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    Hey Cyanista, how've you been? haven't talked to you in awhile. I see you've been repping me haha. I'm doing well, been preparing for graduation in which my ceremony takes place next month, i'm also job hunting, and gaming. Been playing FFXII and i started another game of Famicom Detective Club gaming wise. Anything new going on with yourself? hows the family?
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    Honestly I did not expect such an ending. I expected Tommy to become the new Black Arrow and no damage to the city. I wonder how the series will continue. Most probably, Oliver and his friends will now go after Deadshot.
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    lol.. A nightclub in the attic... Are they charging cover fees to get in?

    I made a super spicy salsa the other day with like 2 big handfuls of toasted dried japanese chili pods, and then just 2 or 3 boiled roma tomatoes, 1/2 and onion, and some garlic cloves. Blended it up, but it was too thick, so I had to squeeze in some lime (also added cilantro). It was gooood. Spicy, but good. I made steak sammiches the other night and mixed some of the salsa into the lime flavored mayo I bought, grilled some thin cut skirt steak with chunks of onion and a chile torreado, cooked up some chorizo, bacon, and a fried egg over medium, sliced up an avocado. Stacked it all up with some queso fresco on top. On that Bolillo bread you get in the WalMart bakery section.. Mmmhhhhmmm. Jay devoured his.. 'cuz he's a fat kid. I could only handle like 1 bite and I was stuffed. It was good though.

    Oh hospital. He's fine now, but since the roomie & I aren't family, they wouldn't tell us exactly what was wrong. They had to give him 2 shots of attivan to get him to calm down. He was pissed we called an ambulance, but he was in so much pain he couldn't even talk. They said before we left for the hospital that it might be a chest wall infection or something. He'd been having issues all day, though. On and off. He told the roomie while I was gone that he was having trouble breathing while vacuuming the house. It was a mess. They didn't even rx him any pain medicine. The roomie's "wife" (she's a complete dumbass) told everyone that he'd had a stroke. So we've had to spend at least a week setting everyone straight about it. It's a long story with her, but she's something else. And not in a good way. heh.
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    Hellur love muffin! Haven't seen you around lately.. Hope everything's ok! ^_^
  5. View Conversation
    What a finale!! Did you watch it?
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    Yes, that part was cool. Actually I love its action.

    I think Laurel loves both Tommy and Oliver, however Oliver must be her favourite. I don't think that she hates Oliver anymore as he appears to be different from what he used to be before. And if she ever finds out the truth, she would surely fall for him (just like Tommy said).

    Haha, it's ironic that Oliver's sister will help Roy find the Vigilante but at least they have a good intent. Roy feels that he owes the Vigilante for saving his life.
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    It's our "Spam Thread" .... Tallulah is a member there, too. But posting there doesn't count towards your post count. Lammmmeeeeee, but I like it.

    My mom has an electric skillet that's ancient, but it works -great-. And slow cookers are good for cooking beans. lmao... I need to perfect my refried beans, though... Mine always suck a lot.

    My dad is googleable (Tucker Nunnery) ... On KC Speedway.. He used to be semi-famous on the tracks. My grandfather is on their website too. lol

    I bought some salted caramel chocolate chip cookies from Wal Mart and they were effing delish. I need to get my mom's recipe for her sugar free fudge. It's totally diabetic friendly. She uses no marshmallow cream or sugar. And it's -amazing-... She's known as "The Fudge Lady" on several military bases.

    And it's ok that you don't drink. I mean, health-wise - a glass of red wine a week & a beer is actually good for you, but alcoholism runs on my dad's side of the family. Not that I have a drinking problem or anything, but it does. My dad's mom had a bad problem with drinking, my dad drinks (only Budweiser out of a 12 oz can. He has the entire label memorized), my sister is a Wine-O, and I just drink whatever. My mom & brother don't. My mom likes champagne or a glass of wine every now and then, and it's hysterical when she's tipsy, but it doesn't happen often.... Although 1 day, she was like "GET ME CHAMPAGNE! NOW!" and I was like "Jeeze.... Calm down, alkie"... lmao.. My family is retarded as ****.

