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  1. View Conversation
    That's true. I watched a bioshock 2 walkthrough, but they pretty much blitzed through the game... Didn't even pick up a lot of the audio tapes, much less listen to 'em. :/ Oh well, shouldn't complain over something that I watched for free, really. When people are essentially "talking to themselves" and feel they have to be entertaining for their faceless audience, I think that's what causes most people to be annoying. Yeah... That's not really a collection... More like a double pack. Maybe they didn't have enough disk space? I bet my money on the "tight bastards" comment though.

    Yeah, it was interesting seeing titles that I wasn't too familiar about. :3 I'm sure I'd have to really dig around to find some of those...mostly the JRPGs. Those aren't too big in my neck of the woods, unless they're mainstream (like FF).

    That sounds like a good way to strain/damage your muscles... I'm more of a 'slow and steady wins the race' type of gal, but if it works, more power to the people who try it out. The "never sit for a whole hour" tip seems legit though. Maybe I should start doing some light exercises every hour on the hour for a few minutes. At the very least it'll kick start my energy levels.

    You've got toned abs and a slender build, right? Are you wanting to look like a body builder type? I'm joking, but I think as long as you feel good, then you're doing just fine. I can understand wanting to see actual physical results with all that work that you put in.
  2. View Conversation
    Well, I have tried, but failed, so I did it the easy way and altered the PS2 clock. You can also have him eat spoiled rations and it'll end the fight eventually. Guess that stuff doesn't matter to ya, since you can take him on in a fairer fight.

    I like them because of their character tics, also they're supposed to represent the emotions felt in battle. I like personifications of concepts like that, even if a majority of the confrontations were essentially filler. Still entertaining though. Well, once you beat the game, it'll make a lot of sense to ya.

    I watched a bit of a playthrough of the first game. Didn't get too far though. Just some part about finding keys. I didn't care for the commentary... Heh, that seems to be a problem I have with a lot of playthroughs... WHat all games are in the Silent HIll HD collection? I could google it instead of asking, lol, but I am lazy.

    Congrats on finishing the challenge! You played so many games that I barely heard of...or never experienced. That's awesome that you had a lot variety though. I feel like I talk about the same games over and over again. ^^;

    Aww, it's not a problem at all. :3 I like our conversations. And I'm keeping well enough. No real complaints, but nothing too interesting going on to talk about either... ^^;

    3 minutes a week... I bet you really have to watch your diet in order for that to have any kind of effect, but I'll be interested to hear about it if you decide to watch.
  3. View Conversation
    Yeah, I have to have a bit to warm up to the controls for games too. Heh, but I only become slightly competent at games, never great. I'd never be able to do something like sneak up on The End, much less do the "sniper kill" when you see him on the dock with Volgin earlier in the game. Ah, already planning a second run. That's some dedication, lassy~!

    Yeah, Volgin is pretty gross, in a depraved sort of way (and in a general sense I guess too). I kind of like the cobra unit though. They have such interesting quirks, even if they are a band of killers. And yeah, Major Ocelot is a Revolver Ocelot in his youth. The Snake you see in MGS1 and 2 are not the same one you see in 3. I'll leave it at that.

    I dunno. I'm not really the one to talk to about this kind of thing. Not all that educated about my own nation's healthcare. Sad, I know... I just know that I avoid going to a doctor unless I just need to.

    Not in my area, unless I want to hang with a bunch of dudes, and guys tend to think about other things when they're with a girl. :/ Ah that's cool. Pretty sure SH is a big deal here in teh States too, I just never had a chance to get into it myself. ^^;

    yep, that one works. TY~ ^^ Bleck... That girl has to eat that thing he's carrying... Poor thing. Read on TV tropes that there's multiple endings. Replayability~!

    Oh wow. 30 days did pass by really quickly...and I'm behind on what you picked. ^^; I'll check it out when I'm on FB again.
  4. View Conversation
    Maybe. Never too late to pick up a bad habit though.

