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    I dunno how the name came to be. I just heard it a lot and sort of adopted it into my own vernacular. Lame jokes are the best jokes! Almost as good as...PUNS! (I might be lying about both of those things...)

    Some men are like a fine wine...they just get better with age. :3 Still don't think I'd ever actually get with a man who was too much older than myself. ^^; I suppose I'll cross that bridge when/if I get to it. Some dirty jokes can be funny, but an even greater deal of those fanarts head into "WTF?!??!?!" territory... I've only drawn one self-indulgent piece...and this was a looong time ago. Maybe if I work up the nerve to show someone, I'll let you see it... It's not gross or anything, but it is super nerdy.

    Nah, it's all good. You're no bother at all. ^^

    Fashion design games like this. There's always an assload of games like that in clearance bins and cluttering shelves... :/ Easy money, I suppose though. Good on you for ignoring games like that. Probably not worth anyone's time who's over the age of 8. xD

    Oh yeah. One of my online buddies linked something like that to me not too long ago. :3 Pretty epic project, and it looks fairly fluid already. ^^
  2. View Conversation
    Tube= Television. ^^ And I guess my brain isn't working properly atm, because the joke is lost on me.

    Auron is a sexy man. I dig that grey around the temples. Gives him a sort of distinguished look, ya know? Fate also guess my other favorite characters, and he was like "They're soooo OLD!" I dun't care though. :3 Well, funny isn't the word that I would use to describe some of those pics, but perhaps we have a very different view on humor. ^^;

    Whaaaa!??!?! Haha, yeah that is quite unusual. Seph doesn't seem like he's pleased either. xD

    Mmmm~ Yummeh foods makes everything better.

    Oh yeah, totally fine. ^^ I don't think you whine too much. Things bother a person and it's good to have someone to vent to. Thanks for offering as well. :3

    Nah, the ones that look like me get a free pass on life. And dress-up is soooo fun to me~! But I would never buy any of those fashion games. I'm sure you've at least seen them stockpiled on shelves in game store. Shovelware in most/probably all the cases. ^^; You can gender swap in-game? That's pretty cool. Maybe I should give this game a look-see sometime. :3
  3. View Conversation
    Like...literally ANYTHING else: Learn some kind of skill, practice my art, workout my body.... But nope. Just glued myself to the tube and pressed the same buttons over and over again. :/

    Haha, burn. Yeah, quite a few characters got left on the backburner. I didn't mind so much though, because I was just interested in Auron, and considering what archetype his character is, I think he got a pretty decent amount of story. ^^ Quistis, eh? Meh. She was alright, I suppose. Just don't go looking for fanart of her (or most any FF female) with safesearch off.

    If you ever make it over here, I hope you enjoy it! ^^

    That's good. Seems like you're on your way to getting back to your normal self, but if there's a problem you ever want to vent out, just shoot me a message. ^^

    Haha, yeah. I think guys are a lot better at pulling off crazy characters. It seems more natural for them, I suppose. When I have a choice, I usually try to make a character look like myself. However, since the only games I've played where I had customization like that was Sims....well I won't get into that topic again. I do like usually playing girls though, since they have a wider array of clothes and hairstyles. ^^ DRESS-UP TIMES! :3 However, I believe in those Saint's Row games, the clothing can go on whatever gender, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, usually. Still, after I see my total playtime, I get a sense that I should be doing something more productive with that time.

    Wow, our version of FF X really was lacking... Well, for those that actually give a damn at any rate. I made it my goal in life to find a FF character that absolutely no one has any problems with. So far, no luck. :/ We have quite a divisive and opinionated fanbase.

    Yeah, that's a possibility too. Maybe I should have a little more faith in humanity. ^^;

    Ever think of traveling somewhere for a while? It might be good for you.