    And now i'm off to go buy hair dye and maybe clothes. Jay lost a bet Saturday night before he went to the hospital, so he owes me $100 and I'm super stressed about everything.... Being an Army "Wife" (he's told everyone I'm his wife, though we're not married) is really stressful, even though he won't get deployed again and he'll be done in November.
  8. View Conversation
    I watch every episode as soon as it comes out. Now the story is really getting interesting as the undertaking is happening soon. I'm looking forward to the fight between Green Arrow and Black Arrow
  9. I love the library and I do not know what dune is but I will look it up
  10. View Conversation
    Lol yes. NASCAR is dreadfully boring. But, my dad used to race sprint cars & -his- dad raced as well. So. Yeah.

    Lol i still want a blender. I love blending things. Is that weird? Im also obsessed with obtaining a slow cooker, an electric skillet, and an indoor grill thingy thing.

    Im sorry. I am shamed.

    I dont use skype. I just use the messenger. I hate skype. I wont talk. I turn the volume down and jusr type. Ive become quite the un-fan of verbal communication in general. ... Unless im drunk. Then i like to drunk dial people. Haha.

    Annnnd I'm making pollo guisado for dinner. Yay!

    Yrah the UFF is like... There's only 1 thread thats active and thats barely. Tjere's only like 3 or 4 of us that post.. Once a week. Lol

    Thanks! But I like it here. I try anddo what I can. I hate seeing places that have really great websites, but the forums are dead. ;p
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    Haha! My dad is an Un-Funny Red Foreman. Seriously. He was in 'Nam and he's always like "YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT LIFE! YOU SUCK!" (to me specifically 'cuz my bro & sis are never around to hear it). And like I said, he's very dramatic. I love my dad with all my heart, he's my bestie, but he's turned into a major **** since he had to retire. He has nothing better to do than watch NASCAR, drink beer, and bitch. About everything. At me. And yes, I'm the baby, I'm the spoiled one - always have been, but at the same time I'm the only one who's ever consistently been there for -anyone- in my family - especially my parents. Long Story. Anywho.

    Mortar & Pestles rock. Making salsa in them bitches... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah buddy! That doesn't excuse you from being an ass about it though. lmao I kid, of course.

    And yersh. This be my haunt too now. I go to UFF, but it's dead like my Grandmother, so there's no point. heh...... This is the most action I've gotten in a forum in ages. lolz
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    Hey. Red's a fun color for vomit. How many people do -you- know would puke red vomit? Well.. I guess if Bloody Mary s were involved.....

    I feel guilty too, trust me. I mean, I'm buying things more for him, than me food-wise 'cuz I really don't eat much. I just had to stock up on my make-up, self tanner, and conditioner. He eats enough for like 5, so yeah. He tried to tell me my budget was $300 for the month grocery-wise. I laughed in his face. If he wants -good- homemade food, I need a little lee-way. Don't cramp my style, BYATCH! Besides, he loves everything I make so he should shut up.

    LMAO brother got demoted to least favorite. That makes me think of my dad. He swears he's gonna be dead in a year (he's been saying this for 15 yrs already). For the longest, he was gonna leave everything to me, but now he can't decide who he's the least mad at, so he decided he's not making a will and we're all just gonna fight over it. Pshaw. Like he even has anything of value ............ 'Cuz he already gave it all to me. hurdy hurdy hurdy. As it stands... My sister is #1, I'm #2. My brother will always be #3 'cuz he's a **** and we all hate him. lmao. Not really, but yeah. We do. But not really. IDK. It's very difficult with my brother. Obviously.

    Doth you have the MSN/Skype or Yahoo?
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    Painting the roses red, we're painting the roses red!

