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    I just assumed they come in all sizes? Hahahaha. xD The bigger they are, the harder they fall....x3

    Yeah, you can't please everybody when we're all so different. :3 Unless one day they make a device that causes everybody to be happy.

    Not sure, but it really wouldn't surprise me. Thank you! But yeah, I'm not gonna need luck. Do appreciate it, anyways. <3
    Oh lawdy, I can only imagine. Cosplayers seem like a strange bunch.

    Awesome, you're getting back into it. Wonder if I'll spot you on MSN this weekend, then? Usually seems to be the weekend when we're on at the same time. Might be seeing a friend tomorrow, but dunno...she hasn't gotten back to me yet. :s Will probably be home in good time, anyways.

    Does it make me a jerk if I laughed? I think it was the way you wrote it. xD Wonder what ever did become of the T-Board? Think those weirdo hat dudes, and headmaster Cid spent their spare time riding it along the corridors when the students were in bed? xD Surprised 8 is so popular when it's so depressing....wonder why we didn't notice it was effing depressing before?

    They really were, weren't they? xD X-2 had bad songs, but wow....they don't hold a candle to the badness of 13-2's songs.
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks for the rep. I know what you mean. You build yourself up, thinking it will be really spicy, then the let down of eating whatever it is as if it was a regular whatever it is.

    I have always wanted to get the feeling that steam was coming out of my ears, like in the Volcano Taco commercials. Sadly, that never happened.
  3. View Conversation
    Awww...sorry to hear you can't enjoy your carrot cakes no more. Do you think there's a real person out there who can do 1000 in a row?

    Is it paint, or some skin-tight thingy? It looked a little rubbery at times. I think it would be kinda fun in a weird way? Guess it depends how happy you are with what you got. ^^; Ah...I always forget about those sneaky bra things. You now, half those 'big' girls probably wore a pushup bra too, right? I don't really get why people think size is so important, but apparently big breasts is a sign of 'female power' in comics. x3 Shape is so much better than size though, ever seen badly shaped big breasts out of a bra? Eww....

    There is something wrong with it when you're trying to sell it off as a 'story' driven game. And it's pretty depressing when game developers are so focused on visuals rather than 'is it actually fun to play?' Are these games, or films, man? :|

    Different strokes for different folks. Guessing they had Asian gamers in mind with those hard battles. But I admit, I love a challenge, and am excited to take Omega on. Guess that means power to me. There's always one, girl...there's always one. They might not always leave their bedrooms, but cosplayers do it all.

    Awesome, I'll look forward to it. ^^ You been practicing your graphics a bit then, ay? :>

    Hey, you think FF8 is actually a really depressing game? I didn't play it in years, but I was listening to the soundtrack last night, and it just felt like depressing, or at least serious track one after another. Then it got me thinking back to the game. Couldn't remember a single happy moment in the thing. xD There's the bit where they all get together and play music for Rorona & Squall, but then Squall buggers off in a sulk after Rorona pushes him down at the end, hahahaha. There are some other kinda happy bits, but they all seem to end on a bit of a downer.

    I read something about them taking out some of the lyrics for the English release of 13-2. Wonder if they'll remove the rap and the words for Crazy Chocobo? xD It's kinda nice when they leave things alone, but at the same time....
  4. View Conversation
    Hey! I see you there. I'm home again. Get on the MSN. Unless you don't want to... I can go watch a movie with my bro.
  5. View Conversation
    Heehee, snuggly wuggly buggly! <3

    Hahaha, the excitement over the word "free" xD. Oh, my! It's those calender people who are at fault. D:< It's good you got it off some years though. :>

    All righty. ^^ Silly cloud-faces. At least it's something to look forwards to now! Yeah. it's a great nighty. I love my Tao nighty. <3

    When I was a little snot, I would eat Peanut butter EVERY day. I loved the stuff, and I couldn't stop eating it...until I made myself sick of it by eating it so much. So I guess we're kinda opposite there. Naw, not in a row. I think that would be enough to kill a person, unless they were Batman, or something. Still, kinda daunting, huh? ^^;

    She looked best as Mystique for some reason, at least to me. But her muscle tone is great, if that's what you mean. You can look that good now! For sure. :> Aw, you're kidding me right? In that one picture you had on MSN where you could see 'em, they looked damned big. The kinda big where it's hard not to notice, even. ^^; If you think it's small, that's definitely in your mind. o_o Anyways, yeah, you should learn to love what you got, becuase you got plenty. xD

    Haha, you really believe that? Or we still kidding about here? Oh, maybe they will re-capture the magic one day. Aw, I'd record it just for you if you wanted to see if and YouTube failed you. ^^

