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    Hah, you've really just caught me at a philosophical stage. I just feel a weird need to question things. You know, that may be why I can't sleep.

    A lot of the stuff in ID is just intelligent mocking - sometimes thinly veiled too. The stuff that is actual thoughts and well-expressed opinions is really great, but I'm getting sick of reading (and arguing with) people who get angry on forums, and hide it behind intelligence. It's fake.
  2. View Conversation
    I'm not sure about the insulted part, as many have been very respectful (and I repay in kind), but it just feels kind of weird to state my opinion here when it's... not neccessary? Like how many people have actually changed a major opinion just by reading a post in ID? It just brings out the worst in some people.
  3. View Conversation
    No, it's really just taken as a given as well. Mum may explain a particular festivity from time to time, but no we don't have debates on doctrine or anything. I suppose that's because we'd all just agree haha.

    Mum is currently teaching Religious Education at my old school now, so she's sharpened up on many aspects. She's an English teacher by training, but there are fewer jobs, so she just applied around to get something that paid a full time salary, and ended up getting that one. It's especially cool because her dad (my grandfather), was a foundation pupil there, way back in 1931. Here's a link to it, if you're interested: Welcome to St Patrick's College, Silverstream
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    Well my dad is just a very quiet man to begin with. I think women are more in touch with the whole spiritual, non-material thing anyway. Dad is more likely to teach me how to fix a puncture or something lol.

    Yeah, he explained lots about the differences, but mainly about the history (he's Scottish Presbyterian). He told me about how John Calvin (I think it was Calvin, it could've been someone else), pronounced death over all Catholics. Strange how times have come, eh? Once upon a time we would've been trading insults. Though that still happens, unfortunately.

    He never goes to the local Presbyterian church, and only goes to services at all on Christmas and Easter (to the Catholic church that the rest of us go to). Don't know what is up with that honestly. He gets really embarrassed around Communion. Thing is, we wouldn't care if he went to the Presbyterian one. I think he just wants to be with his family.
  5. View Conversation
    Hi!^_^ I like NGE, but I saw it some years ago, so I don't remember well everything. My favourite character is Rei, but I like Misato too. I also think NGE is a bit confused, but I like when it shows what characters feels and think about some argument like the meaning of life and so on..
  6. View Conversation
    Wow, my mother is Catholic, and my father Protestant. Everything you said applies to me, but in reverse!
  7. View Conversation
    Oy vey, you've given me a lot to respond to! And I thought I gave you a lot, yesterday, ha. I think you may well deserve that reward you were speaking of

    I feel the same way you do about confrontation, really. I will argue for a little bit, but it's kinda emotionally draining to keep that up, likely because I'm really a shy, reserved person. I'll bet it's the same with you.

    Well then, I don't take back what I said before about you being a sweet person ^^ I've also decided that I find another thing you do to be cute; the way you avoid swearing. You don't even wanna say "ass," eh? No one here will mind if you swear, although if you just don't want to, all the more power to you, miss It's not a particularly common characteristic anymore, but it shows character, I think, that you can get across the ideas you want without using any cursing. Now if we could ween you off the word "stupid..." heh heh.

    Yeah, those people you've been working with... they sound really lazy. They probably know what they're supposed to do, they just don't want to do it. So they play dumb. There are a lot of lazy people everywhere, who don't want to do their jobs correctly. You will probably run into them any place that you work. They will try to make you lazy like them, so that they won't look as bad. Don't give in!

    Yeah, it's really hard to find an original idea anymore. I don't know that there's any left; someone will say "that's just like this," or "that stole that from this." But I get what you mean about most fantasy; it's rather static, from author to author. There are only a few authors I really appreciate, and I feel the same way about video games, anymore.

    Modern day fantasies might be the way to go, yes. The medieval times thing has been done to death (although that's the route I've taken with my books, kinda... ) Really, the thing that draws me in the most are interesting characters, good character development, and interesting settings. And good descriptions! If you let me read what you've written, that would be the best way for me to judge. And I'm glad you're excited to read my story ^^

    I will tell you, I only practiced the bass for a few weeks, and can basically do nothing with it at this point. I can play a few simple songs... heh. I want to learn more, though!

    "Jungle Drum," eh? *looks it up on youtube* Is that a newer song? I've actually not heard it before, I don't think. Then again, I generally don't listen to the top 40-type radio stations; I'm more of a college radio/adult contemporary/alternative rock/talk show kinda guy, myself-when I listen to the radio. Really, I don't listen to it much at all. When we do at work, it's classic rock, because the guys I work with are old, heh (I like classic rock too, though.) I'm very much out of touch with popular music, today. For the most part. I'm glad to hear that you have eclectic tastes, too, though; that's awesome.

