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  1. View Conversation
    Well, I just got to a part where Yuna said she was raised by the Temple when she arrived in Besaid, so I guess all those kids are in the care of Yevonites....which is probably worse than just letting 'em run around. ^^; Haha, that picture. I bet the response would be lame, since Hope and his dad sort of got a better relationship after the events in Palumpolum.

    Yeah, I'd say it counts. Some of those puzzles can be downright cruel, especially when you're running from some of those "killers".

    Sure do! You're so motivated irl too. That's plenty to be proud of. ^^
  2. View Conversation
    I dunno. I'm not too familiar with how adoption in Spira works. Seems like since Sin killed a lot of characters' parents, they pretty much were left to look after themselves. Wakka doesn't remember his parents, and Lulu lost hers at age 5. Maybe the whole village decided to raise them. *shrug* Aww, poor baby. Well, maybe a pack of Ronso will take it in. They're used to seeing hideous creatures.

    I think you got the market cornered on that. Dun't think too many people thought of giving 'em body hair before. Dat lisp.

    Oh, haha.. Yeah, that makes things pretty much a breeze, eh? Do you play puzzle/logic games at all? That'll keep you from getting "complacent gaming syndrome".

    Ah, yeah~! Good thinkin'. Speaking of which, I haven't checked on that group in ages. Probably nothing going on anyway, which is exactly how it should be. The members make me so proud~
  3. View Conversation
    Everyone should have more respect for Auron, or he'll unleash his mighty bushido skills on 'em. Aww, poor babby... It'll have a face that only a mother could love... Unless Yuna decides to leave it on some poor soul's doorstep. Lol, yeah, I can understand that though. People might think you're one of those shippers.

    Plastic bag people, eh? You might be on to something! Also, Hypellos are amphibians. No fur on those badboys! Unless you count your fanart of 'em.

    Yeah, I can see how that would become kind of tedious. That's the beauty of RPGs though. Grind and grind so once you get to a powerful enemy, you can stomp 'em in the dirt with no problem! That's my strategy anyway.

    Haha, thanks. I need all the luck I can get. I can be quite the lazy one, you know. ^^;
  4. View Conversation
    Haha, yeah. I don't blame you. It's been ages since I've played it though, so I thought about doing another run just for fun. Forgot just how much fun the character interactions in battle can be. Little quips here and there from the cast are hilarious sometimes. Tidus: "Don't break any bones, old man." Auron: "Hmmph." Whaa? Your art skills are great! Unless you mean that you'd make the kid look goofy on purpose. They may not be half-tree in the sense of the word, but they were designed to look like trees a bit. So, your joke still works. xD

    I can't really think of any fictional races that I just outright hate. Mostly, I'm just "meh" about 'em, unless you count the moogles from XII. They're sooo cute! ^^ Even if they are just furry type things.

    Aww, so is the game pretty "meh" so far, or just the characters? And hmm... I think if money wasn't an issue, I'd get the 3DS definitely. I dunno about any other systems though. I usually wait until there's a few games I want before buying the actual hardware.

    I am not working out at all... I was doing so good too! I just lost motivation. I am trying to get it back though, just gotta do a little at a time so I don't feel overwhelmed. Oh yeah, I forgot about the not sitting for a whole hour thing... Better put that on the "do not forget" list too. That's good to hear that you had an easy monthly. Maybe the exercising is releasing some nice endorphins so your body can tolerate the pain better! Heh, I'll definitely keep it in mind now. Anything to combat those brutal monthlies!
  5. View Conversation
    I don't recall anyone actually saying they were half-tree in the game... Just one NPC asking Tidus if they look strange to him, then saying that she thought that humans were downright hideous. ^^; I have no idea what the kid would look like if they had a baby together... They aren't ugly characters (strange on Seymour's side, but not ugly...), so it would probably be at least kind of cute? *shrugs* Hah, oh man. That's a trifecta of manly love... Well, questionable manliness on Kuja's part. What is guano? It's bat droppings. And lol. I can't help that I'm a hater of fictional races. Damn them! (not really)

    Yeah, you probably are a lot more patient with it too. So how far are you in Xenoblade? Are there any characters that you like? And apparently, Nintendo's next console is the Wii U, which is basically just a higher powered Nintendo Wii. So, that's what's in store for the next generation of consoles. Methinks I'm going to be stuck with this gen for quite a bit longer. Not that it's a bad thing. I have a hefty backlog I can play, and when new consoles come out, helloooo price drop~!

    Ah, thanks for the recommendations. :3 I'll check 'em out when I get a chance.