    Quick learner! Nice to hear you're enjoying it too. Since you're hunting animals, are you trying to collect as many trophies as you can in this first run? Some of 'em seem like they'll be tricky... You can do it though. ^^

    Probably, sad as that is to say. Luckily hasn't happened to me yet. Hope it never does.

    Well, as long as they have the interest in games (even a casual one), that's a big step up from the people I tend to run into. ^^; Do you think you'll have to explain who you're dressed up as though? HOpefully there's some uber SH fans that will spot you before you have to say anything. Well, at least she's a lot more modest than Miss Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca. But yeah, if you feel too uncomfortable, I'd just add in some nude colored tights or something.

    Aww, the video is not available in my country... That's dumb! It's all the same internet, why can't i watch the video! >< Sounds pretty grotesque, but unique too. TV tropes likened in to a mix of "God of War, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and a Dating Sim." Pretty sweet. Might actually check it out if it hits the US.

    My avy says "I steal from the riches, and give to my bitches". It's a temp avy until I can think of a new one that I really like. Kind of having a brain fart as to what I want though.
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    Not a problem. Just hope you don't become a trivia junkie like me... ^^; Spend too much time learning things I'll never use in the real world, but it's interesting to me, so I suppose that's good too.

    My bro didn't like the control scheme in 3. He'd just come off from playing 4, and I asked if he'd like to play the third one. He tried it for a bit, and got to the ruined building to rescue Sokolov, and he quit. Said there wasn't a good enough detection system like 1 and 4 had. I told him "Marc... This takes place in the 60's.... They're not going to have stuff like that back then." But yeah, it takes some getting used to. Good luck if you decide to take on the rest of the game. ^^

    Well, luckily that hasn't happened to me yet, but I am afraid what will happen if it does. Probably go into debt pretty quickly.

    Haha, yeah, that'd be nice to have some irl friends who actually like similar stuff that I do. You could wear the Heather Mason outfit as just everyday wear too. Way to go, you! Pickin' something that has a lot of uses. Lol, when I did a google image search, one of the first things that popped up was a comparison shot of her and Ashley from RE4. Way to go stealin' Heather's look, Ash. XD

    I've heard of the Xenoblade Chronicles, but this is the first I've heard of Pandora's Tower. Might look into it to see what it's like. ^^
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah, if you need facts for just about anything, tv tropes is the way to go. You could try the Silent Hill wiki too. Fan communities are some of the best places for diggin' up obscure and interesting tidbits. :3

    Nah, not too long. I think you should be able to complete the story in roughly 15 hours or so. If you're going for completionist, that will of course add to the time.

    Yeah, that's what I thought was so weird... Maybe it happens when just one ear is infected, because my other ear is fine. Well, I went to a specialist, and they charge a lot more than a general practitioner. I'd love me some free health care though. Heh.. Sorry, I'm sure it's not as bad as what I make it out to be... Still hope you make it to the States one day.

    Yeah, there's a few that pop up every now and again. There's apparently something called Glitch Con that's gonna happen near to where I live. It's a more general kind of con, so there's something for just about everyone who's into that stuff. I don't think I'll go though. No one to really pal around with. Something like that seems like it'd be more fun when you can nerd out with a buddy. NICE! What costume are you gonna pull together? I still say that you could sew yourself a pretty sweet Taokaka hoodie. Wow, she does look good. Cheap gunblade is cheap though, but it really doesn't distract too much from her appearance. ^^

    I do not... I only have the two Zelda games (which I finished Skyward Sword last night~), Mariokart, Wii fit, and Smash Bros... No JRPGs for me yet, though I might check out the Last Story when it finally hits the States. Tell me if Fragile Dreams is any good. ^^
  7. View Conversation
    Oh yeah, man! I love learning random facts about things. It's my addiction...which is why I'm always on tv tropes. I've avoided the Silent Hill pages, for the most part, so anything you have to say will be news to me. I say brave, though as the old saying goes, "those that fight and run to fight another day". ^^;

    Aww, poor Snow really can't catch a break. Even his creators might have it out for him.

    Oh, lol. I should have figured, but with all the MGS3 talk..and you have the collection too! Hope you have better luck than I did. I'm sure you will though.

