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    I dunno if a store like Sears can take consoles and reissue them secondhand, but yeah... I was just excited to finally get a PS3, so my head wasn't thinking too clearly. Haven't had any issues pop up though, so I guess I'm doing okay.

    Everyone is at risk when they go out into the sun. I'm just sayin' since we don't go out as much, we have a reduced risk of it happening. ^^

    I think I may just keep her. She's a pain in the ass sometimes, but she is there for me to keep me company. :3 Probably the only thing in my life that actually prefers my company over anyone else's...either that or I just have the best scratching stuff. Yeah, she has a scratch post AND a scratch pad, yet she loooooved getting her claws into my things.

    You're shy? I would not have expected that. You seem pretty outgoing over the interwebs. I guess interwebs is different from real life though. Good to hear that you've grown out of your shyness some. Just take more steps, and you'll overcome it for good. ^^

    If you count Dirge of Cerberus, there was an enemy character who had a big gun as well...but yeah, that one in XIII-2 might be quite a bit larger. I didn't know it shipped that early. ^^; Glad that people were decent enough to put it up on the youtubes though. :3 From what I've gathered, the story gets pretty I'm excited to see just what SE has up their sleeve.
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    The box it came in was kind of beaten up and there wasn't an instruction guide. Also, the PS3 itself didn't have one of those styrofoam holder things, so it was just in there on it's own.. :/

    Heh, well at least we have a reduced chance of getting skin cancer.

    I've heard good stuff about weetabix. I don't think we have that brand in the states though. :/ I like eating cereal. It's probably my favorite quick meal to eat. ^^

    Oh, mice... Little bastards... Yeah, hope you get a kitty soon. I'd give you mine. She's not much of a mouser, but she loves clawing up furniture. She's got her paws on my new gaming chair as I type this. SHe's just having the time of her life on that thing. :/ Heh, I'm not a good salesperson. I make her sound rotten (she is...).

    That first day is always jam packed full of information overload. It's a technique to weed out the weak ones. Professors did it when I was going to University. You'll be fine though. The course should get easier for you as you keep at it. And aww. :3 Maybe she'll warm up once she gets used to things. Maybe you could introduce yourself to her though? Offer a friendly face for her to connect with. And who knows? Maybe you'll be fast friends (and possibley more).

    I think I remember that guy from XIII reg. It's like her commanding officer or something. And yeah, lol. What a heavy and impractical weapon. FF is full of 'em though, so I'm not surprised. Speaking of XIII-2, someone uploaded a few bits of the english translated game already! I'm watching it too. It will at least tie me over until I get a copy. Not gonna lie, I am kind of diggin' it so far. :3
  3. View Conversation
    I have. I've also smelled a new console too. That's how much I love it. Was kind of disappointed with the PS3 smell, because I'm almost positive that I got one that was used as a display, and the store just put it back in the box. :/ Hate buying from brick and mortar stores sometimes...

    Well, since it's a t-shirt, the white looks fine to me. :3 But yeah, white clothing isn't so flattering in me either. I'm pale enough as it is. It's the way most of my t-shirts are cut that makes me look boxy. ^^;

    Good luck~ What are you doing to hide the PB anyway? :3 Mixing it with a bit of honey works pretty well for me.

    Oh yeah, he does. I forgot that. He really likes some green character that's pretty popular in the fandom...not that I would remember the name.. I suck at remembering names sometimes.

    Was your house just settling? It happens at my house sometimes. Just little creaks and groans. Also, if I'm really tired, those noises just seem to get louder, and my imagination thinks up all kinds of scary images. ^^; Could have been the water in the pipes or something since you said it was the bathroom. Glad everything was normal anyway.

    Ahhaha.. So that's why you were up so early. :3 How was your course? Did you have any transportation troubles?
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    Maybe because it was so new and different and pushed the boundaries of what a kid's show can get away with? I dunno, those are just my guesses.