    I'm glad to hear that talking to me makes you happy ^^ *internet hugs* I won't be on this weekend. Just wanted to let you know, so you don't think I just decided to stop talking to you, or something. Have a good weekend! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Lookit how long THAT was!
  8. View Conversation
    There, I wrote a big long journal entry about my siblings. Now you should write a big long journal entry about yours
  9. View Conversation
    I suppose I'm not always totally honest as per sometimes I won't say something. I think, "if they ask, then I will say." Which is basically lying... although if it is something timely and important, I will always come out and say something. The guy in the band didn't wanna man up and tell you himself, eh? I would probably corner him and demand an explanation, myself. And that dude on the forum... is it a confession as to why he's been behaving like he has, or is he just looking for sympathy? I'm always open to forgiveness, myself, if someone apologizes for something. Although if it's just for sympathy... that sounds like he's probably being a hypocrite, eh? He's gonna be all hardass, and then expect sympathy from others.

    Mostly, I'm just worried about being too familiar with someone-especially a girl. For example; you don't wanna be called "sweet." Crossed the line, there. I shall remember that. I'm glad you like writing back and forth with me, though

    I am the youngest in my family. The next youngest is six years older than me. So I am very much the "baby..." something I've been trying lately to get overcome.

    I've been mostly writing fantasy. In fact, that's pretty much all I've written. I wrote a whole book. Then I showed it to a friend... and after he read the first chapter, he was like, " want me to be your friend, or a critic?" and my spirits were a little crushed, even though others had like it, including a friend who had read it all the way through. That first book probably served best as a learning experience. I will probably rewrite it at some point.

    Right now... I've got writer's block on my second book. Or maybe just disinterest in the book in general. I keep forgetting about it, and every time I remember it, I'm like "I don't feel like writing right now." I do feel it's better, though; because the same friend read the first chapter and said it was much better, heh. Although I think the first 7 or 8 chapters are best of it so far, because I was really inspired when I first started writing it; wrote the first three chapters in a week, and it's tapered down to like a chapter every two or three months... If I'm lucky. I started it a year ago. My first chapter to it is on my deviantart page (I think that version was before my last revision, though... lots of "whilsts.")

    What instrument do you play, btw? And do you only listen to metal, or can you stomach some lighter stuff, too? (like punk or ska, which is what I'm mostly into.) I started learning the bass last year... then the friend I was borrowing it from asked for it back. I need to buy one... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. View Conversation
    Well, there is a connection to God from everyone, but if one person is said to be in greater communication with God, than doctrinal disputes can be settled. It's a means to institutionalism, in my view, which does not have to be a bad thing.

    Hah yeah that was a strange VM tbh.
  11. View Conversation
    Oh, and what did I do to make you "disappointed" and "angry"?
  12. View Conversation
    See, I've been here so long now, I'm used to most the regular members-at this internet level, anyway. So I feel comfortable saying much of the things I say around them. There are some things that I feel pretty risky about saying, but I figure that if I don't say it, probably no one else will. This is an attitude I've been adopting for real life as well, to help me get out of my shell. Actually, TFF has helped a lot in that aspect over the years. There is also to factor in my threshold for when I am fed up with something that annoys me. Once I am fed up, I don't care as much anymore, and am more likely to just speak my mind when po'ed. TFF in general passed that threshold a while ago; enough people were dicks. So when I see someone on here being a ****, a lot of times I get after them. Although I've decided to try and reign that in a little more, as of late. I may be more reserved in real life, but if someone asks me my opinion of something, I will still be honest with them.

    As for the whole calling you cute thing; I dunno, ha. I was just like, "I don't care, I'm gonna say it." I'm worried a lot about coming off as a weirdo or creep if I say something like that to a girl... but I've also passed up a lot of opportunities to say something like that in the past. You didn't seem like the type of person who would react negatively to it, anyway; you seemed like the kind of person who would react exactly the way that you did, and I'm glad, because I've really enjoyed talking and getting to know you; you seem like a really sweet, and honest, person

    Heh. I love my brother, too. Actually, I have two, and a sister. And a half sister who lives in Arizona. I'll probably write about them in a journal entry. I've also read your journal. I enjoy the way you describe things; very metaphorical. Don't like folk or techno music, eh? I like that stuff, but I also like everything. I loved your reaction to folk music, though Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  13. View Conversation
    Well Catholics see the Pope as divinely inspired, i.e., influenced by the Holy Spirit. That may or may not be a hard sell, but it's surely a requirement of Catholicism. I see the Pope as in greater communication with God than other people, as it was an institution appointed by Jesus upon St Peter, the first Pope.

    I'm all for self-interpretation, but if the basis of this is the Catholic Church - the source of doctrine - then I kind of feel like a supreme contradiction :/

    Meh, I'll just keep thinking about it. Thanks for your help yo!
  14. View Conversation
    Ahh... well, now I know! =D
    Well, how about after the contest?

    Tis a long tale involving developing feelings and not wanting them, and them not wanting to lead me on and wanting space.
  15. View Conversation
    "If the church says that God was a woman (I know, totally exaggerated ^^"), then you wouldn't have to believe that. If the church says that only Christians will be accepted in heaven - you don't have to believe it."

    Actually, as a Catholic, wouldn't I/we? I mean the Pope is infallible on matters of doctrine right? So if I decide not to follow a certain teaching, does that mean I can't be a Catholic?
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


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