    Meh, not much. Jay's gone 'till Friday, so I've pretty much been camped out in bed for the last 3 days. Finally got myself up and went to a job interview (it bombed. I'm normally good at interviews, but my track record with restaurants isn't the best) & the grocery store. I've already spent waaayyy too much money. I'm sure he's gonna kill me. But oh well.

    I need to do a lot of major cleaning though. Just the thought of it kills me. lol

    What about you?
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    As long as I can still call you Cyan I'm happy

    Then you must play it again! XD

    I only started playing X because I missed playing XII and both my copies of it are defective or something. Everything up until you get Auron is kinda dull so I'm just trying to play through those parts as quick as possible. One thing you can't fault about it though is the music, I've got it playing in the background right now lol.

    I can't remember what I was up to on VIII I think i'm looking for Elena (if that's her name) in the Garden. I just got so tired of walking around the place I stopped playing. I tend to play things again after reading a walkthrough of it online, so maybe i'll pick it up again after i'm finished with X.
  15. View Conversation
    Awwww yer welcome! I happen to think yer neat-o boquito! ^_^ lol

    (it's cuz there's prolly not many left to request you.....)
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About Cyanist

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About Cyanist
humble gamer striving for perfection while enduring an FPS induced headache.
California: Teh Promised Land
Sketching. reading old books, attempted cooking, gaming for hours on end, working on cars, frequenting junkyards, practicing archery and knitting hats for cats (not all at once).
Favorite FF?:
FF Tactics & FF VIII
3vil chef
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~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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07-29-2015 08:49 AM
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07-08-2016 11:09 PM
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I am the relationship-butcher.

by Cyanist on 09-08-2013 at 11:56 AM
JEEEEEZE, I've butchered another relationship. Startling realization #Ialwaysknewthat -_-;

So, I met a guy at a different forum that I was temporarily a member of (just to vent some anger at the moderators of this site after the V4 switchy thing - yeah, like I'm really gonna get over you destroying the planet, Freiza ) Anyway, over there, in that awesome, but somehow shockingly crude forum, we immediately clicked. Even though we hardly shared any of the same hobbies, (he's an

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Another Cyan Sketch

by Cyanist on 04-10-2013 at 01:16 AM
Greetings fellow art droolers and bored people looking for new stuff to ogle at. My latest sketch is of Aerith (or aeris), who I am perfectly awful at drawing, but whatev.
Here it is: In my sketch thread, as per usual

A lot of time has suddenly cleared up in my calendar, I don't know how long it'll last but I'm going to use it doing stuff I love: Sketching!

I geeve up

by Cyanist on 01-29-2013 at 10:14 PM
Realist Cyan: "This will be my twenty fifth blog - and my last" T_T
Gamer girl Cyan: "Duuude. Don't get so T.O.ed, it's not personal, there just aren't that many blog readers out there yet!!!! Don't give up!!!"
Realist Cyan: "Does it occur to you that I'm speaking to different versions of myself because I don't have that many people to talk to?"
Gamer Cyan: "ya know it did."
Realist Cyan: "Good. Just checking if the world

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Cyan's best sketch yet!!!

by Cyanist on 01-22-2013 at 01:04 PM
Hello peopleses. Before I reveal my latest and there's no doubt, my greatest sketch, I'd like to whine once more.
After much thought and due deliberation I have discovered many things that I do not like about the forum updates. One MORE complaint is: there simply aren't enough selfless people on this site to support, read and comment on the massive amounts of blogs that keep cropping up. I imagine it's terribly insulting to pour one's soul into a page and find the little 'zero views' on

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Icy wicy

by Cyanist on 12-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
Lady Cyan: *Phew* I haven't done a blog in a while...
Pompous Prof. Cyan: Do you know why that is?
L. Cyan: No. I had supposed the cause had something to do with my exhaustion of late.
Pompous Prof. Cyan: You are incorrect, madame. True, you have been inordinately lazy, a lapse brought on by the sleepy weepies, which is quite to be expected in the winter splinters, but mainly, my colleagues and I have uncovered the cause to be of much more serious origins... *pause for dramatic

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