    I was good in that I was obedient, which is what teachers like. Do your work and don't challenge the system. :/ If I was smarter, I would have done sooo many things differently. But OH WELL. No sense in regretting the past. Just use those experiences to shape your decisions for the future.

    Haha. Yep. I like that new game smell too. Dat demon's souls box is gorgeous though. I'd huff the hell out of that thing.

    I think it looks great~ Comfy but also kind of stylish with the fitted look and the cute design on front. :3 I don't own many t-shirts, but the ones I do own look kind of boxy on me... ^^; I'm glad it looks like the picture said it would too. Sometimes, you think it's gonna look one way, but turns out, it was pinned or something to get that shape in the picture. :/ Sneaky merch dealers, I tell ya what.

    Peanut butter~! If that stuff gets too hard to swallow, I'm sure you can invest in some protein drink mix too. They come in all kinds of flavors. :3 So much variety~! Peanut butter is probably the cheaper route though.

    I don't think it does... I'm sure my parents are gonna keep that room for him when he visits or whatever. Score one for you though. :3 I bet it was nice to have a lot more space for your stuff. ^^

    Yeah, they basically look like side-scrolling shooters, and I'm not a fan of those. ^^; Got too many other games to preoccupy myself with anyway.
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    Haha, well I'm glad there's someone out there who enjoys my kind of humor as well.

    Nah, not too big of a fan... A show like that was a little too...mean sometimes. Also, some of the animation got really wierd. I guess it's stuff like that which makes it memorable, but eh... Still not my cup of tea.

    Yeah... I thought that was pretty lame. Didn't question it at the time though, because I was naive enough to think that teachers always knew best. I've learned since then that they're people too, and people can be straight up assholes sometimes...

    Heh, it's all good. It's the fact that it's a new game, and that there have been all kinds of stuff added to make it supposedly better. :3 I can understand your excitement.

    Good to hear you're feeling better. :3 And heh, I guess your sickness acted like a real handicap for ya... ^^;

    I haven't been up to much of anything really. Just hanging out, and doing my same ol' things. My bro is moving out though, so that's something kind of exciting. Helped get some of his things in order for the move, and helped get some other things cleaned up around the house as well.

    Haha, I loved that. xDDD The japanese guy looked really into it. And yep, dat face is definitely the cherry on top. Have you played any of the Megaman games? I haven't. I've been told to at least play the one that has Zero in it. Can't remember the name though...
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    That's how I roll, it seems. Most of my jokes leave people thinking "WTF?" haha... Maybe I should work on that...somehow. xD

    Yeah, my older bro was a big fan of Ren and Stimpy. I watched it because nothing else was on.

    Well, some teachers did. I remember when my older bro wore his Batman ball cap to school, and a teacher took it away. He was told he could have it back at the end of the year... When he went to go get it after all that time, it was gone. :/ I still remember that for some reason...

    Yeah, I've heard that theory. I guess it would make a bit more sense if it was really the case, but I don't give SE that much credit to think of something like that. ^^; Seems FF VIII spawns a whole lot of fan theories, like the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory. I actually kind of liked that one, since it would have given Ulty a bit more motivation/backstory, but SE came out and said it wasn't true, so.... Bleh...

    Hope you get to feeling better. Food sickness is not fun sickness... Not that any sickness is particularly "fun", but when your tummy hurts, it's one of the worst feelings ever, because you can't make yourself feel better with yummy foods. :/
  7. View Conversation
    Haha, I laughed so much at the "bigger they are..." comment. xD

    Like mind-control? It could be a helmet like in Ren and Stimpy. (sorry about the shaky cam... Twas the only full vid I could find in a hurry)

    Nah, it doesn't make you a jerk. I sympathize with Zell though.. I thought it was lame when teachers would take my cool stuff and say I could have it back at the end of the day. I bet if kids forgot their stuff, the teachers would take it home for themselves! /conspiracy Maybe it's the emo crowd that makes it so popular... Nah, that's mean. VIII was pretty good throughout the first disk, imo, but then after that.... ^^;

    X-2 had some nice piano ballads. Memories of Lightwaves was pretty good, and Yuna's Ballad was nice too. :3 But yeah, both those concert pieces were terrible. ><
  8. View Conversation
    I'm sure there's some drill sergeant or Navy SEAL that could do a 1000. Probably just part of their training...and that's probably the easy part.