    I got the impression that she's like one of the recruitable monsters. xD Wonder if the party ever expands beyond Noel, Serah, and a monster? Never seen no shots of a different party. She got confirmed, and they mentioned EVEN MORE DLC. O_o

    "As detailed earlier, the game will see series bosses for coliseum mode outside of the Omega download that kicked off DLC."
    "The DLC will include things outside of the coliseum battles -- episodes, for instance."
    "Toriyama said that they'd like to use Sazh, his son Dajh and interdimensional traveling merchant Chocholina in some capacity, either through novels or DLC"

    What the fuuuuuudge? Apparently people complained that FF13 had no DLC, so they thought...? Let's over-compensate? I'm guessing all the pre order bonuses will pop up as DLC as well.

    Yeah, really sucks. They need a new president again.

    Thank you. <3 For awards banners? I don't think I ever did one, sorry. But if there's any way I can help, let me know.
  6. Thanks Kinda Sucks That Not Much Is Going On With You Though...Well, I'll Pray That Something Good Will Happen To You Sometime Soon. Hopefully That Will Help Out. Just Have To Wait A Week Though To Check My Grades And To Get My Transcript...XD So I'll Be Bored For A Little While. Cannot Wait Till FFXIII-2 Comes Out Though. I Still Have To Finish FFXIII, Before I Play That One, But I'll Get Both At The Same Time Anyway ;P Also Found Out About FFX HD For PS3 Which Sparked My Interest, Plus I Heard Something About FFVII Actually Getting A Remake As Well, Called FFVII: Jenova's Rebirth. Not Sure If Thats A Load Of Crap, But It Also Intrigued Me. Anyway, Hope Things Go Well For You Soon You Know You Still My Big Sister At Heart. Hope To Chat With You Soon, When Other Interesting Things Happen.
  7. OMG, JULIE!!! Guess What? I Just Finished High School Today Finally I Can Go And Get Myself A Job Without Worrying About School Getting In The Way, And Can Finally Get What I Want! Woot! So, How Have You Been?
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    D'aww. That's it. An e-snuggle attack will have to do *snuggle attacks* >//< seems okay to call her a friend still. Sorry you lost touch/drifted apart though. :/

    That's right! And a free little Big Planet costume goes up on the day to celebrate, haha. p: That's pretty awesome to be guaranteed a day off for you birthday each year. Yeah, that's true.

    Aww...and yeah, totally nothing wrong with being a softy, for sure. ^^

    Sorry, it didn't dawn on me that yours is a step mum...your birth mum, she doesn't know how much she let go.

    Heehee, awesome he wore it to work. xD Me would love to see your Mario if you could be bothered. ^^

    Here is my not-so flattering Tao shirt. Sadly seemed to suffer a bit in the last wash.
    I dunno if you can tell how close it is to my knees because of how baggy my pants are, but this is me trying to show how long the shirt is ~

    Really? That's some awesome info, gonna have to learn to love peanut butter, thank you. I think the real threat trophy is probably the one for doing 1000 push ups. I can do 10 easily enough, but 1000 is gonna take me one long-ass time. xD

    Looking at her pictures, seems like we got a similar goal. :> Man, what you got against your breasts? They too big, or something? I hope you get your butt. xD

    It is just like an abusive relationship though. xD I mean really, it's smacked us in the face multiple times, but we keep going back becuase we really do love our dearest, and we'll keep making excuses like "Oh, he's just a bad drunk" or "Oh, but he comes with a great (big?) pre order bonus" (okay, maybe you really did rub off on me a little. xD). I'd be amazed if there wasn't a video of it. Might do one myself if there isn't. Doing my part for the community.

    There's a rumor Lightning will be DLC. It's probably true...Square don't waste time, do they? p: Apparently she'll be a coliseum fight, then if you beat her you can have her join you.

    Well, with Square, it all went wrong when they changed their president. :|

    Made peace with that lady this moring so gonna be starting this course next week. Anything new with yew? :3
  9. Hi how are you
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    Awww...Dodie,'re the diamond here. <3 That's the sweetest thing anybody ever said to me... <3 I would give you a cuddle attack right now if I could, haha. I'm sorry about your friends mum., I hope your friend is okay. >_<

    Likewise, honey. And thank you.

    Yeah, a June 21rst baby to be precise. Longest day of the year baby! Lucky baby. Yeah? I feel about 20, so it's all good then. ^^ Oh, seriously? I had no idea he left a little girl behind...gawd, it's even worse that he died now. >_<

    Hvae you ever cried from a song before? They get me emotional too, but pretty sure they never got me to the tears. A song that could get you to cry, that would be something else. We're both big softies it seems. ^^;

    What? :< That's awful...but sounds like your mum really cared for you a lot later? Still, sorry about your mum being like that at first. Well, good, better to leave it in the hands of the professionals, even if it is scary for you.