    Yay~ Glad that mystery is solved. ^^ Feel any difference in your energy levels yet? Might be a bit before it adjusts back to normal, but good to know that you at least got to the root of the problem.
  5. View Conversation
    Nah, I'm not really a completionist or anything. I just do what I feel like doing. ^^

    Ah yes. Nemesis.. I've heard that he's an asshole to face off against. Not that I would know myself. Never bothered doing the monster hunts stuff in that game. Ha, I've endured Seph jokes from a lot of people I'm close to on here, and I've taken it in stride, so maybe I'm calming down a bit on my fandom as well. ^^

    Ah, don't worry about it. It's becoming more common nowadays to do things later in life, even in Japan where that term originated. You do whatever it is that makes you happy, and the rest will follow naturally. ^^

    Aww~ Who would abandon a momma cat and her kittens. ;; At least there was food, and that you all found her. ^^ Yeah, Molly was a stray, and she did like it better at our place too, though I'm sure it def was a step up from living on the street (at least I hope it is~)

    Thanks~ And oh man, it's hard getting out of bed when it's chilly outside. It's been raining for the past two days here, and the gloom outside makes me extra tired. ^^; Does the weather affect you like that too?
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah, I've been taking this playthrough a little slow...and considering my first run has a time of 120+ hours on it, methinks at the rate I'm going now, it's going to be passed that by quite a margin. ^^;

    Oh gawsh... That must have been quite a bit of grinding, but your team sounds pretty baus, especially since Lulu's physical attack is so high. I bet that was quite a sight. Most fans in general tend to go crazy when their object of interest is being criticized...I put myself in that category as well...

    IT has some comedic parts, but yeah, overall it's a pretty grim game. That whole shooting themselves in the head thing threw me off the first time I saw it happen too. I was like "Whoaaaa...." At least it was good to know that Yukari wasn't suicidal in the opening though. ^^ She was just working up the nerve to use her evoker.

    Well, I know over in Japan, ladies over 25 who aren't married are called Christmas Cakes. :/ Kind of depressing that most of society puts so much emphasis on youth, but aging isn't bad. ^^ And since people are living longer nowadays, we don't have to rush into things like marriage and starting our own families. At least that's what I like to think.

    Thank you~ :3 Do you think once you're ready to get another one, that you'll go to a shelter or something? Molly just sort of wandered up to the house one day and decided to stay, and she hasn't left, so that's how she came to live here.

    Heh, that's another way of looking at it, yeps.

    I'm now facing the same lady troubles as you were a couple of days ago, but other than that, doing just fine. ^^ Do you find that you sleep pretty soon after hitting the hay? I remember reading somewhere that if you sleep pretty much immediately when "your head hits the pillow", then you're overtired. If not, then maybe it is over-sleeping. Wish I could be of better help to ya...and hope you get your energy back soon!
  7. View Conversation
    Nah, not too far, but I'm making shitty time in this playthrough because I'm trying to do all the hunts as they become available (other than the elite marks... I'm having enough trouble with the reg. ones as it is. ^^; ) So far, I have nearly 10 hours on the clock, but I'm sure you could get to where I am in like...5 or so.

    I dunno. Never had the patience to actually take everyone around the grid. I think Auron got the furthest, but since he was like in every battle EVER on my playthrough, he had a lot of sphere points to spend. ^^ Think I got his agility up high enough that he could take out fast enemies too, so Tidus became pretty useless after that. Still used him on occasion though. Yuna was totally a doormat. Didn't care for her much in that game, but she's pretty awesome in Duodecim. :3

    Haha, yeah, I thought about that. Didn't know how else to word it though. ^^ I wish he became an actual seal though. It's a lot less terrible of a fate than what he wound up as (and that was in the GOOD ending. )

    She's a...well, to be honest, I'm not sure. Here's a pic if you wanna see though: I love that picture of her. ^^

    Lots of RPG characters are just waaaay too young. It's like, it's a sin or something to have a playable character over 25 or something, unless they're a gruff mentor type.

