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    I don't want to get involved, but this may help understand OceanEye's position (not that I'm her mouth, by any means).

    What is “slut-shaming”?

    Short answer: Slut-shaming, also known as slut-bashing, is the idea of shaming and/or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings. Furthermore, it’s “about the implication that if a woman has sex that traditional society disapproves of, she should feel guilty and inferior”. It is damaging not only to the girls and women targeted, but to women in general an society as a whole.

    Put in the most simple terms, slut-shaming happens when a person “publicly or privately [insults] a woman because she expressed her sexuality in a way that does not conform with patriarchal expectations for women”. It is enabled by the idea that a woman who carries the stigma of being a slut — ie. an “out-of-control, trampy female” — is “not worth knowing or caring about”.

    Policing women via what’s considered “normal” and “acceptable” boundaries for female sexuality is not limited to sex and sexual activity. For instance, women who wear “provocative clothing” (or just photographed while having breasts) are subjected to slut-shaming. As are women who are sexually aggressive and/or unabashedly lay claim to their own sexuality.

    [W]hen we use the word slut to describe a woman, it’s almost always understood as a dismissal of what she’s saying, what she’s doing, or even of her worth to the speaker as a person.

    The above is just lifted from FAQ: What is “slut-shaming”? « Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog 'cause I'm lazy like that.

    If you react angrily to this, you'll be acting disproportionately.
  2. View Conversation
    don't try to read too much into what I do sir.
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    rep effects my screen name so bad. i totally forgot

    I can give negative rep to whomever for any reason.

    I leave 2 messages because you're mad.

    Here's one more for the pot.
  5. View Conversation
    You're funny, you are like those members who get so mad at Negative rep, that they have to give one back to feel better.
  6. View Conversation
    This is me caring.

    Also, no warning, post is fine. Cry more.
  7. View Conversation
    Yes sir, that is Archer. I'm not even familiar with Dating Guy, but Moral Oral is kinda meh in comparison. I think you may be able to find it online, but I really don't know. I just love the ridiculous one liners and just how ridiculous and vain everyone is.
  8. View Conversation
    I'd love them to disregard it, as it would prove me right.

    Actually I may have set up the thread wrong. If you disagree with me, I'm right. If you agree with me, I'm right.

    I'm sure there's someone perceptive enough to get beyond that, and I await them.
  9. View Conversation
    Completely understandable. At least you're self-aware, whereas others will just continue measuring their e-peen.
  10. View Conversation
    Please do contribute. I try to micro-manage and self-regulate my threads by chastising those who decide do 'hate the player not the game'. Simply because I've been through that nit-picking so many times (and have been guilty of it myself). You'll get the same protection provided you play by the sensible rules

    And thankees.
  11. View Conversation
    i just read your sig, it made me lol
  12. View Conversation
    hahaha, can't forget about that teleport. Did you end up beating the game yet?!
  13. View Conversation
    I forgot how theyre glitched exactly, but the only real benefits in FFV for leveling up are extra HP/MP; getting more strength/defense/etc for your classes really doesn't help at all, since the stat bonuses are so miniscule, so this means having the right classes/skills/equipment for boss battles are crucial, even moreso than grinding levels.

    And yeah you're definitely over halfway there. Once you get to the third world, the game becomes a lot less linear, so you could skip a bunch of events and go straight to the final dungeon, but you'd miss out on a lot of important spells/equipment/etc.
  14. View Conversation
    Actually, that whole post was in context. It was responding to what he put to me. A mind altering substance, whether produced by the body naturally or a man made product, is used to improve your mood willingly. He stated doing something willingly to make yourself feel better was blah blah blah and anyone who did it was yadda yadda yadda. That was an incorrect stance to take, as it was very ambiguous and shaky ground to begin with.

    But, by all means, continue to claim I'm an alcoholic and have drank myself stupid. I'm rooting for you mate, I really am.
  15. View Conversation
    Honestly its been awhile since I've played the game lol so I don't really remember any of the main story arcs, but I do remember using my pets Did you know there was a secret way to get a Chocobo as a pet? I had one for awhile. My friend had his character and I had mine so we'd get my pet as well, with three characters going through No Future mode, it made things a bit easier haha.
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I find more and more each day that I don't hold back on the interent so much and tend to get overly rash. This sadly makes me a lot of enemies on the interent or at least some equally rash comments back. In real life I'm much less controversial...
Science, Editing programs (Simple ones ie. RPG maker and Warcraft III Map Editor), Movies in general, and Video Games
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- "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

-"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)


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