Conversation Between HUNK and AbysalDarkness

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Uhm im gona invite bryan over and see if we can beat LOTD and Resident Evil 5,CV,and outbreak 2.

    Want to join us?
  2. fun very funny so whats up man hey what you doing this weekend?
  3. I WaNt To DrAw A PiCtUrE, A PiCtUrE WiTh A TwIsT, IlL DrAw It WiTh A RaZoR, IlL DrAw It On My WrIsT!

    An Emo Poem! MUHAHAHAHA!
  4. Thinking about playing EO tonite but there are a cra*load of speeders in the PK zone...we must train somwhere else. Plus I need gold, beacuse I decided to get Oblong.
  5. hey man whats up
  6. Yo home-skillet-bisket. Whats up?
  7. sup man
  8. do you not answer your FRICKING PHONE i have called twice grrr -.- lol
  9. Nothing man, just sitting around listening to Party Hard.
  10. hey man..... whats going on....
  11. what man i did watch it so whats you up to
  12. Yo man whats up?
    Did you watch WCG Ultimate Gamer?
  13. nices
  14. When you do, go to hospital pick up mop and fight untill head breaks off. Then go into the room where first see the leach monster and find the knife. Combine the broken stick with knife and you get spear of great justice! I loved it and it almost never breaks.
  15. ya i may need to try him
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 47
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