Conversation Between Firefly and Sato Arashi

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hiya Sato,looks like ur finally back.Whatcha been up to lately?
    ~* Oh n its me Wolfie,I changed my name while u was gone*~
  2. Dido to wat Meigumi said!! ='(
  3. Same here,but what they don't get is u can't spend it when u don't have it.
  4. I've been told that the best way to get out of recession is to spend money.
  5. Exactly,I hope Obama can help us get through this mess.
  6. Well it's not surprising with this recession going on I can't blame the schools for it.
  7. Lucky u.All my teachers got fired(apart from 2)so I have no clue what to expect.
  8. I start in two weeks.
  9. Wow!I feel like a pipsqueek,I just in 8th grade.And I go back tomorrow.*looks down,sad*When do u go back?
  10. That's ok, yes I do go to school. Right now, I'm in my junior year.
  11. Whoa I am sry,i had 2 do something.Anyway,do u go 2 school?
  12. So and so, nothing too exciting or bad.
  13. Oh,I understand.How have u been?
  14. Things just got real busy right now.
  15. No,its just u never talk 2 me anymore.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 94
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