    I'm pretty sure it's paint, except on the scaly-looking areas. I didn't know that push-up bras were made in bigger sizes... Figured it was only for the A and B-cup range. And yeah, I guess "perkiness" is a lot better than saggy. No matter how big they are, it's not attractive when they droop.

    Yeah, I can see your point on that. Maybe one day there will be a perfect balance of impressive visuals, gameplay and story so EVERYONE is happy! Heh, fat chance. There's always gonna be someone who complains.

    Oh, Asian gamers. Always looking for a challenge. Wasn't it a group of Asian gamers that took on that one FF XI boss for like 24 hours straight. Talk about perseverance. Good luck to you as well when you finally face Omega. Not that you need luck. You have skills. :3 That's true. I have a buddy on facebook who does all kind of cosplays. She's got some impressive stuff too...and other things that are kind of WTF? Haha.

    Well, I was a little rusty... Heh, nearly forgot how to cut objects from the background... ^^; But it's good to get back in the swing of things. :3

    Hmm... Now that you mention it, FF VIII was pretty srs all the way through... I was gonna mention Zell's T-board scene as being kind of happy-ish, but then he got it taken away, and it's never seen again. Those JERKS. So yeah, I'd have to agree that for the very few happy bits there were, those always had some kind of downer moment to top it off. :/

    I guess the American branch of SE got some feedback from fans... Harsh feedback. I don't blame 'em. Those songs were awful. :/
  9. View Conversation
    Oh, I know what it's like to get sick off of the food you like. I can't eat carrot cake anymore because of that... I think it was mostly the cream cheese frosting though. So rich... Heh, yeah, you'd definitely be Super Woman if you could manage 1000 of those in a row. ^^; That would probably be one of the most grueling trophies ever too.

    Yeah, she was a really sexy Mystique. Wonder what it was like filming a movie in practically nothing but body paint and adhesive things. She's worn less though in those swimsuit issues I'm sure. And I guess my boobs looking big is the almighty power of the pushup bra.

    Nah, I was still kidding. I'm hoping that they do... It'd be great. I have fairly low hopes of it happening though, especially since games are getting more visual and less story-based. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's pretty impressive what can be rendered nowadays, and admittedly, it can draw you into the experience that much more deeply.

    Wow, DLC galore. Not that I'll be getting any of it...maybe. I dunno. Stuff like that usually doesn't appeal to me much. More fighting with stronger monsters? I get sick of that after a while. More power to those that like that kind of thing though. And lol, Chocolina. Her outfit is so fabulous. Wonder if there will be any cosplayers try and attempt something like that?

    I have a couple of 'em designed up, so next time you're on MSN, I'll show you what I got. :3
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    Aww~ :3 Snuggly wuggly buggly! And no worries. Maybe one day we'll patch things up.

    Free. Free is always good. ^^ And I wasn't really guaranteed a day off on my birthday. Labor day always happens the first Monday in September, so it would depend if the 3rd fell on that day or not... Crazy calender people... Why not just assign actual DATES to holidays?

    I'll snap a pic one of these days. It's kind of cloudy today. Not good lighting for my webcam. >< Your shirt is awesome though! I like the color, and I like how the character isn't just smack dab in the center of the shirt either. Kind of gives it some more visual appeal. Too bad it's so long though. :/ But I'm sure it does make for a nice sleep/lounge around shirt.

    You no like peanut butter? Heh, it's okay. I used to not like it. Somehow, I developed a taste for it, now PB and J is probably my favorite sandwich ever. Do you have to do 1000 push ups in a row or is that cumulative? I assume the latter, but you never know... ^^;

    She looks amazing, right? :3 I hope to look half that good by the time I'm her age... Heck, I even hope to look half that good NOW. xDD I think my chest is small, but maybe I think that because I see images all the time of girls with bigger chests. Gotta learn to love what I got.

