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    Happy Birthday!
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    I re-eally hated the underwater world, too. Have you reached the Ursula battle yet? That's what held me up. I've been trying to blow through this game because I've heard the sequel is much better, but I'm still defeating the side bosses. So far, I've done that Kurt Zisa and the Ice Giant thing, but I'm having difficulty on that shadowy monster in Never Land and of course Sephiroth.
    Ah, yes, Job-age... my behind needs to get one of those too.
    I WOULD keep playing Chrono Trigger, but... Alright, you know what? Enough with the excuses, I'll go find it... just as soon as I'm done with my current game. (I did play some of Chrono Cross, that was a weird game...)
    I regret to say, I've never played the first Valkyire Profile. I have to remember to go looking for that in the flea market...
    Sorry to hear about your second disc there... real bummer.
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    I tried Chrono Trigger on the PS1. I know there are several different ways to win, but I've never actually done it (*sigh* I'm so disappointed in myself). I really loved the music though! I didn't know they remade it for the DS. I would love to have a copy, but I know my family will just lose it... Grrr.
    Lately I've been playing a backlog of PS2 games. Like Valkyrie Profile 2, Yu-Gi-Oh: capsule monsters coliseum, and... *gasp* Kingdom Hearts 1. Have you, too, lived through the experience that is: KH?
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    Ah, it doesn't work on monsters. Well, I dislike them anyway, so that doesn't bother me.
    I hardly ever use the lower bravery technique, I do constantly use the Mystic job to raise my characters' stuff, though (as well as faith.)
    HOW can an orator help you find items?
    I've always wanted to play Ogre, but I haven't gotten my sticky hands on it yet. (probably because I'm so stingy, but I am working on that problem)
    I haven't tried disgaea either.
    WHa? You lost yours, too? This is totally a conspiracy! Why would Nintendo make them so small? I think the DS should come with extra tiny cartridge slots or something.
    So, what are you playing on your DS currently? I'm stuck with Pogo Island. u_u;
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    I thought it would've been weird to name one purposefully after an ex. Of course I didn't say that, it might've seemed inconsiderate.
    I'd heard that the secondary skill of Orator doesn't work as well as just having the job. Is that nonsense?
    After the mass outbreak of chocobos in my party, I don't usually recruit monsters, I just send their hides to the poachers. Is there any benefit to keeping them?
    I played advance with a grimace on my face. I thought the fact that you could learn abilities from weapons was interesting, but I was largely disappointed.
    I think I tried out # 2, but then my brother returned it in order to buy FF 3 on the DS, but that subsequently got lost (darn tiny cartridges) I've been moaning both losses ever since.

    Yeah, that snowball fight really weeded out the weak players alright. So do you play many strategy/puzzle games?

    I'm so grateful I'm not completely alone. I got started on Tactics with my brother back in PS1 days. We played the game (one file) together. We were constantly figuring out new things. If one of us had difficulty defeating a boss, the other would try, then we'd go training or switching job-classes and A-abilities to find just the right blends.
    We still have laughs imitating the characters speech bubble sounds and mechanical movements.

    But I still don't have a PSP buddy, so I'm sort of also doomed.
    I'm rather new to internet lingo. What does Imao stand for?
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    You named one after your ex? That's hilarious.
    I've won the game two times so far. The PS1 version and the PSP.
    My current team:
    Ramza: Samurai, Iaido, Items, reflexes, Dual wield, move 2. (equipped with the Kiku-ichimonji and the Muramasa)
    Emerick: Dragoon, Bardsong, Dragon-heart, JP Boost, Move2
    Anselm: Orator (I love recruiting strong enemies, so I always keep one) Arts of war (so that he can break an enemy's power from eight panels away), Dragonheart, poach, move 2 (he's equipped with the ice gun that I stole from that blond boss)
    Denys: Thief, White magics, Dragonheart, Attack Boost, move 2
    Earoth: Arithmetician, Items, Nature's wrath, Throw Items, move 2
    So, what's you opinion of T-A? (Tactics: advance) have you played?
  7. Thank you for the invite Michael. I have joined the 'Flock' . Cyan, it is definitely my favourite Final Fantasy. However it has so many options for customization. As much of a pro as I'd like to think that I am(and trust me, I am not), I've yet to have a playthrough similar to my last, and my teams always vary.

    The best I could do is tell you what I am doing on my current playthrough and what my team looks like, as I am rather enjoying it. But no doubt it is not put together the best possible way it could be. Also with the slow loading times, I find myself getting angry and putting it down alot, so this current playthrough is a year in the making.(and one of my units is named after my ex, which also makes me want to put it down sometimes, as she's my black mage/samurai which is one of my better units)

    But anyways, this here is my current team(just my generics and Ramza, obviously I have all the special units, a black hydra, red chocobo and one of those pigs, even the squire and two nights from the beginning lol, and it could take all day to get into)

    also im playing the psp version so excuse my terminology

    Ramza-Ninja-Throw-Speechcraft-Reflexes-Jp Boost-Treasure Hunter
    Guvan-Geomancer-Geomancy-Black Magicks-Auto Potion-Jp Boost-Move+2
    BC-Chronic-Bard-Bardsong-Items-Auto Potion-Jp Boost-Treasure Hunter
    G-Mann-Knight-Arts of War-Jump-Auto Potion-Jp Boost-Move+2
    Brittany-Black Mage-Black Magicks-Iado-Auto Potion-Jp Boost-Treasure Hunter

    Lol, I guess this doesn't really answer you're question at all, because they aren't exactly full builds. I'm still trying to unlock dark knight for a few of my units and am shuffling my units jobs. Also I'm in Midlight's Deep(deep dungeon) so most of the characters braves are low and the auto potions are pretty pointless. Also treasure hunter lol. I'll get back to you in a while on that one I guess.

    On a side note, does anyone know how to set up multiplayer in the psp version. I've been wanting to try, but I have no friends, lol. Or must it be done locally? Sorry for the wall.
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    Hello, welcome! I see you like FF-T (that's tactics) So, I was wondering, what's your favorite set-up? I'm referring to job class and A-ability.
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    My name is Michael Swayne, and let me be one of the first people to welcome you to TFF. I am a member of the Social Group called Flock of Noobies. We are a group focused on new members. Our group is always looking for new members, and was wondering if you would like to join. I will be sending you an invite, but you can also click on "Community" at the top of the page, then click on "Social Groups", and look for us there. Hope to see you there!

  10. im alright, thanks for asking! how about yourself?
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    hows it going
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May 20, 1988 (36)
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