    Thanks for the tips~ I'll keep 'em in mind when/if I get around to drawing.

    And yet I'm sure they still wait til the last minute to get thier holiday shopping finished. ^^; Maybe that's why it starts earlier and earlier each year, to motivate people into picking up stuff early, and not crowding the stores/roads.
  8. View Conversation
    Heh... Still trying to defeat that mark in the Bhujerban mines... ^^; Haven't really picked it up much since talking to you about it last. Storywise, I need to talk to Marquis Ondore about the resistance and "Amalia's" whereabouts.

    Well, Auron is my absolute favorite from that game, and the others are most useful to me in battle. I hear that Yuna can be a better mage than Lulu if you get her run her along the right path, but eh... I like Lulu as a character much more.

    I hope Persona 5 explores a bit more into what those residents are, especially with what supposedly happened to Elizabeth...
    She's supposedly trying to find a way to free the protagonist from P3 out of being a seal... :3 Aww~

    Yeah, you need it.. Kind of a bummer, but it does help make the wiimote a lot more responsive, and from what I saw from the playthough videos, a battle can turn ugly pretty quickly if you're careless. Music keeps me motivated, but I dunno if I ever really drew inspiration from listening to it. I agree about looking at art though. Sometimes that helps me too, though I haven't really been looking at much lately. ^^;

    I dunno about other people, but for me, yeah. When I totally can't sleep, it's off to youtube I go! It's weird too, because I can just watch my cat do silly cat things, but I choose youtube cats instead. Poor Molly.

    Yeah, for realz about the yummeh designs. Plus, since you're watching their story and personality unfold before you, it sort of gives you an attachment like that as well. People wouldn't have favorite characters if they were just flat and uninteresting.

    Well, I'd like to, but my guy drawings are sort of...meh. I guess I could use that opportunity to practice though.

    Merry Christmas to you too! ^^ I don't think I've watched any specials, but I did listen to my Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack for a little bit today. Does Christmas seem to start earlier and earlier each year? By the time the holiday arrives, I'm gonna be sick of it.
  9. View Conversation
    Well, only tough to me so far in this playthrough when it comes to the Marks. They wouldn't be worth it if they were easy though, no?

    Heh, it's okay. ^^ I don't expect you to recall trivial details like that. X was a pretty good game, especially when it came to the battle system. Loved being able to call in different party members to aid me in battle. Mostly stuck to Auron, Lulu, and Wakka, with occasionally Tidus popping into battle. Poor Rikku, Yuna and Kimahri got left on the sidelines. ^^;

    Aww, I bet he's a sweetie. Looks can be deceiving you know. Too bad we know next to nothing about residents of the Velvet Room. I'd like to know more about what exactly they are and how they live. They're certainly not human...but they're fascinated by things in our world (well, Theo and Elizabeth were... Dunno about Margaret).

    Well, it's probably not good for me, but I don't like waiting for long periods of time either. ^^;

    Skyward Sword is out, just haven't got it... I'd have to invest in a Wii Motion Plus to play it, on top of actually purchasing the game... Gah, why did I pick an expensive hobby? ^^; And I really should do the art thing again... Maybe soon, inspiration will strike me. One of my buddies is like "just scribble up something, and maybe it'll help!" Sounds advice. Maybe I'll take him up on it.

    Urgh.. I saw that.... I do like the colored background though. Much less harsh on my eyes, especially when my brain wants to watch random cat videos at 3 in the morning. xD

    Kanji, eh? :3 Nothing wrong with that, or you. It's all good~! I know I for one have had many many MANY fictional crushes, so if you feel weird about it, at least you know you're not alone. ^^
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    Well, the way I've been playing, I've just been equipping my characters with whatever they find on the field, so no shopping for equipment. Wanted some challenge in this playthrough, and hoo boy, am I getting it... ^^; Thanks for wishing me luck. I'll try again later, once I farmed a bit for loot to sell. My characters blow through potions/phoenix downs like crazy.