    SE will treat us right again one day. It's just going through a difficult period in it's life. Still havent gotten around to watching the vids... I plan to though. If I can't find any, I'll hit you up about it. Not that you just HAVE to do it, especially since it's so close to release.

    Gawd... More DLC. I hope she will just be an auxiliary character, and NOT one where 10% of the story is attached to her (still fuming a bit about's okay, I'll get over though).

    Ah, yeah. After that fiasco that was Spirits Within, I guess Sakaguchi felt pressured to step down... That's lame though. Just think if he would have stayed on, then Lost Odyssey could have actually probably been a FF entry....and one that was on a Sony gaming device. Double sad nao.

    Nice~ Hope the course will be very beneficial for you. ^^ Nothing new with me. Just some forum shenanigans and coming up with design ideas for award banners. I know you're good at that stuff, so if you have an awesome template handy, I'd love some cool inspiration. ^^
  11. View Conversation
    I only speak the truth. :3 And I actually haven't talked to that friend in ages... She's kind of a drama queen, and we drifted apart after a while. Guess I shouldn't call her a friend after that, but eh...

    June 21st... That's when the summer solstice happens, right? Heh, I guess that's why you mentioned it being the longest day of the year too. I'm a September 3rd baby... Nothing really cool about that except my birthday sometimes falls on Labor Day. When I was in school, that was considered a holiday, so everyone could stay home. :3 It is sad, yes... There's all kinds of nice support for her though, and while that can't replace having a daddy around, it is nice that he left a legacy behind for her to be proud of. ^^

    I have cried from songs, but I think mostly because of a scene or a feeling attached to it. I don't think just a song itself made me tear up. Heh, nothing wrong with being soft sometimes. Just makes us more sympathetic and caring.

    Well, I haven't seen my birth mom since I was about 11 years old. She did come into my old work once, which was awkward as hell, but I basically just treated her like any other customer. And oh man.. I can't remember the last time I had to get a needle... Maybe since I'm more mature now, I'll handle it better too...but I kind of doubt it. xD

    He didn't show it to me, but he said he wore it to work one day, and some girls were like "Oooh, cool shirt!" :3 And yeah! I'd love to see your awesome shirts! If I think about it, I'll post a pic of my Mario one. You'll have to forgive the quality of my webcam though... The lighting has to be just right for it to not look grainy.

    Well, I wouldn't call it a "thing". I do think he's adorable, but that's about the extent of it. Kind of like how old ladies will say, "Look at my grandson! Isn't he so handsome?"

    Wow. You're really booking in on those miles trophies (and trophies in general). It would take me ages to get that. I don't have the same motivation as you do though. ^^; Do you eat a little something after you work out? I heard it's easier to gain muscle if you eat a bit of protein afterward, like even a simple spoonful of peanut butter would do just fine.

    What kind of bod do I want? Well, there was this fantastic picture of Rebecca Romijn from last summer, where I was like..."Wow, she looks amazing...and she had 3 kids!" I can't find it now, but it was great: Toned abs, long, shapely legs, nice butt and boobs. I'll never get the boobs I want (unless I pay for 'em, so screw that), but dammit, I'm at least gonna get a butt.

    Oh cool! And yeah, I'd love to hear another critique of the game. :3 Heh, oh Final Fantasy... It does us so wrong sometimes, but we keep coming back to it. Putting it like that makes it sound like one of those abusive relationships though. ^^; I did not get to watch the demo. I probably could if I looked for it on youtube, eh?

    Wow, 25 years.. Seems like a lot of franchises have celebrated that milestone: Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy. Wonder if something was in the water back then to get the creative juices flowing? xD
  12. View Conversation
    Your mom sounds a lot like the mom of another friend. :/ I'm sorry she treated you like that. Gifts should be nurtured, not ridiculed. You persevered in the face of criticism, and you're an amazing artist. ^^ That's saying a LOT, especially considering how young you were when that happened. It's like the saying goes: Pressure will either turn coal into diamonds or rocks into dust. So keep on shining, you lovely diamond~!

