Conversation Between DragonHeart and Unknown Entity

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  1. The guide I'm looking it says it'll take 200+ hours, but it'll likely take me longer. ^^; XIII took me more or less 120 hours to get the platinum, but it could have been less if I wasn't so scared toise farming, and had worked out a good method for bringing them down, haha. ^^;

    Maybe it counts them, I suppose. But I doubt I've had fifty different key items and temp items. I was really surprised when the trophy popped up. ^^;

    No, I know what you mean. I hope they don't anything stupid with this new game. First game was too much of a mess for them to do it again... right? =o
  2. Probably longer, for all that it's perhaps 1/4 of XIII's length in story heh. I've got nearly 100 hours on the game and we're barely halfway through rank 8.

    Perhaps it also counts key items and temporary quest items as well? That would certainly boost the count a bit.

    I don't want to speculate too much on the story cause I might hit on an awesome idea that makes sense, only to find out later that they did something stupid haha. Though it's quite a healthy exercise for my alternative take on it. Stories are definitely easier to take apart than they are to put together.
  3. Yup, him. Forgot his name for a while there. I guess I didn't find him very interesting. ^^;

    I have a feeling that I know who it is, but I'm not sure. I know for a fact that I don't trust Sarvain, and it could be him - you never see much of the Castle after you go off to find Cisna, and Cyrus isn't around either. I wonder what he was doing...

    It's definitely going to take a long time. Although, going by some dates on ps3trophies, some people got it nine months ago... unless they had the Japanese version, it's possible to do in a short time. It'll be twice as long, or even more longer than getting the FFXIII one. I just have my fingers crossed that I don't run into a bad glitch... I got the second item collection trophy without getting the required amount of items - I had about fifty less when I got it, and I hadn't used anything at the time. >>;

    EDIT: But I also have a strong feeling that Sarvain is the guy from the past who's helping Setti, or whoever he's become. They kind of look alike, from what you see under the hood at the end. o.o
  4. Belcitane? Yeah, he's definitely got a rather theatrical flair that makes him hard to take seriously. They all do, to an extent. The characters play to the audience quite a lot, meh.

    It is her. I'm not sure of the circumstances, but that I know for certain. Actually I accidentally ran across a spoiler about who that second Dragias is and it was one of my guesses, surprisingly. I'll say no more than that. XD

    Platinum for WKC is going to take forever. =X I wouldn't mind going for it myself, as long as I don't get bored doing it.
  5. I don't know why, but I just saw the bad guys as a bit of a joke at the start. I think it might have been the shorter guy and his moustache.

    Yeah, Vicky said it might come back to the two Dragias thing. I wonder if the second game will just be a huge plot hole cover up... As for time travel? That wouldn't surprise me. I just hope they don't mess it up with that. Do you think that's how Kara comes back (IF it really is her?)? If Caesar really liked Kara, I can see him getting a little reckless.

    I know I'm not picking it up until I have my platinum for the first one.
  6. It was the Vader effect. >_> All fully enclosed helmets totally disguise the wearer's voice and make them sound far more intimidating than they actually are.

    I do know that the second game will come back to the two Dragias thing--I peeked a little. XD I would guess maybe Grazel himself but he's not the type to get his hands dirty that way. It's probably a character who hasn't been introduced yet, which will be annoying.

    There was no consistency at all as far as story goes. I don't want to spoil anything but I think they actually resort to time travel to sort some of it out. >_>;
  7. It didn't make sense having Kara as Dragias in the first place. They tried to give her two roles that didn't work together, and Dragias sounded like a male - and I doubt armour would have distorted her voice THAT much. I'm still confused about the two dark armoured people at the start - obviously Kara is one of them, and I don't think she's the one who killed the king, but who's the other? So yeah, Shapur should have been Dragias as he seems to be a solider who'll do anything for his master's cause.

    ...Unless it was him... it was a little odd introducing him so later into the story. o.o

    Which is another thing that was annoying. They introduced everyone important so far into the story, it failed to make any sort of sense at all. ><
  8. Meh, I don't like self inserts. XD I don't know what I'll do about the avatar thing, I'll have to think about it some more.

    Yeah, that was my thought on the quests too. Plus it'll be a nice chance to add more of the world into the story. For all that goes on, you don't see much of anything or anyone outside of the main party. No one's worried about Faria or bats an eye at Magi and Knights running amok everywhere, for example.

    Caesar's definitely arrogant, but he never acts really asinine, imo anyway. Sometimes I think it's more of an illusion produced simply because it's all about CISNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Caesar and Kara are the only ones who aren't focused solely on the princess, and Kara doesn't get any character development that makes sense, so he's more or less carrying the individual banner by himself. Hah, irony.