    VII is one of my favorite FF games. That and XII are my top faves, the rest sort of get changed around depending on my mood.

    Haha, well, now you don't have to bleach your brain to forget.

    This was years ago, and yeah, she's okay. I think she had a few days of soreness, but nothing unbearable. I have seen that. Steve Martin is hilarious. Aww... Now I have that song stuck in my head. Could be worse though, at least it's entertaining. ^^

    Yeah, I'm a sucker for wikis and such, so I've read up on some facts, but not as much as he has. Dunno how many playthroughs he has under his belt, but it's quite a lot.

    BOOOOOOO! I hate waiting too, especially when it comes to stories. Heh, maybe I should have waited for the whole series to air before watching it, that way I could just blow through them all until my eyes bleed. Wow, that sounds like a pretty fulfilling occupation. ^^ Good to hear that it's something you'd enjoy. I think a person is pretty successful when they're happy doing what they do, so once you get your certification, you'll be sitting pretty!

    Aww, thanks much. :3 Maybe I should pick up on my art again or something. I'll find something to do, maybe... And thanks again~ Skyward Sword is getting a lot of praise, so I can't wait to see it in action.
  11. View Conversation
    Oh good. Now I don't feel quite so bad about taking a day off. ^^ Still, could have at least done a little something or other physically, rather than play FF XII and lurk on the internets. Speaking of FF XII, I may have to give up on the way I've been playing. This mark in the Bhujerban mines is totally annihilating my party. :/ I've faced it like 5 times now, and I get him right down to a sliver of health and it FREAKS THE HELL OUT. Hits my characters like 5 or 6 times in a row before they even get one hit in.

    I can trust people alright, it's just it takes me a bit to warm up to that point. ^^;

    Yeah... Poor Seph. I didn't even attack him in that final showdown. I let him have the first strike, and then Cloud automatically counters, even if you don't have the materia to do it. :/ He did look pretty good with his bare chest all like that though. :B Hoo hoo~

    Well, I'm not a sadist or anything, if that's the impression I've given off. Speaking of teeth, I had a buddy who had a third set of teeth grow in for her. They were forming under her gums, and a dental surgeon had to use some kind of laser to crush em up so they can be removed. When they came out, she said they looked about as big as a 7 year old's teeth would be. Dentistry fascinates me.

    I like the playthroughs where I learn different stuff. Chuggaaconroy is pretty good about weaving in various facts and trivia into his commentary. I bet he has to do quite a bit of research on the subject though. Seems like an awful lot of effort just for a LP, but maybe that's why he has so many subscribers. ^^

    Ah yes. Moar persona goodness~ Later for me though. ;; In the meantime, I'm set to watch a Skyward Sword playthrough! Woo! Care work? Like, sort of a nursing program? Best of luck to ya! Nothing really new with me, no...but good to hear that you're having something going on in your life. ^^
  12. View Conversation
    I have bad memory when it comes to important things. Movies usually stay pretty fresh in my mind for a long time. Kind of wish I had the opposite problem. ^^; Nah, you don't have to say it like that if you don't want to. It's a natural occurrence, so I dunno why people would get up in arms about it. Yeah, I'm sure sometimes the pain isn't so bad. Hopefully this month it won't be, since I've been doing exercises daily. Except for today. I was lazy. ^^;

    Yeah, people come in with a foul mood and just take it out on whoever, I guess. Seems odd to me. I know I don't treat people like that, especially a stranger. :/

    Yeah, in story mode you have to fight him occasionally, but I don't think I've ever chosen him as an opponent. He's just too pretty to bruise. :3 It hurt my heart at the end of VII when his face was all bloodied and he dispersed into the Lifestream.

    Ick... That's pretty messed up. I sort of get how pain can feel a little nice though. When I used to have baby teeth, I liked it when they got loose enough to pull. Felt kind of relieving when the wiggly little thing was gone.

