Conversation Between HUNK and Wierdludicolo

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry about the RP mixup. I posted an explanation on the "Final Fantasy XIV" disscusion.
  2. Thanks for doing the rp thing man! I think I may have been confused though.

    Am I supposed to continue the story or make my own charecter? Hahahaha, Im'a go change my post real quick!
  3. Dont worry man, its already cool....I mean come on, its a Dissidia club. Nuf said.

    The only thing it needs is somthing out of your control, dedicated members. I think our group should do stuff like rps and stuf. Its interesting and no one else does so it makes us special.(Ha ha ha)
  4. Thanks for joining my group Clash Of Legends! I hope to count on your continued support! And i in return make it as cool a group as possible!
  5. Dissidia club! ROCK ON!

    In Blood,
    Andrew J. Bealor
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5