    I agree completely about Kara in general and actually, I do plan on having her defect at Frass. Given what little sense I have of her, what they make her do at that point is completely out of her character. I think they only did it so they could get rid of her and install Shapur as Dragias. Honestly I think their roles are reversed; Shapur should have been Dragias from the start, leaving Kara as Ebonwings because only a Knight can defeat another Knight, with few exceptions. That way she can still be the mole without having to do all these stupid plot contortions to make it fit.

    Same with Setti/Grazel, I'm just gonna make them separate people. That was really the major WTF that got me thinking about all of this in the first place.
  9. You could include the avatar as yourself, and what you'd do in those situations the game delivers. It'll give you more characters to confuse the audience with, but it'd make sense because as you say, the avatar gets more of a role in the second game.

    Some of the quests might be good in the story. I suppose it'll add some depth to the larger areas the party has to cross in order to get to their next destinations.

    I think half the time I do view Caesar as an arrogant ass, but I think that's what attracts me too him. Everyone else is all caught up in their little quest, and to me that's kind of boring. Being too serious is a little boring, even though the situation requires it to be. xD;

    I don't understand what they were trying to do with Kara. She should have abandoned the Magi at Frass, and I think that'd have made for a better ending. By the end, I felt a little bitter towards her, and I wasn't as upset when she was killed as I'd have been if they'd given her more time to develop a relationship with Caesar and the party.
  10. Well, I haven't diverged from the game yet (aside from no avatar), so I've got from the beginning scene with Dragias and minions to Parma. It's pretty much a direct transcription with some scenery, so it definitely needs work. I'm YouTubing a Let's Play of WKC to be sure of accuracy while I'm writing. Once I rewrite, I've probably got enough for three or even four chapters, depending on how I want to do it. Just getting the main story down for right now, then I can work on the rest.

    Honestly I don't even want to have an avatar character in at all but supposedly the avatar plays a significant role in the next game, so I'm somewhat stuck on that. I haven't decided when to introduce her yet; I figure she'll just show up when she feels like it.

    I actually plan on working some of the quests into the storyline, so she might end up being an Adventurer's Guild member or something.

    Caesar really is great, isn't he? Practically an event in himself. XD He's the most dynamic character of the lot. Really makes him stand out too haha, he's so much fun compared to everyone else. I love when he transforms and he's saying how he looks badass and everything. I thought he'd be more of an arrogant jerk but he isn't at all, so kudos to them for that, at least.

    Kara would have been better but I think they were waffling on what to do with her for awhile and by the end they were like screw it, just get rid of her and be done with it. Bah.
  11. Two chapters? What's happened so far? =O
    It'd be difficult to write the avatar in because they had no dialogue or personality (unless the silent type works). If you're saying temporarily, when would be a good time to bring them in?

    Caesar and Kara were the only characters with a unique personality out of the party. Especially Caesar - it was like a breath of fresh air when he joined the party. The only other character with a hint of personality is Yulie, but it's mostly difficult to tell because her personality is constantly merged with Leonard. They're both in their own worlds.
  12. I do plan on posting it here eventually. I already have two chapters written but...ugh, the atrocious dialogue! And I'm writing the avatar character out temporarily, cause I don't like how the game sets it up. I may just rewrite what I have. The beginning is done from an omniscient POV and I don't like it, so I need to make some adjustments for that, if nothing else.

    Actually, writing the dialogue down made me realize part of why I like Caesar and Kara so much: they sound like individuals. Everyone else pretty much talks the same way, like they just did a direct translation without bothering to take things like personalities into account.
  13. Haha, I'm sure you'll do a better job than the game did. I'd certainly read it. ^^

    And I thought I recognised her voice! I just shook it off thinking it was pretty generic like most voice acting, but wow. xD
  14. So...I decided to put my proverbial money where my equally proverbial mouth is and I'm rewriting the story. >_> Gods, I didn't realize how awful some of the dialogue really is until I had to transcribe it. And dialogue is my worst skill, so that's saying something. XD

    Also, I didn't realize until someone mentioned it that Cisna's VA also did Ashe. No wonder why she sounds so familiar haha.
  15. Dragon Age is really good. It's full of really likeable characters - even Morrigan, who comes across as really cruel, is my favourite female in the game. I've fallen in love with the first party character you meet, Alistair (also, Steve Valentine has such a wonderful voice and really did Alistair justice). Vincent Valentine has absolutely nothing on him. ^^;

    That would be pretty cool, and would certainly make soloing a lot more entertaining, and perhaps easier. It'd also be nice if you could hire them for your town, or if they just randomly walked around every now and then. I can imagine Caesar chatting up the local mage lady and Eldore having a drink outside my pub.
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