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    I knew it was gonna happen too, but I dunno... I think I was raised pretty soft/spoiled, and on top of that I have anxiety issues, so my self confidence went away pretty easily (but my stubbornness did not, I suppose.) A lot of the younger people say Basic was nothing. I'm like "Oh... okay," haha.

    You're planning on being a lifer, right? Do you test for Corporal like you test for Staff Sergeant? Our Senior Airmen all tested this year, none of them made it. For two, it was their first time, but one dude has been in several years... kinda sucks for him. Personally right now, I don't really plan on staying in, so if I ever go up to test, I might not try that hard (I've also heard conflicting stories on whether you're allowed to turn down testing.) I mean, things could change and I might end up liking it, but it's been kinda rough, and I recently had a break up with a fiance-her being one of the main reasons I joined-so yeah... We'll see I guess.
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    Heh. That had been my plan too. I tried to not get noticed, but I'd mess up a lot. Although by the later weeks when we had other instructors, they didn't notice me anymore for the most part, so that was good. Yeah, it's good for everyone to get yelled at for that reason, but I get irritated at my coworkers too for doing the shit, heh.

    So is that like the 4th, 5th, or 6th rank or something? I'm at like the 3rd rank. You basically get to that rank really easily, heh. Usually people who are a rank below at this point did something. At the 5th rank is you become a Non-Commissioned Officer (Staff Sergeant.)

    I hope that makes sense what I said, heh... I just woke up randomly and decided to check stuff. Leaving on a plane in a few hours so I figured I'd forget you messaged me if I didn't respond now
  3. View Conversation
    Oh man, Basic... that was not my favorite time. I was not good at anything we did, and I was one of the MTIs' favorite targets. I also watched as the brainwashing and the turning on each other was going on, but I was "the scrub" so I couldn't say anything. Everyone cheered for me for graduating though. It's a lot better for me now, since my job is more cerebral and less physical, and I show my maturity a lot. Gosh, those kids say and do stupid shit sometimes though... and then I get to be lectured with everyone else, heh.

    So what rank are you then? Staff Sergeant or equivalent? Or maybe higher? Maybe you got Staff and Tech on your first try, heh.
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    I just joined last year. Took me forever to finally do it, heh... Now I get to be an A1C with a bunch of 20 year olds. Look around at them a lot and am like "..." Heh. And I dunno how you guys are treated, but they say it's a lot easier in the USAF for Airmen than it used to be. Which I just kinda go "That's cool" to, heh. Everything was always harder for the previous generation, after all.
  5. View Conversation
    Heh. The two old Gen Gaming mods both joined their countries' respective Air Forces. You did long before me though.
  6. View Conversation
    A "certain someone," hmm? Congrats, Andy.

    Just noticed we're no longer friends on facebook. But hey, I think I understand. Have a good life.
  7. View Conversation
    Welcome back. Not much has been going on since you've been gone. Except drama, heh.
  8. View Conversation
    Hello, I kinda feel strange about the thread I made concerning the H/WG thread petition, and if you haven't yet seen it, it's a petition for the users to vote pro or con for it. I wanted to see if that was ok for me to do, or should I have left that type of thread to a higher up?
    I am sending this to all of the higther members to ensure my thread doesn't spark
  9. View Conversation
    Ahh. Yet another great title I forgot to preorder.
    That's the racer styled like a reality TV show, yeah?
    I think I saw a preview of it.
  10. View Conversation
    Played ModNation Racers yet?
    <333 Customisation.
  11. View Conversation
    happy birthday!
  12. View Conversation
    Happy birthday, old man winter. I mean Andy.
  13. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!! Woot woot!
  14. View Conversation
    Happy birthday! ^^ I hope you have a great one!
  15. View Conversation
    So have you already bought this present?
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