Well, congrats on soon having a child, then Yeah, this used to be my sn a long time ago. Like, when I first joined, and then later, too.
Haha don't worry about it, its fine. =) I hope your birthday was rad! Even though you were sick. Get better soon, if you aren't already!
You're welcome. Hope it was a good bday for you. I'm tired, but I can't sleep, currently.
happy birthday ekimeinna! hope you have a great day
Hey there! I saw it was your birthday, so I stopped by to wish you happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, mr. or mrs. who shares my birthday!
I'm doing fine.. and you? :-) Haven't seen you around, eh.. these past few weeks.. :-) Busy with some things?
Hey there How have you been?
Yes.. I'm famiLiar with that game.. I remember my dad pLaying it.. but, I didnt had the time to pLay it.. since I'm pLaying different game.. aLso it's about robots, right? A girL-robot to be more specificaLLy.. :-)
Hiya Ekimeinna, how are you..? Just Letting you know.. that I apoLogize to the fact that I toLd you, that FataL Frame is based from a TRUE story.. weLL.. Lucid (a TFF member) heLped me to know that it's not.. I saw an articLe about it.. and it says FataL Frame is just based on two Japan's FoLktaLes.. :-) Sorry.. but anyway.. other than that.. it's stiLL a great game that you shouLd try.. :-)
I'm good, Just Chillin' right now. What you up to?
hey hows it goi'n??
Hello Ekimeinna How r u?
Thanks for the good rep. I appreciate it.. Yeah.. FataL Frame is truLy a unique True horror game.. have you search it from the net yet? I think many sites taLks about this game.. so you have a good view about it.. :-) ALso.. it's reaLLy reaLLy a scary game.. even me.. who pLayed SiLent HiLL and Resident EviL, I think they're nothing compared to FataL Frame.. FataL Frame's the onLy game who made me so scared to sLeep aLone.. *shivers* and aLL of this series have good graphics and characters design.. :-) and.. the settings are from the isLand of Japan (secret rituaL mansion).. reaLLy reaLLy true to Life!
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