    I think I learned about Hot Topic from South Park. That's a shame it went downhill. :/

    Yeah? That's awesome. :> Did he show you what one he got? They posted my LBP shirt today (woot), will show you it if ya wants, and my Taokaka one (for giggles).

    Really? He's hardly a smoothy, haha. Soooo, got a bit of a thing for Yosuke, hmmm? ;>

    Aw, well I'm glad it's making you feel better/that you're feeling better recently. That's more awesome than improved muscle tone. Fair bit to go, gonna be a few more weeks. Should have one of those 621 miles trophies in about two weeks time? Think the trophy percent is on 47% though! My bod is about the same as when I met you, but I think my upper abs might have gotten a little bigger? I might just be the worlds slowest muscle gainer, haha, but it's supposed to be super hard to get un-flexed muscles showing, right? All of me is toned though, so can't complain, it's just me want those muscles to show a little without being flexed one day. :<

    What kinda bod were you hoping to carve for yourself from all the working out? It's pretty exciting when your body starts to change shape, so you got that to look forwards to. It'll probably make you feel even better when it starts to show, it's definitely something that makes you feel proud. :>

    Oh man, figured I'd give 13-2 another chance to 'wow' me since it's so close to release now, and most people loved the demo. This time I think I enjoyed the battles more than the rest....? Maybe it was just too late for me to enjoy it last time (played it just before bed, not realizing how long it is). Anyways, maybe I'm crazy, but I pre-ordered it again. ^^; At least those snazzy pre order items make it seem less nuts. Sooo...guess I'll tell you more about it when it arrives if you want? Seems kinda funny after how much I hated on it after last time. ^^; It's just...there's something about Final Fantasy...nurgh...okay, no, I'm just a bad girl. Did you watch the demo?

    You seen this? it's coming soon, wonder how Square will celebrate?
  11. View Conversation
    There are times when they do something decent randomly, but overall it isn't the best of relationships. I'm pretty annoyed they never did anything when I needed them, and very rarely had any encouragement for me. Not even for my art really. I remember when I was pretty small I tried using water colours for fun for the first time after I was given a set as a gift, and I was really proud of my little painting, so I showed my mum...she leered at it and said it needed more different colours in it to good. What the ****? Who says that to a little kid? When I was 19/20 she did told me she'd been jealous of me, and that's why she was sometimes pretty shitty towards me about my drawings. Nice, huh? My dad is okay really though. He's just a bit strange and retarded with people. He doesn't really do anything other than lurk about until it's just me and him in the house (which is rare), then he suddenly starts to talk more/take an interest and do things like a load of cleaning up. Don't ask me's pretty strange if you ask me.

    Anyways, typing this for you makes me realize I need to just 'get over it' if I wanna be happier and improve my mental state. It's a bit tougher to forgive somebody who is still kinda in your face, but that's too bad. Thanks, Dodie.

    Oh, don't say that actually, I'll be 26 by July. So sad about Heath Ledger, he was such a hotty... <3 He really was an amazing Joker.

    Because 1) there are a lot of art snobs out there 2) there are a lot of none-gamers out there still. And yeah. Different people = different ideas on the definition. It's kinda frustrating that video games aren't considered art when film and music is. Can't say any music ever reduced me to tears.

    You and your gran must have been really close. Really? You could honestly stick one in yourself? :<

    Can't remember the difference, but watching one version seems better than having watched no version. ^^; Yes, I did, thank you! I thought it was pretty interesting, and it was something a bit different. : >

    Awwww, thank you! xD Poor shirt brony. :< Was it dedicated to MLP as well? We don't get Hot Topic in the UK, I don't think? That's a 'goth' type shop, right? Yeah, shirts like that are usually really good quality, so it'll feel nice if nothing else. Mario? xD Are you a big fan?

    This got me looking for Pony shirts, but it seems only one or two places do them here. :'< You know you're damn manly when you can wear this shirt and still look manly ~ xD

    I can see you liking Fluttershy. :> Umm, it's so hard to pick! Pinky Pie amuses me the most, but I think it's probably Twilight Sparkle. Yosuke, hm? You're a fan of comic relief characters, ay?

    Do you like that new YouTube channel design? I only just noticed all are getting forced into the new design in March. ;_;

    How is your body shaping up, anyways? you got some tone yet? : >
  12. View Conversation
    It was weird, because you were still in the chat with S, even when you were offline at one point, heh. MSN is weird...
  13. View Conversation
    I dunno about well exactly, but well enough. Enough to tolerate each other. It would make me extremely happy to be out on my own, though.

