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    Never played the game, though I do want to one day. My friend is a big fan of Legend of Mana. I was hanging out with him one day while he was playing. Thought I would suggest the game.
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    The confusing part for me was she had quoted me but her words after that was on the subject matter of Angel of Iniquity post in regards to Silver's most recent post.
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    I already asked her about that, she was not talking to me.
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    OH NOES. Why would you ruin such a nice car? ;-;
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    Before you post to his respons, try not to get offended. The direction he went is actually really humble in retrospect to what I am used to see. Look at the long post on my page by him, that way, you can understand a little better on how he thinks and can understand how to react better and when to take things seriously.
    Just in case, Sorry heartless, didn't meant o make a spectacle on your life.
  6. View Conversation
    Nah, I'm 20, your not old haha
  7. View Conversation
    Oh really? Whoa dude that's awesome, make sure you make allot of money haha.
    How old are you?
    My psych said I should be a doctor because I know allot about medical terms and injuries, operations. I said you have to care about human life to be a doctor, he couldn't stop lauging but I didn't know what was so funny... >.>
  8. View Conversation
    That actually sounds interesting. Have you ever had any thought into professional game designing? With enough prethought, you can turn your game into a different class game, Al beit the known characters due to copyright haha
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    Ahh, you should really invest in an older PC. My pc is an Acer, and is from 2005, but runs even Ps1 emulators perfect, and costs about 150-300$
    I would love to exchange game Ideas, or talk about it sometime.
    WHat's your game about? Don't worry, I will by no means steal or corrupt your game in any manor, I'm not a total bitch ^-^"
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    Oh, you should save your game on a Usb or Micro SD card haha.
    I am not developing my game as of yet, I am creating the story and all of the content, so all that would be left, would be the actual design process. I have been working on my game for about 3 years, so I am sure it should take a year in the industry to finish ^-^"
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    OH and, funny thing is, it was because of Xbox some things gotten taken out, I actually almost responded hostile but... O.o
  12. View Conversation
    I see, well, I can say that I doubt that he will get penalized, only because it can seem that you flame-baited him, even if you hadn't meant it. Same here with Zargaabath and Xanatos. Talked about me on their pages, but I don't think I reported so everything I just said about them, is completely pointless. LMAO!
    Well, I definitely appreciate your outlook on good and wrong. A great way to shut others down is show a sense of respect when they show faulty responses, or if need be, humbly ask them to remove their post and tell them why. If I get a sour response, there for some reason, offended them, so I say sorry. It shuts down most things before they start.
    I'm only doing this know so my Warnings run dry and I can speak with better intellect.
    Though I have had problems with Xanatos, Zargabaath and Heartless, perhaps respond without emotion. Sorry if I confused you, I am desinging, or working on my Video game and it is 3:40am, and my mind is running 300mph haha
  13. View Conversation
    I see. Well, I am a horrible debater as well, seeing that I yell. *points at my warnings*
    If you don't agree with a post, if you must take our the frustration, give them a Negative Rep. It will piss them off, and you won't have to get a warning. Trust me, I actually had to speak with a new personality because talking my normal way got me introuble because, honestly, some people can't find the arrogance in certain posts. I mean the Admins/Mods... While they say you can always report, if their isn't a major reason then nothing will get done. I am working on building back my rep, which is why I am not Odin anymore, so I can achieve respect, and then I will shock them with my intellect, because of now, i am a laughing stock. Best thing, though extremely hard, ignore it. With schizotypal disorder, i am prone to outbreaks of anger. *stares at 3 broken Ps3 controllers*, but the more you control it, the easier it becomes. Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion. How about this, not to sound weird or gay or whatever, next time a post offends you in a way, just tell me and I an guarantee that I will make the post easier to read.
  14. View Conversation
    Well you shown why right there, people are always right, or would like to be, and those who believe they are smarter than others, will protect their intellect by undermining who they feel may be inferior, and when the person feels offended, they take point by acting slightly superior, by keeping a calm attitude, which will basically flame-bait and cause a negative outcome for the other. I can help you if you want, and despite what others say, I know what I am talking about when It comes to psychology, it just sucks when you have to prove your worth online as well as in physical life.
  15. View Conversation
    Thanks. And Hmm, yea. Well I think we get offensive because we can admit that bullying had a greater effect on our lives, or an effect that we still deal with. Some people have a greater self worth, which may border on Narcissistic. I wouldn't be angry if it weren't for the Bullies. There has been not much in my life that could make me hate a whole cultural group(rap). Best thing I can help is, just try to ignore anything that may be offensive.
    Oh and, the best thing to do would be to unsubscribe to the Bully thread. If you get a warning from it, it stays with you in ID forever haha.
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About Dan558
I find more and more each day that I don't hold back on the interent so much and tend to get overly rash. This sadly makes me a lot of enemies on the interent or at least some equally rash comments back. In real life I'm much less controversial...
Science, Editing programs (Simple ones ie. RPG maker and Warcraft III Map Editor), Movies in general, and Video Games
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FF7, then FF6 a close 2nd, then FFT
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Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

- "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

-"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)


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