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  1. View Conversation
    Do you live in the North or South? Yeah it would probably cost heaps, but my goal is to reach Europe by train from Vladivostok (Russia, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean), so that would probably make it cheaper, and a lot more fun. Siberia would be wild.

    I think what's cool (or potentially boring) about (most) New Zealand cities is that they insist on having green spaces. Most of them are barely 100 years old, and were extensively planned when they were founded. Where I live there is this town belt of trees, in a big semi-circle around the city, and it has been made very hard to build into it, aside from roads through it, and some land granted to the hospital extension. The town belt is so noticeable, especially from up high. The buildings back up to it, then it's green for about a kilometre or so, and then the city starts again. Granted, most of it is rubbish land on the sides of hills and on a cliff, but it means it is really easy to get away from the city.
  2. View Conversation
    Haha yeah it would take forever. Madrid is the exact opposite side of the world from where I am at this moment, so you can imagine how long that would take from "Burmecia"

    Funny you say that though, I suppose living in a small country, in the second 'biggest' city (popn. 350,000 people), I'd find a large city immensley captivating. Landscapes look cool on postcards, but when you look at one outside your window everyday, it sorta gets old. Not to talk down my county, but it all looks the same. Green. Shit all of our trees have large flowers, and everything just has the same shade of green. Everywhere. A large city would be amazing.

    EDIT: forgot the bit about the bass. She's 20 in ten days, so since about 13/14 years. Her elder brother got her into it, but her dad played guitar in a band for a very long time (as well as the banjo!).
  3. View Conversation
    I've been at college a year, so this is my second year lol. And I really can't wait to go back. ^^
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah bass is really sweet. My girlfriend has played for... 6 (?) years now, and while she's not in an band or anything (though she did manage a band), she says that she just plays for the fun. It just sounds so cool as well.

    And yes New Zealand is a very beautiful country, but it depends on one's conception of beauty. I mean we only had widespread colonisation from the 1840s, so we don't have impressive cities and architecture, or much sense of history, but we do have strong cultural traditions, and much unspoilt landscape.
  5. View Conversation
    That is a long time to be at work. One time, I was at work that long, when I worked at the gas station-my least favorite job ever. Or was it just ten? Maybe it was just like 7 to 5... but I was getting very grumpy by the end. Especially when I had six million cars who wanted gas, and no one was coming out to help me (in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas...) Heh heh, and Corporal Punishment is happy that the idea of his existence helped you through your day

    Pick a song. Any song that you like a lot. "Toki no Horousha" sounds like a good choice. What would you like me to sing?

    That sucks that you haven't heard from them guys yet. Not much you can really do about that though, eh? Unless you can call and confirm that they're coming. Oh well; hope for the best! Yeah, Revenge of the Dead turned out pretty good; that girl was very good as the lead. Some of the "effects" look really silly, in places, though. Also, for my part (before I turned into a zombie) he wanted me to act like a tweeker, but I didn't really know how to very well, and he didn't correct me... pretty lame on my part. Did you spot me at all in the trailer? I had long, slick back hair when we were filming it.

    Don't get discouraged, lady! You should just keep on trying; keep on submitting your stories to those contests. One day, your writing will be finely tuned into your own specific style, and it will be amazing. Which story did you submit, btw? The one I read, or a different one? And thank you for trying to encourage me about my drawing. I have to have a somewhat pessimistic view about it, though, and see the flaws in it; otherwise, I won't get better. Like they say, "if you think you're perfect, you will never improve."

    Heh heh heh, okay, you can drive. I will risk my life riding with you at the wheel A kid jumped out in front you? That is scary. I hope he or she was okay. Also, the other day, a kid rode right out in front of me the other day, and my jerk reaction was to slam on the breaks and yell, "Great! Great, kid!" sarcastically. And the kid just smiled at me... grrr... And I have recovered from my accident. Had to get rid of my old car, but my sister was selling her car, so I got hers. Took me a few months to pay it off, though (and the sucky part was that I had paid the price for my first car in its entirety when I'd bought it, less than a year before that...) My insurance also had "accident forgiveness," so thankfully, it didn't go up. I did have lots of bills, though... stayed back at my parents' house for a month after that. So yeah; you don't wanna be in an accident. Probably lucky no one was seriously hurt. But driving is fun. Driving to the camp site last weekend was one of my favorite parts of the trip, actually.