    Thanks, that's good to know. The first one was enjoyable, but figured the second one wouldn't be much better (if any). Wow...that's some beefy dlc right there! 10% of a story for $10 doesn't seem too terrible, can't approve of that little trick, though. New Batman film!? Anne Hathaway!? Her eyes are so beautiful...<3

    *looks it up*

    Julyyyy? :< I can't wait that long! I'll try and forget about it until then.

    She'll be the new catwoman? For some reason can't imagine her having the attitude, but we'll see! She's a good actress, so she'll probably surprise us. What do you think? :>

    Different people have different ideas about what art is. But most seem to agree that art is something man-made which is designed to provoke emotion. Which is why music is considered art. But it's hard to imagine getting an emotional response from most that modern art type stuff.... you're right though, it isn't about skill. sorry about your gran. :/ That's a sad story. *snuggles* Hmm...nope! Not that I can think of. I'm not a fan of anything that makes me feel out of control of my own body. Hope you get the chance to go parasailing one day. <3

    Aw, you gotta see Bladerunner! It's pretty cool. :> Don't remember the Goonies that well, but it's good to see the classics. Good. It would kinda be my fault if you did watch it, and I'd hate for you to see something that disturbing. Oh, I watched Jacob's Ladder! It definitely has some very Silent Hill-esk moments in there. Thank you for mentioning it. <3

    Aww...My Little Pony shirts, hm? Wonder if I'm cool enough to wear one. *thinks* I decided to get the LBP shirt, I can't imagine it'll look very good on me, but it's so cute and cheap that I kinda had to. It would make a nice gift for somebody if it looks terrible, anyways. :3 Do ya got any video games shirts? I have one of Taokaka that my brother got me last Christmas which is milesssss too big, and a unisex one, so it's horribly unflattering. I use it as a nighty. He said he ordered the medium size. ^^;

    who is your favourite pony? Aha, I was actually wondering who your favorite Persona 4 character is as well? Chie?
  14. View Conversation
    "hands off" is a nice way of saying it. That's true, but love > accomplishments. Still, it probably has made me pretty damn tough stuff. Yeah, but parents are only human too, I guess. Still, gotta agree with you there. Sounds like your mum butts in a bit too far, but she obviously cares, so it's sweet as well. :>

    Ah, I never knew it was a prequel, the extra characters made me think it must come after for some reason. ^^; Guess it never seemed worth thinking about for terribly long. You must really want kitty woman. Is she really fun to play, or something? Michelle Pfeiffer is the one and only cat woman to me. Seriously though, the woman was amazing in the Tim Burton film, her eyes are kinda cat-like somehow..

    That's for the best. I can't recommend looking through the darkest reaches of that site. It's certainly is full of deviants. All righty! I still really doubt there will be anything overly weird, but we'll see! xD Yeah, they're called 'modern' artists. Cocky bastards think they can sell a few lines, triangles, and squares off as art...sad thing is, they manage it.

    Naw, I haven't remembered a single dream in over a year. Maybe I get nightmares, but it wouldn't matter since it's so rare I remembered a dream since I was little. But get nightmares from games and films? :< Well that sucks *huggles* Naw, I want my body to stay scar freee and in one piece. Do you remember your dreams/nightmares much?

    I had watched half of it before, but apparently my brain must have done a really good job of erasing/suppressing the memory until about an hour in when the horror came back to me. I was wrong about the name, it doesn't have ocean in, but I can see why I made that mistake.
    There are actually a few actors in there you might recognize...I won't give you the name unless you swear you won't watch it. Are you sure curiosity won't get the better of you further? Well...I'm not the boss of you, so go ahead and watch it if you want, it's just that I STRONGLY suggest you steer clear. There are some things that just can't be healthy to watch. Weird thing is, looking on imdb, there are people that enjoyed that monstrosity. o_o

    Anyway, here is the name of that dreaded film.


    Tideland ~ the film nobody should ever watch unless they hate themselves (or are some seriously big pervert).

    Aww...I'm sorry, but that's kind of adorable. xD Do crazy people scare you? Aw man, it must be kinda thrilling to be scared so easily though.

    Have you ever brought clothes from the interwebs before? I'm kinda tempted by a shirt, but you never know what looks good until you actually put it on (or if it fits, of course). Still, cute shirt? :> - Buy Little Big Planet Women's Sackboy Pattern Skinny Fit T-Shirt ( Exclusive) (White) online at and read reviews. Free delivery to UK and Europe!
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    Since you don't seem to be responding anymore, I'll just tell ya goodnight here. Guessing your internet is foolish. Have a goodnight, ma'am.
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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