    Urgh, I hear ya on getting sick of the routines. I felt that way about my wii fit. Had to really motivate myself to do my 30 mins. Not bad if you switch out yoga and strength training every other time you workout. Eesh, that's not good to hear that other people have had problems... That will suck if you do all that work and never get it. I have faith though that you will, just don't kill yourself trying to get it.
  6. View Conversation
    I never realized that the Guado were designed to look like trees until I read it in the FF wiki. Makes a lot more sense why Guadosalam looks the way it does too. Also, my spellcheck keeps wanting to change "Guado" to "guano" xDDD I never noticed the shoes on Caius. His outfit is kind of girly anyway (purple and feathers...), so maybe he wanted his shoes to match. Not judgin', just sayin'.

    Yeah, I sit pretty close to the sensor bar. The batteries are dying now, so sitting that close helps register that I'm using it too. Need moar batteries. Curse my cat for eating the cord to the original sensor bar. There's also reverse racism where people act too nice or something to others of a different race. I saw that in a comedy movie though (Office Space), so I don't think it's a real thing.

    Maybe I could watch some english TV then. I hear Blackadder is good, and that new Sherlock series has been getting a lot of good reviews.

    Oh man. Glitched trophies... I had that happen to me in NieR. Didn't get the one for viewing the second ending to pop, so I had to play through the game 4 more times to get it. :/ That doesn't quite compare to the workout trophy not popping though... All that time...and you can't cheat? Lame... Glad to hear your stamina has improved. ^^ Can you try again for the trophy? Or maybe look online to see what the deal was with it? That's messed up if you can't get it.
  7. View Conversation
    I guess that's true.. Haha, do you remember the wedding scene? I just got passed that part, and never realized that Seymour's hair horns stick out from the back of that silly hat he wears. Oh Seymour... Your character design is just all kinds of ridiculousness... And yeah, I like how he just kind of shows up inside of Sin with no explanation about how he got in... It's like the game makers said "oh yeah, we need to do something to tie up that Seymour debacle..." I should really get back to watching the XIII-2 scenes. Glad to hear he's a pretty dastardly villain after all.

    Heh, my room is kind of small, so there's only so many sweet spots to try and find. I sit down to play my Wii too, unless I am doing wii fit. Yeah, I couldn't think of the proper term. Racist was the only thing coming to my mind atm... Geez, can't say black coffee? That's really ridiculous. Hopefully it's not true, if it is, then man, people really need to toughen up.

    Ah, that could be it. Guess that means I should watch more foreign films.
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah, I think I'll stick with my classic PS2 release. It's doing me well so far, though I do have some questions: Like, Seymour is an unsent now, so can he still become a Final Aeon? If not, then his plan sucks. Also, to become a Final Aeon, the summoner and guardian need a strong bond. HOw is Seymour gonna get that from Yuna? Even if she does marry him, she won't have those feelings for him like that... His plan still sucks. He didn't think this thing through.

    Heh, I don't doubt that (the controls). Wii motion sensing is all over the place sometimes... Even with the Motion Plus controller, I kept having to recalibrate the thing. Not good in the middle of battle... Oh well. Still had fun with Skyward Sword. Is it some kind of racist for me to say that all English accents sound pretty much the same to me? I guess I haven't really heard too many variations though...

    Hmm, maybe I'll check out some Fragile Dreams scenes on Youtube. I can't remember the last game I played that had limited inventory. Maybe Mother 3, but I barely used items in that game anyway, so I didn't notice. ^^;
  9. View Conversation
    Yeah. I remember last year during the hot summer months I would lay on the floor to try and get cool. Hopefully it doesn't get as hot this year, but I'll live. I always make it through.

    Well, I was talking about the bunny game where your avy came from, but cool that you've found a game that is challenging for you. Finally, eh? xD

    Oh well. They picked the wrong side to be on then.

    Nah, you don't have to bother with it. I'll find some vids sometime soon. ^^ It's fun playing through some of your older gems anyway. That's what I'm doing with FF X. Not gonna do a complete run though. Just in it for the story. :3

    Tell me if you enjoy the Xenoblade game. I'm sure it'll be a long one, being an RPG and all. Good luck and have funtimes~!
  10. View Conversation
    Nothing happened that I can think of, other than the weather being so nice. We really didn't get much winter this year. Not that I'm complaining. I just hope it doesn't become unbearably hot soon. ^^;

    Well, it didn't take me too long to update the thing, since I really own a handful of games now. I did add some that were formerly owned as well, just to keep track of my gaming experience. Drawing a blank on some of the things I've played for some reason. ^^; I guess my brain is an "out of sight, out of mind" type. I have never heard of that game before. Maybe looks neat though. ^^

    Aww, shucks. You flatter me. :3

    Nah, I don't usually kill unless I have to....or I become too impatient to do the mission using stealth. So, yeah, I'm a bully.

