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    The day I lose sleep over TFF is a sad day indeed.
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    I do believe there's a conspiracy against a one Mr. Rocky and myself.
  3. View Conversation
    Yeah, rain can feel really good. I used to love rain, from now on i'm gonna work on taking initiative more often as it helps me when i'm in situations like the one i'm in now (being lonely and all even though i have a roommate). I took initiative by calling my parents and seeing how they were doing (i've done that twice already).
  4. View Conversation
    sweet! i'll let him know.

    I'm feeling like a robot today from this routine i've set for myself.

    EDIT: so i finally got something to look forward to. my parents are going to take me around and do stuff starting with the time i get off work tomorrow and the day after where i have off of work .

    hows the weather up at your place this week?
  5. View Conversation
    hey hows it going? i wanted to mention this to you before i forget but can you add Ruin to the LPer club? he was interested in joining the group when I asked him and he joined the group version and not the club version of the group. I'll let him know that you added him once you do.
  6. View Conversation
    You gotta give it a chance! It's one of the most enjoyable things to do in FFX, I spend hours playing Blitzball lol, even the change in FF X-2 to pretty much manager mode was fun to play. Til you were whooping everyone without a fight that is, then it got awesome lol
  7. View Conversation
    I'll try to stay away from Blitzball questions in for FFX haha
  8. View Conversation
    check it out, theres a sim group
  9. View Conversation
    i forgot to mention this to you, i have a video on my FB page showing the room i'm staying in. its a chase suite hotel so the rooms are pretty nice.
  10. View Conversation
    Thank you.
  11. View Conversation
    ok, i guess i'll have to watch out for that haha and it sounds like sims 3 is the winner version. the game i have for the pc i used to LOVE playing is Worms World Party.
  12. View Conversation
    never was into the Sims that much but i seem to be getting interested these days. Sims 3 is heading to the Wii and DS and other consoles if you didn't already know.

    EDIT: which sims would be the best choice to get if i were to play the game? i've played it before but only at a friend's house. Oh and have you ever played Roller Coaster Tycoon?
  13. View Conversation
    awesome, what kind of games are you occupying yourself with?
  14. View Conversation
    hey how have you been holding up? care for a chat? if not thats cool and did you get a chance to check out drauga btw?
  15. View Conversation
    Ok thanks for the tip. I handled it pretty professionally just to let you know. I didn't give a peep to her about any of the problems she had with me, it was like she was all over me. i was working under someone else but he was much nicer. everyone else was nice too. and yes, definitely check out drauga, its hilarious. its so funny, it even helped me forget about today's issues. just be careful when you watch it, theres some suggestive stuff but other than that, very funny.

    EDIT: When i finish this training stuff and get back home (if i have time) i'm gonna get back into FFXIII like i should. I feel like i've matured alot since i've started this thing.
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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03-25-2023 06:50 AM
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