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    Thank you for the review on my work, I really appreciate it!
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    Nah.. it's o.k.. :-) I just hope.. you'LL be joining other events..
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    That person sounds like she sucks. It is a good idea to ignore her. Don't worry about her; it probably doesn't matter what you do or say where she is involved. *nod* But yeah; why were you just waiting for Monday to come? Why didn't you do something fun? We'll have to work on that next weekend, eh?

    Actually, I'm pretty much the same around kids; I just don't swear, ha ha. Maybe some stuff is a little bit dumbed down, but I like to use more uncommon words around them, maybe help them learn a little. But yeah; kids are cute (mostly before the middle school/high school age, mind you.) They take energy to entertain sometimes, though. Particularly when they are very little, and demand piggy back rides/putting you in jail/knocking you down/some other thing that requires your attention and efforts for a good amount of time that you would rather spend being lazy, ha. And the police; yeah. Isn't that funny? I never really felt that way until I started driving, and got my first ticket. Ever since then, seeing one throws up caution signs in my brain. la la, I forgot to turn off the pump at work. Had to climb the fence and turn it off just now (where I work is right behind my parents' house.) My boss called me, and I was like, "ah, crap!"

    Duelly noted about talking to you in the morning. It might equal death. I'm not a morning person either. It takes a little time to get going, doesn't it? Do you drink any coffee? I do. Not sure if it helps; might be more of a mental thing, eh? And when it gets late at night... I just start to fall asleep, ha. I'll take a little nap, and then I'll be good to hang out again. Your boss gave you a massage? Wow. My boss would never do that for us. It'd probably be weird though, seeing as we're all guys... Did it make you uncomfortable, and maybe that's why you wanted to work again? Like, "This person is touching me... Ehhh..."

    I didn't say it in the e-mail, but you should send your stories to that address, if ya want. Hm.... you dunno why you wanna write, huh? Whether it be to please others, or to please yourself, or to make money? Writing is fun, for me. A creative outlet. And I like to share my creativity with others. Mostly my friends, though. I also draw a lot.

    Corporal Punishment is at your service, ma'am. We are here to serve and protect. Or is it to maim and destroy? Either way. And I will keep that in mind about learning the bass using both fingers and pick. Thankee for the advice!

    As for the date thread; waitwaitwaitwaitwaitWAIT! I didn't mean to discourage the idea; I was just trying to be funny It didn't work very well, I guess... ha ha... As I've said before; I like you. You're a cool, nice person. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. View Conversation
    No, it will last long now. I've seen her true colours, and I don't like what I see.
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    Yes complicated thoughts haha, I'm a little lost. Suffice to say that debating is always a form of aggression, and trying to avoid this aggression can be good and bad?

    Yeah stats has a weird logic, it's not pure, but it's cool how you can find things that don't make sense on the surface, but do eventually, once one understands the processes involved.

    I never play video games during the week, unless it's a holiday. RPGs especially, I just need to be sitting down for a decent period of time, or it just feels weird. What's the point of playing for 10 minutes when you don't even get a level up? Plus story sections regularly take long, and you can't guarantee when you'll be able to save, and if you can't save, then it was a huge waste of time! Handheld games, with 'anywhere save' functionality are the only things I can play for short periods of time. That's why I'm playing KH on gameboy atm, while I'm busy, because that is one game where short periods of playing actually have a return.

    Not British, not American or Canadian... so you're some sort of European?
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    Kewlness! ^^

    And we rowed again. Oh well. Things seem to be ok, just awkward between us. =|
  7. View Conversation
    Oh.. just to Let you know.. the drawing contest is now starting.. check out our cLub to know more.. :-)
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    But if you have me in class, I'd prefer it if you did call me Fate. =D

    Strange, isn't it? All the math teachers are crazy. =P Except the one I had last year, which was really nice to me. i mean, I was talking when she was going over something and she blamed the kid next to me. =D How can you get any nicer than that? ;]
  9. View Conversation
    Back Camping was fun, though sleeping on the ground is less than par. Hope your weekend was enjoyable and refreshing from the week, as well-regardless of whether or not that certain individual you speak of was available to talk to Hope you got in some good hours on FFVIII!

    Yeah, those people are lame. If it helps, it's easier when you take everything those people say as a joke, and counter with a "joke" of your own. That's what I've been trying to do lately (I slipped up a little the other week, though) You could also just ignore them, but what would be the fun in that?

    Swearing is fine by me. I do it all the time on here, and in real life. Just as long as your standing by your convictions, though, right? For example, I try not to swear in front of people who don't like it, although on here, everyone swears, so they're gonna get it no matter what, here. Although I’m beginning to feel like I swear a little too much, especially at work, where at any second, there might be little kids or teachers turning around the corner… A lot of my curses are references to the male genitalia. “Cock mongrel” used to be a favorite. I drop a lot of f-bombs and “shits" as well.

    No, I can’t imagine you being lazy, particularly from your journals ha ha. In fact, I’ll bet you would at least on occasion get annoyed with me for being lazy, heh. Usually I’m pretty good, but when I’m tired, be it due to lack of sleep-like I have been at work all Summer-or physically or emotionally drained, I tend to get sloppy. You’re a bit of a go-getter then, eh? Kinda like my sister. My sister also wanted to be a teacher-went to school, got her bachelor’s (I dunno if she ever got her master’s, though). She never quite got to being a teacher, but I know she works in education in some shape or form (actually, she works from home, due to her two boys. Sometimes she goes to meetings, and my parents babysit the boys.) I wanted to be a teacher too, but when I was going to college, I took classes for the wrong degree for a year without realizing it, and when I finally did, I was like “…ah, crap.” Heh.