    I don't think anyone really likes their own voice, or at least a majority think they sound weird when they hear themselves on a recording. But yeah, it's hard to keep the entertainment value up while not coming off as just annoying. I'm sure there's a touch too many LP'ers who think they're comedic gold. ^^;
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    Nah, you weren't rude at all. I just realized that the article comes off as rather cynical...

    I can't say that's ever happened to me. I'm pretty good at remembering films that I've watched, unless it was a really REALLY long time ago. Can't think of any off the top of my head where that's happened though. Ah, I thought that "time of the month" was the case. Man, do I hate those first couple of days... It's like my insides are just squeezing together. >< Hehe, as I'm typing that, I can feel my insides start to bunch up... I hope it's just sympathy pains, though I might be starting soon myself. :/

    Yeah, I had a few that would try to drive me up the wall. A job like that probably helped to make me realize that I don't want to work with the general public. They can be reeeeeaaaaal assholes. ^^;

    Oh yes. He was completely playable....after you unlocked him though. He was definitely my first choice to "purchase". :3 I do like Kingdom Hearts. I thought it was a pretty good game, even before I got to see Seph in the Coliseum, so now I'm a fan of the whole series (in general). ^^

    Haha, ewww. I wouldn't doubt there was someone with a bird fetish like that, but the dating sim was hiliarious. I read the whole playthrough thread. The girl who posted it was pretty funny.

    Oh man. I can't think of any that hadn't really been touched on yet. I tend to play games that are more mainstream, with a few underrated gems here and there, and even those sometimes get considered "cult classics", so you can usually find a good number of walkthroughs. Sorry I can't be of any help to you. ^^;

    I know what you mean. I do appreciate commentary sometimes, but not when the voice sounds completely grating to me. :/
  14. View Conversation
    Aww.. I'm sorry for sending you something you didn't enjoy. ^^; I'll try to find something of more entertainment value to you in the future.

    It's a good one, especially for people who are on a date night themselves. Comedy for the guys, and a sweet love story for the ladies. ^^

    Oh yeah? That's lame... I guess that's kind of expected though. Not everyone can have a day off, even though it'd be nice if they did. Yeah, I'd hate to work retail during the holidays... Dunno if I have the kind of stuff to handle difficult shoppers when they're in a frenzy like that, especially that early in the damn morning.

    Well, I read a tv tropes article on that Drakengard game. Seemed alright storywise, but yeah, if the gameplay is crap, then it's not going to keep my attention. And oh hell yes, it was. :3 I had the same reaction when I heard he was playable in the Dissidia games, also his appearance in Kingdom Hearts is the reason I picked that game up in the first place. ^^;

    Good to hear you're feeling better. Did you just have a bit of the queasies? And oh man... Pigeon Dating Simulator... What will the internet come up with next?
  15. View Conversation
    Well, people in general tend to be selfish creatures. Cracked had a pretty good article on the subject a while back. Interesting read, and here it is if you're curious.

    Favorite Sandler flick... Well, I guess I'd have to give it up to either Billy Madison or 50 First Dates. Both are good to me, but in different ways. Billy Madison has that zany comedy shtick throughout the whole movie pretty much, while 50 First Dates is pretty heartwarming...but also has a lot of funny moments. ^^

    Yeah, I'm sure a lot of shops and other recreational places are closed that day, so not much to do to pass the time.

    Oh no problem~ And maybe we were.

    Ehrgeiz, yes. Drakenguard, no. However, the creators of Drakenguard made NieR, and I have played that one and thought it was pretty enjoyable. In fact, NieR is sort of a side story to one of the endings that Drakengard had. As for Ehrgeiz, I played that for a little while at a friend's house when I was a freshman in High School. I squee'd when I saw that I could play as Sephiroth. :3
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June 21, 1986 (38)
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Final Fantasy IX & XII
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