    Yeah, I thought it might be a swollen gland, but it's only the one side.. I'm sure that happens though. Heh, I would get it checked, but man, I really don't want to wait in a doctor's office...or pay the fee. It's not too costly, but definitely a lot more than I want to pay just for a quick check up. Last time I went to a doctor, he examined me for like 3 minutes, and I wound up paying $150... :/ Robbery, I tells ya.

    SWEET! Hope you both have a blast. I'd love to go to a con. Are you going to dress up? Or just run around in casual wear? Also, don't buy any merch until the last day! That's when the prices get slashed (or so I hear...). I've never met anyone from the nets, no... I want to someday though. :3
  8. View Conversation
    Well, when you're recording, people can hear your reactions, but when you aren't, they only have what the character on-screen is doing to judge what the player is doing. So, yeah, reactions when recording are better. You could put up subtitles too if there's a part in the game where you want to have a bit of commentary. Haha, you are a brave one. I tend to have to compose myself first before facing any scary situation, and that means getting far away from whatever it is that's after me. ^^;

    Lol, looks like it. I wonder if the developers who made that thing even LOOKED at a cat when they made that. Or maybe it's supposed to be a combination of breeds... You know, to make it more FF-like. xD

    "that game", MGS3? :3 And if you fast forward the clock a week, you don't have to fight The End. I was lame and couldn't pinpoint his location, so that's what I wound up doing.

    They do feel a bit better. Still have some sharp pain every once in a while, and there's a bit of a lump underneath my jaw near the ear in question... Wonder if it's just swollen something or other, or if I should get it checked out? I'll give it a few more days, just to see what happens. Thanks for the well wishes though. :3

    Lol, that's pretty much what all memes amount to.
  9. View Conversation
    I checked youtube, and the only vids up so far with all the cutscenes are in japanese. :/ Maybe if I watch 'em, I'll pick up on some of the language. Not likely... 3 sounds good to me! And I think as long as you're not recording, it's fine if you don't react (get scared). :3 Unless you're like me and have the character run in the opposite direction of the danger a lot.

    Well, I eventually figured out what it was. For a few moments I wasn't sure. ^^;

    Lol, yeah, that's what Tele said, that the ears were super tiny. Maybe it's becuase it has such a big, round head that they look that way.

    Nah, it's not terrible. You gotta do what you gotta do! Especially since you have to work your butt off for that straight amount of time. Only times I altered the clocks in my gaming systems was in Animal Crossing (shame....) and in MGS3 so I could beat The End (more shame...) ^^;

    Oh, I didn't hear the woman at the end... I'll have to go back and listen to it, when I'm not nursing an earache. Should be okay in a day or so. ^^

    Gah... Maybe they should. Or at least get some damn focus already. SE really piles their plates full of projects, which is great that they work so hard, but it'd be even nicer if we got some amazing titles in a timely manner.

    That's...interesting. Is this some kind of minor meme that hit the youtubes?
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah, maybe I should just look for all teh cutscenes instead. ^^; Would take a hell of a lot less time, and possibly won't have to sit through commentary too. Oh nice. I don't think I can really think of a female lead that I think is totally well-rounded. They are a rare sight in the gaming world indeed. I'm down for whatever you decide to pick though. ^^

    I don't mind being scared if I know it's just a "fun scare", but when my mind starts to play tricks on me, that's when I don't like it so much. Like last night when I was trying to sleep, it was storming and the tree outside my window was scrapping against the roof and window. >< Silly to be scared of that, but I can't help it...

    Oh gawd. That cat's face has plummeted into the uncanny valley. I think it's the eyes...and the way too roundness of the head that bothers me.

    Is it possible to mess with your PS3 clock to make it to where the game thinks you did a work out everyday?

    Those chocobos look like parrots. Love the coloring though. :3 But oh gawd, dat theme music....and the scream. YOu weren't kidding, eh?