    I think work is good for you because... it builds character... I think. Maybe. ...and you get money. Money is good, right?

    Corporal Punishment would like to do your bidding, but he cannot without that information. Corporal Punishment is not magic, ma'am Heh heh.

    I'm really glad you like the Phantom Fox! He was my favorite character to write, by far. Thus, he's been showing up more than he probably should be, ha. And I won't spoil anything, either. I'm glad you've put this much thought into the characters of my story, though; that means it's good enough to hook you. Yay!

    You almost missed me yesterday, eh? Well, I will say that I looked forward to seeing what you had written to me, today. I hope all goes well with your filming tomorrow! Good luck! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  6. View Conversation
    How on Earth did you know that my name is Anfwoehionafshdof? Very good!

    Oh, it's continuing even now. =P Maybe it's just favoritism, because I always seem like I'm on task and doing my work in class?
  7. View Conversation
    Continued! So, a breakfast break, eh? That'd be nice. We had those a couple days this week, because the teachers were coming back, and so there was a meeting for all staff on the upcoming school year. Speaking of work... it has been stressful, as of late, because the school year is starting next week, so we're rushing to get stuff done, and the boss is being impatient, and in some cases having very unrealistic expectations. He realized this at one point yesterday, however, and apologized to me. Actually, he apologized to me a second time, for not giving specific enough instructions. He told me to "move the cans," wanting me to move some trash cans. Instead, I moved some bags of pop cans. He was like, "not those cans, these cans!" And we both laughed about it. But yeah; you will last, lady. Just endure; it's good for you! I think...

    If you feel that strongly about the title, I will not shorten it; I will trust your judgement.

    Corporal Punishment needs more information in order to carry out the task: specifically, where said whore lives. Corporal Punishment will accept bass lessons in exchange of the obliteration of said whore.

    Because I say "anyhoo," that makes me sweet, eh? Well, I think it's little things like that that make you cute ^^ Actually, I think it's a combination of a lot of things. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah! I would love it if Fate was my actual name. =D And besides, hardly any teachers can even pronounce my name right, so it gets a bit annoying. =P

    Yep. Actually, I must have had impeccable timing or something, because she turned around the second after I closed my mouth to let the other kid talk back to me, so when she turned around, she saw his mouth opening and half a breath coming out of it, so she instantly blamed him. ;] And once, I threw something across the room, and the other kid threw something back at me. And my teacher saw and made him confess, even though I started it. =P
  9. View Conversation
    Well, I'm glad you didn't have any conflicts today, since you don't like them, eh? Better to be bored than to be worried about something silly, anyway, I think. But good luck with work. I feel sorry for you; I worked on a Saturday and half a day I was supposed to have off just the other week. Although you won't read this until after it's done, eh? Well, I'm rootin' for ya to get through that, now! You can do it, missy!

    You'd like to hear my singing, eh? I'll figure something out, maybe. My mp3 player records sound, although I imagine just my voice would be boring. Y'know what I wanna hear, then? Your singing

    My brother's movies are actually pretty good, for what he has to work with, I think. It also sounds like you've got quite a bit to work with, as far as talent and enthusiasm go. Will you have a website or anything for previews? You will have to show me something some day. As for my acting... I'm in the previews in a few places, here, in the Revenge of the Dead and The Kill List trailers. I don't talk at all, though. Just growl, as a zombie, heh.

    Mmm... who says everyone likes my drawings? Heh. I don't always, necessarily. I feel that they are occasionally adequate, but they generally lack something. Characters always look really stiff, and I make a lot of mistakes. But that would be fun; maybe I'll draw up some strips some day and show them to the local newspaper editor, or something.