    That last Harry Potter focused too much on dialogue and not enough on anything else, eh? That was the biggest problem with my first book, too, and it’s probably a bit of a problem in this new one you’re reading; my stuff is rather character and dialogue driven. It takes some effort for me to focus on what the surroundings look like, what the mood is, etc. The actions of the characters are generally all there, but how they got there, and what the setting they're in is like? *shrug* I’m glad you enjoyed that first chapter, though ^^ Maybe I should upload the other chapters to dA, or e-mail it to you (maybe pm me your e-mail address, or something.) I could post it on TFF too, I suppose, but for some reason, I’m a bit hesitant to do that… But yeah; Lord of the Rings is that original that everyone tries to aspire to write something as good or better than. I have no such aspirations, though; I aspire to write as good a story as I can, and hopefully others will enjoy it, too.

    So a pick helps with playing faster songs? My fingers go all over the place as it is, heh. Try to put my hand in the shape of a chord, and it’s like “no.” How long did it take you to learn the guitar? And you were in a death metal band, eh? That’s pretty awesome. Your aspirations are probably higher than mine would ever be, ha (I’d want to play in like a punk or alternative band.) And I didn’t think for a second that you were that into pop music, missy Don’t worry; your street cred is definitely still intact as far as I’m concerned. Yeah, top 40 sucks.

    You never thought men could write that much, eh? Heh heh heh… if you were near me right now, I would be “getting” you right now. (Not because what you said really bugged me, but just because it’s my job. In my group of friends, one friend is "General Antagonism..." and I forget the others, but my rank is "Corporal Punishment." ) Anyhoo…

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. View Conversation
    But I doubt I would even know that it would it be you when I see you. =P

    Heh-heh, how did you know that it's the math teacher? She sort of ruins my favorite class a little for me. =[
  11. View Conversation
    I'll still be in school by then, so I might have you as a teacher, provided you teach in the same place, same school, and same grade that I'll be in. =D

    Ah, they're excellent. Well, most of them are, anyway. There's one who is really annoying. But the nice ones are very nice.
  12. View Conversation
    That's the reason many people get involved in insult-throwing when they otherwise wouldn't be inclined to it. No one wants to lose. Thing is, knowing when to back off is not losing, it's winning. Still, I see what you're saying, and I agree.

    Nothing is freaky about learning maths! I loved maths, it was my sole logical pursuit when I dived into the Humanities. I took a Statistics paper last trimester and it was great. I'm still considering taking a Stats degree with Geography, but that's another issue I'm hung up on.

    And yeah I'm off TV as well. If I do use it, it's for DVDs. I haven't played a games console in ages, but because I like RPGs, it's kind of hard to sit down for half an hour and get much done. Freaking save points lol.

    And are you Canadian?
  13. View Conversation
    Hmm, that is true about aggression, but it can spiral. Allowing the first instance of aggression invites a second, slightly larger one, and so on, until you may have a flame war on your hands. It's better to just shut up if that happens.

    I think some people just want some level of individual attention, and so try to define themselves as slightly different from everybody else. Personally, I don't see that as individualism anyway. Surely a true individual wouldn't care if something was a group activity/norm or not?

    Yes, most people I know my age are like that too, but I'm not like most people my age, not at all really, and I don't care too much. I've still got my friends, and I've still got my outlook. It's important to be passionate about something. For me, that's my studies, and I'm passionate because I enjoy them. And I'm good at them because I enjoy them, which makes me more passionate. It's self-feeding in a way haha.

    So you're American? I've just heard Americans use the term "Christian". Which I think is terribly misleading. Basically a Protestant is anyone who is not a Catholic or an Orthodox (Eastern Church), and possibly some other minor categories that I'm unaware of. Seeing as America is founded by Puritans (effectively just extreme Protestants), then the "Christians" there are just Protestants. This is the Baptists, etc. Though 'New Age' Christianity is just so different, that it probably should be alled "Chritianity". Though I'm inclined to call it Protestant because it is non-institutionalism, and is basically borne out of Protestant liberal values, then become somewhat conservative.

    You know what, I'm ranting. I feel like I haven't slept in days. I should go try that. Check out my latest in the journal too.
  14. View Conversation
    Aggression is never outright, especially when one is trying to form a convincing argument. Aggression sends a message that you are losing, clutching to straws. That's why I always take time with my posts, lest I show aggression. I've used "aggression" three times (now four) haha.

    But yes, your perception of debate is correct. Now, I'm quite interested in Asia. I'm a geographer-in-training. Don't worry if you don't really now what to make of it, geographers don't either. But I do know that in Asia, apparently it is their Confucian tradition that suggests to them to place limits on free speech. They say it is disrespectful, dangerous, and contributes to an erosion of family and community values. They say we shouldn't argue so much, and should instead focus on what makes us similar. There's signs this is developing in the Middle East too, mainly as a reaction to Western liberal values.

    I like liberal values, I really do. But I see what these people (namely Mao, Lee Kwan Yew, et al.) are trying to suggest. It almost sounds evil or silly from a Western view, but we are kind of obsessed with the individual, and forget the community. I think you'd find some level of agreement with these people (it is not a bad thing, don't worry ).

    This is a further part of my 'self-questioning' thing that is keeping me awake -.-, but it is hella-interesting. Non-Western perceptions are like that.

    Anyway, I was thinking, are you British? You just seem British for some reason. The whole "Protestant" term isn't one thrown around very often in America, as far as I'm aware, and you don't seem like an Australian or a New Zealander, so I thought 'British'.
  15. View Conversation
    Yep. I've been back for a week now. And it's better than I thought. =] How's your becoming a teacher going? Maybe some day, I'll have you as a teacher! =D
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


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