Conversation Between HUNK and Holy Priest

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Glad to hear that ^^ Ummm.. Let me work on it ya ^^
  2. If you wish, I would love to have another person to help this rp along. Since we do not have an OOC you should just post your charecter in your first post.

    (If any mods say anything, I'll just tell them that it was my idea.) As of right now, RamsesII and I are the only people who are active in it so we'd gladly have another.
  3. That sounds great! But i don't really dare to post just like that. I got into trouble for posting into an RP without informing the owner. Got warning too...
  4. Actually I made In the Name of Honner as a fight between me and a friend, however the story evoulved and more people decided to join. So I had the mods move it to the RP section. It's a good rp, it has alot of Final Fantasy Tactics references and FFT is my favorite!
  5. cuz it's a long time rp not very hot... hehe... no worries. You've got a new RP huh? IN the Name of Honour?
  6. You sound confused....Why?
  7. Hmmm..... Is that so? ok i guess... ^^
  8. Well, I don't really post much. I communicate in group threads and VM and PMs. I really dont post much anymore...nothing to say.
  9. Hi! Thanks... I haven't see you post lately.
  10. Hey I like the name!

    Andrew J. Bealor
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10