    Young lady, what I am I gonna do with you? Two incidents in the same week? *shakes a disapproving finger* Nah. Chances are, the light was green, and turned red again really quickly, because lights tend to suck like that. As for that guy who wanted to get into an accident... you gotta watch out for those ones; they're everywhere. Weaving in and out of traffic, following alarmingly close, running red lights just as you're about to go... *nod* Also; so you really do drive like a "blonde?" I couldn't tell. If we ever visit, I'm gonna be doing the driving, I think. Although I might not necessarily do much better, ha; I can be pretty wreckless. Although I've been better since my accident last year... that was pretty terrible. Ran into a '67 corvette, being driven by a 70+ year old man. And I drove into a stop sign, which fell into the windshield of a third parked car. Nothing like a sudden shocking event to spice up your holiday season...

    Heh heh heh. I'm gonna be working on swingshift again next week, because school will be back in session. Funny how I used to be excited for Summer vacation to START...

    I believe I will write more to you later, miss. Gotta go now. Good luck tomorrow ^^ (you won't read this until Friday, but oh well!) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. View Conversation
    Wow, I never would have put you there to be honest. Although you do look [insert nationality] haha.

    Also, how long have you played bass? It's such a rad instrument.
  11. View Conversation
    I start back at college on the 14th. Schools start back tomorrow though. =]
  12. View Conversation
    I'm thinking Western Europe, but every suggestion I have now is not where I would instinctively place you, so you might as well just say.
  13. View Conversation
    Swear to your heart's content around me, missy; I will not be offended Singing is good for the soul, I think. I love to sing. I actually sing in the church choir on occasion. It is fun, and I learn lots of cool religious songs. Also, sleeping rocks. Another one of my favorite passtimes! *nod* I read about the movie you're doing. Heh, I have experience in that. Hopefully people are more professional about it with your movie than they tend to be with my brother's, and everyone knows their lines ahead of time. Although the people who auditioned for your movie sound like they were very excited to be a part of it, so I'll bet it will go great

    So, what age group are you wanting to be a teacher for, then? Y'know they can get pretty nasty during the middle school years, and maybe a year or two before that, as well. I wanted to be a high school teacher; I really looked up to a few of the ones I had at the time. Dunno if I still want to, though. And y'know, for many years, I worked at the church nursery between masses. A lot of times I just sat and drew, however, and they'd look at my drawings and be amazed, ha. I also got the niece and nephews (it's mostly the niece.) As for the running a red light...

    *Shakes a disapproving finger* If you didn't want me to remember, you shouldn't have told me, young lady. Nah, I don't mind, but word to the wise; some lights have cameras that take pictures of people who drive through red lights...! Furthermore, are you stereotyping yourself as a blonde? That's awesome.

    Heh. Mornings are for the DEVIL. I will be happy when I don't have to get up at 6 or 7 AM anymore... starting next week! Yay! But I generally give myself an hour to wake up in the morning, although I really just need a half hour to eat breakfast and take a shower, then get out the door. You should eat breakfast every day, lady! It's the most important meal of the day! Or so they say. A real masseur, eh? I've never gotten one from one of them before. And... I'm not even gonna go there, but that one part of your description made me laugh.

    You don't know why you write; you just do, eh? That's something I will try to wrap my head around, heh. And you like the title of my story? I was thinking of shortening it, but others have said it's fine or that they like it, too. Glad you're excited to read it ^^ and like I said in the e-mail, don't worry; take your time.

    Corporal Punishment will take care of any mark, ma'am. Just give him the information, and it will be taken care of.

    I gotta go eat, but there is a couple things that amused me; you're taking to thinking that a guy can be sweet now, and your picking up the word "anyhoo" from me. That puts a big grin on my face. Once again, *internet hugs* Ha. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  14. View Conversation
    Well thank you, I must be putting on a act! And by having your respect, that's even better.
    Thank you again. (Again.)
  15. View Conversation
    It makes me feel good to get compliments like that! ^^
    I am only a beginner, I start making sigs at age 12, I'm now 14.
    Again thank you very much!
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
Anime/Manga, writing, reading, playing bass-guitar
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


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