    I'd say it's worth a watch, mostly if you're curious about how life was for people in Japan after WWII. It follows two kids, and they try their hardest to make the best of things. So... If that sounds like you'd be interested, I say go for it. Just be sure to have a couple of boxes of tissues handy when you do.

    Yeah, I'll still watch. Didn't mean to insinuate that you HAD to have commentary or anything. I'm down for whatever you feel like recording. :3

    Eesh... That is not good business practice. I would totally hold off until the price dropped. That's just me though. I'm a cheapskate no matter when the release happens.
  11. View Conversation
    Only if it's interfering with their normal functions would I think that something like that would need to be stopped. If you're doing it for fun, and you enjoy it, doesn't matter how many you get. :3 Just don't let it become an obsession to the point it becomes the ONLY thing you do. I don't foresee that happening though. ^^

    I am the confidence maker! Now if I can just do it for myself, I'll be in business.

    I did pretty good today. Started back on my piano practice, and told myself to not get back online until the evening. Granted, I also had a nap which passed a lot of the time....but it's a start. ^^ But yeah, it's hard to break, for the very reason you mentioned.

    Haha, I can imagine how much work it would take just to organize your collection into something like that. ^^; Nice page though. I should get me a banner and avy for the site, but I'm drawing a blank on what I want...again! xD I'm a fickle one when it comes to that. Speaking of new avatars, I've noticed yours is quite different. Did you do that animation? It's cool. ^^

    Yeah, the backgrounds aren't really anything special. Just gradients and brushwork slapped on to make it a little more visually appealing. Gotta start somewhere though! Thank you for the nice words. Heh, maybe one day I'll get work designing greeting cards!

    Yeah, I know. I should be ashamed, but I'm not. >:3 On the battlefield, its kill or be killed! Fight or die! Gotta make you're own kind of fun in situations like that.

    Oh yeah. Me brains aren't what they used to be. Looked up some more info on wiki, and a lot of reviewers said it had more style than substance. I also read this: Bitmob writer Jasmine Rea called the game an "experience rather than a game" and cited that it had an emotional impact similar to that of Isao Takahata's adaptation of Akiyuki Nosaka's novel Grave of the Fireflies "Emotional impact similar to..Grave of the Fireflies"... I dunno if my heart could take that kind of sadness. That was a hard movie to watch. Cried so much after it was over... T^T

    I don't think it makes much of a difference to me. Just don't go for super easy, or you might get some trolls commenting how much you suck because you're playing on easy. :/ And I don't think it's bad if there's gaps in commentary, especially when there's a cinematic playing (pretty sure you wouldn't talk during something like that anyway). Just have fun! And if you do an LP in the near future, I'll definitely watch! Best of luck if you do. :3
  12. View Conversation
    Oh man. That's lame. I doubt most gamers care if a game gets released on it's anniversary...especially a collection like that.

    Nah, as long as you're having a good time, get all dem platties that you want!

    Yeah, that's kind of steep for as little time that you spend with the doctor. If you feel there's no reason to go, then save your monies. ^^ You seem to be doing great with your exercises on your own time. I bet that helps more than a chiropractor would do for you now.

    Ick, maybe... I never thought of it like that. I know my neck and shoulders hurt quite a bit after a while of computering, so I'm working to not be on it so much so I don't wind up hurting myself. It's sooo hard to break the addiction though. ^^; Hah, sorry. I will try and think of something more fun.

    I registered some of my games at a site called The Backloggery! This will help me keep motivated to finish up the ones that aren't completed, and also keeps track of my wishlist! I dunno how good it'll be for me, but it's worth a shot. :3 I'm Dodie16 on there if you want to see my stuffs, but don't expect to be blown away or anything.

    I made a thing for a friend! It's a FB Banner for his timeline. He likes foxes, so I tried my hand at chibi fox character. It turned out pretty good for me. ^^ He liked it a lot too. :3

    xD I can't help but bully them. They have such awesome reactions. Did you know if you destroy thier food surplus in MGS 3 that they'll complain that they're hungry sometimes during the game? It's also a great way to have them eat spoiled food if you lay it out for 'em, if you're going for a more peaceful playthrough (i.e. no kills).