    Not a problem at all! Anytime you feel like something's bothering you, just shoot me a message. I'll be more than happy to guess read. ^^;

    Ah, you're a summer baby too. :3 And 26 ain't no thang! It's all about how you feel. ^^ Yeah, he died so suddenly, and left a baby girl without a daddy...

    I've had some songs get me emotional...though if I'm honest, it's not hard to get me to do that, period. ^^;

    Yeah, she was practically the one that took care of me as a baby. My birth mom didn't want another kid, but when she was pregnant with me, my dad and grandma convinced her to keep me around. And I dunno if I really could stick myself with a needle... I think I'd handle it a lot better though if I was in control of the situation though. Guess it'll have to happen to see what I would do though.

    Yeah, shirt brony was a fansite catering to the older demographic of the fandom (i.e. t-shirts for men in the 18-24 range) They had lady shirts too though. Yeah, Hot Topic is sort of goth, but it's the kind of goth that mainstream media would portray a goth as. So, everything looks really REALLY cliche. It used to be catered around music and merch like that. Ah well. I do like Mario, yes. :3 Such fun games, even if the plot is as thin as a wafer.

    Haha, wow. I dig that Fluttershy shirt. Tele has a Derpy one. :3 I haven't seen him wear it, but I like the fact that he has one.

    Pinkie Pie seems to be a lot of peoples' favorite. :3 She does make for some entertaining scenes. I do like comic relief characters. I don't understand why poor Yosuke has such a hard time with the ladies though (unless it IS just because he's the comic relief and that's one of the tropes they follow). I think he's just way too adorable. :3 Those girls don't know what they're missing.

    The youtube thing has grown on me...just like when most things get changed up. Sucks that we HAD to go with the new design, but meh, as long as I can still watch cat videos at 3 in the morning, I'm not complaining too much. xD

    My body seems to be about the same, but I do feel a LOT better these days. ^^ I think that's just what I needed most, and I'm glad it's actually working. What about you? Do you have much to go before you get dat plat for your exercise game? And are you seeing any results? :3
  13. View Conversation
    Hmmm... I guess I thought you all got along better for some reason. Hopefully, you'll be out on your own soon enough. Lots of my buddies say that they're relationship with their parents got a lot better when they left.

    Yeah, Anne Hathaway has some pretty and very expressive eyes. :3 July will be here before you know it. I was skeptical at first if she could pull off a role like that, but man, look what Heath Ledger did with the Joker. Methinks Mr. Nolan (the director) knows how to really get out the best performance from his actors.

    If art is something that provokes emotion, why do games get so much debate whether or not they're truly an art? I know I've had emotional responses to many games I've played, probably more so than just looking at a painting. I suppose that goes with what you said of "different people have differing ideas about art" though.

    It's okay. I cope with it better now. Heh, I can understand that. Feeling helpless is not fun, which is why I hate getting needles. I'm sure I'd be okay if I was the one sticking myself, but when someone else is doing it... ^^;

    Yeah, I've heard Bladerunner was really good. Kind of long though. And it was suggested that I watch the director's it'd be even longer. Did you like Jacob's Ladder? It's kind of dated, but I thought it was still a good psychological thriller. Had some pretty good visual effects for the time too.

    Haha, you're cool enough to wear one. :3 There was one third-party source that had some really awesome designed ones, but I guess they stopped now. Tried looking for the site again, but all I got was this. Hot Topic has some MLP shirts, but...ew...that store is awful. Anyway, I think your LBP shirt will be just fine. ^^ If nothing else, it can make a cute undershirt. Just find a collared button up shirt to wear over it, and have Sackboy peek out from behind it. :3 Or yeah, it can make a good gift too. I have one Mario shirt. It's a little small for me though. It's probably gonna go in my pajama drawer sometime. That was nice of your bro though. :3

    My favorite pony is probably Rarity or Fluttershy. Spike is awesome too, but he's a dragon, not pony. You have a favorite at all? And yeah, Chie is awesome, though I like Yosuke a lot as well. Poor guy can't catch a break though. He's the comic relief!
  14. View Conversation
    You and your folks get along well nowadays, right? I suppose that's good that they at least eventually got the parenting thing down to the best of their abilities.

