an albatross.
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    Cool. Hope you enjoy yourself.

    I'll be exchanging the ps2 i bought, because it doesn't work. Then I'll begin playing Kingdom Hearts. I played it along time ago, just enough time for me to have forgotten what it's like. So it'll be like I'm playing for the first time lol.

    I'm off to get some Red Rooster for dinner. Yummy.

    Take care
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About Illusion

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About Illusion
I have it in mind to enjoy every game I play. So unless it down right sucks, I'll probably find something to like about it. What that ends up getting me is that I can't be a good critic of a game because I usually ignore the bad aspects of a game.
Games, football, reading, movies..
Favorite FF?:
Crisis Core I think, I'm not sure.


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01-27-2012 07:08 PM
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03-22-2017 10:57 AM
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