    Have I heard of Fragile Dreams? It sort of sounds familar... JRPG? Glad you're enjoying it at any rate. :3 So many games, so little time, eh?
  13. View Conversation
    I didn't know an actor still had rights to the work they did. I figured once you got paid for you job, the company gets to do whatever they want with it. I suppose that's why a lot of voice actors are in unions and such so that they still get their fair share.

    That's weird when games get such drastic differences in release dates, especially when the countries are english speaking. Maybe there's a difference in localization or something. *shrugs* Well, at least you have the option to import. :3 Moar games sooner! And congrats on yet another plat. Maybe someday a game will come along that actually presents a challenge for you.

    Yeah, that's a good call. Don't want to waste your time and money on something that isn't benefiting you anymore. Do you think you'll ever go back for a quick check up though? I'm sure since you're taking care of yourself so well, you don't have to worry about it, but I'm just curious.

    My posture could use some improvement, but I don't think it's terrible or anything. Yoga just stretches you out and makes everything feel so inline. It's a good feeling. ^^ I've heard on MSN a while back of an 8 year old who got botox... I didn't read the article, I was too ashamed. She may have been one of those pageant girls. I dunno if you ever watched the show "Toddlers and Tiaras", but if you haven't, don't start now.

    WTF moments make it memorable, but what makes it fun is being able to sneak around and mess with enemy soldiers. >:3
  14. View Conversation
    Oh man, that would have been so cool if it came out in October, since the holiday and all. The 20th of March will be here before ya know it, then you can dive into some SH goodness...again! Some other game was late with the Trophy list too..can't for the life of me think of what it was though.. ^^;

    No, I didn't know about the drama... Mostly because I"m not on the up and up on gaming news like I used to be. ^^; Can't imagine the reason for really changing the voice/music tracks if the originals are being kept in... Maybe for clearer audio? I dunno. Game designers make some pretty interesting decisions sometimes... Maybe they cleaned up the streets to make a good impression on future tree-huggers? Lol, I'm kidding. Yeah, stuff like that makes a place seem a lot more atmospheric. If you take it out, it looks more "sterile".

    When you went to the chiropractor for those couple of years, was it a monthly thing or something? Or did you have to go a lot more/less? I can imagine straightening out a spine would require a lot of pressure to be placed on a person, and not very comfortable at all.

    Good on ya for all your progress.

    These Yoga exercises are supposed to help align your back, so I'll probably just keep working on those...when I get more batteries for my Wii balance board, that is. ^^; What's really sad is that girls are developing body issues at a younger and younger age. Heh, your friend sounds a lot like me some days. I'd like a bigger chest too, but I'm learning to like what I have. I'm sure guys have their own issues as well, but they're not as vocal about them. Sign of weakness and all that.

    Yeah, the snake thing was kind of narmy...but the ending was so moving that it didn't really take away the impact. Plus, there's all kinds of WTF-ery things that happen in the series. The snake thing is probably one of the least "huh?" inducing things compared to some of the others.
  15. View Conversation
    Hmm, that's really odd. Wonder what was up with all the delays? Maybe because 2011 was so strong with big releases, that they figured they would get more cash if they held off until later (when people have more money in their pockets). That's a pretty big glitch... Were the QA testers sleeping during that part? I never had any problems with my copy like that. Granted, I bought mine used, so if something like that did ever happen, I would have chalked it up to poor disk care or something.

    They made changes to the first game to accommodate for whatever happened in the collection? I hate retcons... If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :/

    Heh, I know. Might be a blessing though. It's so easy to look through sites like that and find a crap load of stuff that I don't need. ^^;

    Good luck to ya. Hope you see some results. And yeah, I have no idea what "gunk" was supposed to mean either... >< Doesn't sound too pleasant though.

    Aww... I'm sorry you had to go through something like that... Glad to hear that things are a lot better for you though. What kind of treatment did you have to go through? I thought about getting a backbrace to see if it would help with my back. My backbone sticks out...but people have told me it might just be because I'm skinny.

    Well, methinks more ladies would feel more comfortable in thier skin if there wasn't so much pressure from society to have the perfect body, whatever that is. I have my own issues, so I can't really blame 'em. But I agree...sadtimes...

    Nice~! How did you like the ending? I teared up...granted it doesn't take much for me to get the waterworks going, but damn, that was a shock to the system. Heh, and don't worry about feeling like a dummy. I put a lot of things off for whatever reason, then once I get around to watching/playing/listening to whatever, I'm like "Why didn't I do this sooner???"
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June 21, 1986 (38)
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