Conversation Between HUNK and RamesesII

72 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday mate hope you have a good one. In Australia 18 is the legal age to smoke, drink and buy prostitutes so i will be thinking of you when I do all these except when I am with the prostitute cause that would be weird.
  2. Yes there is. (Sorry bout the late reply, college... -.- )

    The first movie was the old 80's anime flick and you've probably seen the new one, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. It's the one with Meier Link, and the marcus brothers and all that jazz.
  3. Hello
  4. Wait what there is more than one Vampire Hunter D
  5. Mmyes, that's Grove Motherfuggin' Marcus! Favorite character of the series. Dispite not being in the first movie. Still it was awesomesauce.
  6. Hey I know that pic in your sig Thats vampire hunter D naaah awesome
  7. Don't be humble! Be pridefull! You've returned! (Sorry if I sound a bit "too" happy)
  8. Thank your welcome is most humbly obliged
  9. Aye!

    Welcome back ser.
  10. All in favour say I......
  11. Rameses is back? Madness I say!
  12. Yeah ditto that what a prude lol just wanna slap her it turned me off a bit lol
  13. Yeah it's the prequel to the first Dissidia. I just unlocked Gilgamesh and I've only had the game since Saturday.
    I've only played bits and pieces of FFXIII and it was enough for me to hate Lightning, she's such a b....never mind. I just don't like her.
  14. Its alive haha I will just pretend I know what FFDD means I can only assume it has something to do with FF dissidia. I haven't played FF in ages I bought FF13 for xbox but hardly played it lol
  15. Rameses! You live!

    I've been well, I just recently got FFDD and it's pretty epic, specially playing as Vann and Laguna. Since I had prologus, I also have the aerith asist, she's a total beast!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 72
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