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  1. Yeah, Cannot Wait! Anyway, Go Check This Out And Tell Me What You Think: The Final Fantasy Forums - Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Album: Recent Photos of Myself - Picture
  2. Holy Crap, Your Posting Like Mad...Jeeze. I Will Probly Never Catch Up To You...But Good News, I Got To Play FFXIII On My March Break At My Cousin's Place For About 6 Hours. I'm Just After The Part Where Snow Gets His Eidolon, Shiva Sisters. Anyway, So Far I Think The Game Is Pretty Awesome, Pretty Fast Paced Action, Which I Like, And Gives Me That Adrenaline Rush To Want To Keep Going, And Explore More, And Also Kick More Ass...Hehe ;P Got The Hang Of The Crystarium System Now, Didn't Take Long. Also My Cousin Explained To Me Which Character Is Better With A Certain Class. Like Lightning Is Best As A Commando, Snow Is Best As A Sentinel, Hope Is Best As A Medic, etc... Got It All Figured Out. So I Am Very Happy
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    Sam's didn't pan out. During the first interview the lady, Donna, said she wanted to hire me as an over-night stocker but she had to email her boss if she could hire another person in there. Otherwise she would put me in Cart Collecting, which was still better than Macy's.

    She said she is normally off Wednesday & had an appointment Thursday, so she would call Friday. Around 1 pm I called on Friday cause I had yet to hear for her. She asked if I could come in for another interview which I said yes. Her words in the first interview made me think I had a job. I interviewed with Tracey and she said she would give me a call if she wanted to pursue. Leaving that I was a bit upset because it sounded like I had a job.

    I call the next Monday to talk to Donna. She was on vacation for the week. Called back the following Monday and she said if Tracey hadn't called me, which she didn't, then I did not impress her enough. Plain lame.

    I may have something at my elder sister's job at Longhorn Steakhouse. Her boss is desperate needing people. My sister said she would ask on my behalf if they would at least interview because they normally wouldn't hire someone without restaurant experience.

    If I did go into military I would try to do something with tanks, preferably on the field.
  4. View Conversation
    <Insert Long "Sigh" here>

    Girlfriend called. She did not have the good word; she had the bad word. Words I did not want to hear. Words that have increased my stress.

    She is getting sent home. The Drill Sergeants doing their thing, like "shark attacks", causes her to have flashbacks of her troubled past. The psychologist there said she should never have been allowed in to the military. Along with that she has stress-line fracture of her hips because of power jumping; she is in crutches.

    The only chance she really has is hope that her father will allow her to live with him. She would get some student loans, financial aid & go to college up in NY. Eventually get a job whenever she heals up, though certain jobs that may not be a problem. He has said he wanted to make up the lost time of not being in her life for 20 years. She is his only child so I don't see him saying "no" to her in her time of need. But you never know.

    This has put me in a situation. I need to get a new job so that I may find a place, most likely with somebody else, before my mom moves because I won't be able to go with her. I have been trying to find a new job and have had a few interviews. No luck though. My mom and step-dad have suggested I go into the military. Not an option I wanted to go down, but it seems like the most secure & probably easier path then trying to work out everything in "private" sector.

    Totally did not make my day.
  5. View Conversation
    Im back miss me?
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    I began a new file of Final Fantasy VII today. I was going to create a thread about the mysterious voice in the first mission that warned Cloud as to possible theories. But I made sure there wasn't a thread already done on the subject matter to which I found your thread. I had thought it might have been his subconscious and that is what others had replied in your thread as well.
  8. View Conversation
    Yea that's the one, and I don't either, so don't put yourself down. imo?
  9. View Conversation
    excellent thread! Sorry, I pushed back to re-edit, but the first Vm i left didn't show for me to edit.
  10. View Conversation
    Excellent post!
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    She called tonight while I was playing the Resident Evil card game with my friends. What is causing her troubles is the base being high, elevation wise. She has lived all her life at sea-level and the change in altitude is affecting her body. She's going to try to continue but if her body gets worst than she may have to go.

    As to where she would go. I suggested to her, her dad's place. There she would take student loans out to go to college & maybe try to get some financial aid from different places. That is if she can stay with her dad. From what I gather he wants to make up the lost time with her so I see her living that a good chance.
  12. View Conversation
    Yuss. I loved that thumbs down, haha.
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    Felt like sharing with someone.
  14. View Conversation
    Is coolness measured in millilitres?
  15. View Conversation
    Oh noes! You were still online when I came down here half an hour ago, but then after I got my haircut, you were off! *disappointed* Should've talked to you then. For like five seconds. Oh well.
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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