    Yeah, I can see how someone could think that. If you play the story mode, you learn why they don't appear later... But all in all, it's still a game that's pretty much more flash than substance, to me anyway, so you're not missing out. ^^ I want kitty woman in my game because her DLC makes up 10% of the story... Rocksteady did that so people would buy new instead of waiting for used, because you get the Catwoman DLC free with a new copy. If you buy used, you have to pay like $10... Michelle Pfeiffer was indeed an amazing Catwoman. I wonder how Anne Hathaway will do in the new Batman movie coming out?

    Well, I've been told that art is about content, not skill, so maybe those modern artists have something going on... Could use a bit of an attitude adjustment though.

    Sometimes, yeah, I'll get nightmares from that stuff, but I don't recall the details for long. I think the last dream I remember having vividly was when I saw my Grandma. She died nearly two years ago, and I remember hugging her in my dream and asking her not to leave. Then I woke up feeling sad. But no worries about that. And yeah, wouldn't want to suffer some injury... ^^; Would you do anything like that if you had the chance? I think I'd like parasailing. :3

    Hmm... I've never heard of that movie...and from what you said about it, I'll probably not watch it. There's still a bunch of mainstream classics I have to see someday (Bladerunner and the Goonies to name a couple), so I'll likely not waste my time on something called Tideland.

    I think crazy people are okay if they're not bothering me, but if they get in my personal space, I get apprehensive, as I'm sure most would anyway.

    No... I wish I could though. There's some cute MLP shirts that I would totally get, and some VGA merch I would buy too, just to support the show. That is a cute shirt~ :3 I love the fitted look and the design is really nice. ^^
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, that's the thing. Not everyone back then had access, but as the years and technology advanced, more and more people could connect...including dumb ones.

    Aww... That's kind of lame that your parents were more "hands off" types...however, looking at it from another angle, everything you've accomplished has been because of your own self. ^^ *pats you on the back* Job well done, madam! Parents really shouldn't let their issues affect the lives of their children though... I used to hate it when my mom would butt in my business, but I've learned since then that she was just making sure we were doing our best...though it can still get annoying.

    Duodecim was a prequel, and then that one had a downloaded prequel called Prologus, which gave you Aerith as an Assist character. Which sort of brings me to say I guess Duodecim was so cheap because SE could make bank on the DLC... ^^; Not from me though. I can live with out that stuff....some of it anyway *thinks of Catwoman DLC from Arkham City*

    To be honest, I tend to usually lurk on most popular and whatever things the people I'm watching submit... ^^; But yeah, I can see your point. Guess it's putting the "deviant" in dA, eh? And yeah, that's a good idea. If I get this one bit finished, I'll let you see, and you can tell me if I should finish it or just leave it. Haven't worked on the pic in a while though, so I dunno when I'll be able to show ya, but I'd really appreciate your opinion. Heh, I guess it's good that most artists are super critical... Can you imagine if they were full of themselves? I'm sure there's more than a few that are though.

    I guess it depends if it's a good thing or not. For me, I'd say it's good, because you probably don't get nightmares from that stuff. I know I do. ^^; But I can see your point about wanting the excitement back too... Maybe you could take up bungee jumping, swimming with sharks or skydiving? That'll get your thrills on.

    I don't even think I've heard of a film like that... Pretty sure something with that kind of content wouldn't be a mainstream thing. Was it an independent film or anything, or can you think of the actors that were in it? I'm not gonna watch, but you have my curiosity piqued as to what the name is.

    Yep... Bioshock. On my first playthrough, I either had someone on MSN talking to me to keep me company or I had lights on...or even both. I am not a brave person. xD
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June 21, 1986 (38)
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