Conversation Between Exxdeath666 and AbysalDarkness

5 Visitor Messages

  1. You can say sucks, just not f*** or any other cuss word or Andromeda will get medieval on your ass...
  2. you most likly want hear much from me i dont talk to people unless the talk to me so i dont bug them i thend to do that and my spelling s#cks so im sorry
  3. Ignore the below comment. For I am a kind and loving God...



    jk. I should say the same to you; you have a question, you just ask...
  4. nice to meet you and H.U.C.k talks about you alot sounds like you are really good.i dont know what i am haha...i find myself to me lame but what ever i guess um sorry im new to forums not good with them never have been with the people and geting around them so ya um i dont know..... and to MH i find tat i s#ck so ya what to know anything just ask
  5. Greetings, my friend. I am Exxdeath666, a freaking nerd and proud of it, if I do say so myself. I don't wish to brag about my hunter status; H.U.N.K. keeps treating me like a god of MH. I know I'm good, but I'm not THAT good. I like using hammers the most, and Castanea from Last Remnant is my avatar presently, though it may change. Also, my two favorite villains from FF are Exdeath and Kuja, and my least favorite are Sephiroth and Vayne.
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