    Wow, so soon. It'll be here before you know it! Wish Versus XIII would get on the ball like that. :/
  11. View Conversation
    Urgh, yeah... those random encounters is making this XIII-2 playthrough a lot longer. In some vids, that's all he does! Feels like a waste of time to watch that, so I usually skip over those parts...if youtube isn't being an asshole. I'm up for whatever you feel like playing, I just know of SH 2 more because of the fan hype. I don't let that get to my head though. Heh, no. I'm not that bad. I do sometimes cover my eyes though... ^^;

    I sort of wish I had more interest in world news. Seems like the mature thing to do, but I just don't care... It's all a bunch of petty squabbling and fear mongering to me. I don't need that in my life. I scare myself enough as it is.

    Wow, that sounds about like what my luck would be... Can you transfer your save data pretty easily from system to system? That's what I liked about memory cards. Just pop 'em in, and all your stuff is there. :3

    My sleep seems fine so far. Been waking up fairly early, so that's a plus. ^^

    Lol, nyan snow. SO silly~ I love all the nyan parodies though, even got the original nyan song on my ipod for some reason. xD I think I saw it when I first started watching the playthrough, didn't get a good look though. Poor kitty. Ugly and named after Snow... It's suffered enough.

    Congrats on your new trophy, and best of luck with the shorter one! sounds like you have to be pretty diligent for the next 3 weeks though. heh, you have a lot more discipline than I do. ^^;
  12. View Conversation
    Well, if you screw up, you can use the magic of video editing to make those mistakes disappear. Did your playthroughs last a long time? I know RPGs tend to get into the 40 hour range...and that's usually bare minimum. Haha, I will try, if you upload the vids. No promises though. I scare very easily...

    Yeah, I figured a lot of that content would be flagged for copyright or something, but then again, it could be protected under fair use when people add commentary. I dunno. Politics makes my head hurt.

    Wow, you have two ps3s? That's pretty cool. I want the slim version, mostly because it's slimmer. Great reasoning, right? xD But yeah, it'd fit better on my tv stand thing, and not take up so much space. Might not heat up as much either. And yay for tricks to get annoying trophies!

    Yeah, I do think it's sad that time seems to go by faster when we're older. Oh well. Guess just that's how it is. And TY~ I hope I don't fall back in the old routine again. That was pretty awful. ^^;

    I'd love to get some kind of program where I could extract character art from games. :3 I don't think I'd distort it like that, but it would be kind of neat to see all the effort that goes into those things first hand.
  13. View Conversation
    I heard good things about 2...and I dunno if just ten minutes will be enough! J/k, do it for however long you want. That's another game I should probably look into, though I'm sure I'll be playing with the lights on if/when I do. Silent playthroughs can be fun~ You could always do annotations or whatever if you have something to say about a particular scene too.

    Urgh... That's not good storytelling... Then again, it could just be incentive to get the DLC, if anyone still cares. Seems like the sequel is going over better than XIII reg though, unless you count the gripes about the endind... ^^;

    Congrats~ So the slot machine trophy was the most challenging, I assume?

    Yeah, kind of sad if you think about it. Today was going by reeeeaaaal slow for me though. Took a nap to pass some time, so I hope that doesn't f*ck up my sleep schedule again...

    Oh gawd, is that the body of a lawn gnome? XDDD
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah, it's hard getting views on vids when there are already so many up. ^^; Are there any games in the future that you'd like to do your own LP about?

    I am a patient lass, especially when I have to be.

    I dunno, it's the only version that I looked into though.

    Nah, just catch up when you can. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.
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    I dunno...but there sure does seem to be a lot of 'em around the youtubes.

    Timely and yet totally unintentional! Good thing I don't blush easy on stuff like that, or I would almost be ashamed of myself. xD

    That's true... But I still have hope, since FF IV Complete was a lot cheaper than buying the After Years on teh Wii, plus there's teh added content of what happened in between FF IV and the After Years. Might take a few years, but I will have my XIII-2 complete collection!

    For realz. Maybe the big spellbook that comes with the DS game was too cumbersome. *shrugs*

    Just this one. I have an account at FF Shrine forums, just so I can see the music download links (shhh...our little secret, kay? ) I occasionally find myself on some other message boards when I google things, and I'm curious to see what people have to say, but yeah, this is my main one. :3
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