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    Uhhhh .. I can't remember now. lol I'm too lazy to look.

    Skewl! Dew it! My mom's done all of the accounting and book keeping and stuff for her and my dad for -years- .. They were considered business owners, though, so they kind of had to.

    lololol stop breaking computers! ..... Or buy your own and hide it? I know, expensive, but netbooks aren't that much!

    Annnnnnd We're moving to NYC .. On the 2nd. Good news is, the Army is paying for the entire move. And to get reimbursed, we -have- to stretch it out to a 3 day trip. He's only allowed to drive up to 350 miles a day, so they'll pay for the motels, gas, food, etc. He gets out this coming Wednesday & our roommate will be home from Afghanistan then, too. Busy busy busy!
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    Oh you know.. Just gettin' warnings and stuff! lololol

    (Seriously, I got another one awhile ago.)

    I made smoked pulled pork in the oven. And it was awesome. I'm so proud of myself. XD

    Silly sweet stuff! I love pumpkin pie w cream cheese though. om nom nom nom.
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    Jet Li already had a movie that he was on the line for,so he only had time for the first part of the movie. Chuck Norris was pretty funny, giving a joke based on jokes made about him was fantastic.
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    I like all sorts of movies. The last movie that I watched was the Expendables II. It was pretty bad, but in a good way. xD
  5. View Conversation
    I'm late, but I'm also not busy!

    Is there something I can do for you?
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    XDD Sorry. I've been too lazy to respond to much of anything anywhere on here.

    It drives me insane though, wasting food lol.. My dad is really bad about it.. His mom was strict about leftovers - she would cook and would not cook again until everything had been eaten. So. He'll snack around on whatever my mom cooks like after dinner as a late night snack and -maybe- some the next day, but beyond that, no way. My mom winds up throwing out a lot if she doesn't feed the people over in the shop or finish it off herself. It's kind of hard for her to just cook for 2 people even though none of us kids have lived with them full-time since like 1996.

    Netflix has been completely awesome lately! I'm watching Glee from the beginning right now, but the old Goosebumps t.v. show is on there and the Babysitters Club and The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy and and and all kinds of other stuff! I got Jay into Billy & Mandy. We cracked up for houuuurs.. Oh! And Jem! Jem is on Netflix! *dies* My sister and I used to loooooove Jem.

    Tonight, I am not doing much cooking. A couple of my bf's friends/soldiers/whatever are coming over and bringing a beer pong table so we're gonna play beer pong. WooHoo!

    I'm also thinking about getting a spray tan, but I'll probably do it in the morning 'cuz there's a place that does them for just $12 if you go in before 11 a.m. - otherwise it's $25.

    Jay's gonna be gone in the field next week for like a month. or well. Not a whole month. He'll be gone for 3 days, then home for 3 days. Should be interesting.
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    See the chili was this like big long complicated recipe that didn't use beans or tomatoes. And it wound up being really bitter and just. Yuckola. Really made me kinda mad 'cuz that's like a huge waste of food. Ugh. I also made the marinade for tacos al pastor (it's a type of pork) from scratch 'cuz I happened to find annatto/achiote seeds at Publix... Apparently my skin is really allergic to the pigment in them. I got it on my hands while soaking them. I washed my hands of course, but the next morning, I had a few huge itchy lumpy rashes on my arms and it steadily spread and got worse. By the end of the night my arms were completely puffy and pink, it'd spread to my legs, back, and sides, and my hands were so swollen I couldn't make a fist. I had to take one of my boyfriend's Xanaxes so I could fall asleep. It was horrible.

    Our cat is picky about the litter box. I told Jay that if we bring her home, she's -his- responsibility. I don't do litter boxes. Ever. That's his and my baby's job.

    But yeah. We made up.

    Also. How was your little anime vacation?? lol
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    lol! That's terrible!

    They -used- to have money. Back when they could work. Hauling Ammo & military equipment doesn't pay as much as it used to though. My mom wanted "one more dog that's her's" before she kicks the bucket.

    lmao I've heard roosters are like that.

    I started to make chili (another long and labor-intensive deal), but then Jay started being an asshole and left, so I gave up after I got the meat cooked. He came home completely trashed and pissed in the laundry basket. I will murder him. He didn't even respond to me when I yelled at him. *Eye roll* I'm about to leave. I can't deal with his bs anymore. Not to mention he was acting like that in front of my kid and I don't have time for that mess. He's asleep on the couch. I wanna go wake him up, but nah. I'm exhausted.
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    lmao then the Administrator must be seen!

    Have fun & good luck with that. haha
  11. View Conversation
    Yeah, I hate asking him while he's gone in Afghanistan, but Jay taking over -all- of the rent has kind of added a little bit of a strain. And besides, it's not like he's spending money on anything other than Burger King and his car payment & insurance.

    I'm not sure about Black Butler or The Slayer, but they've got a -TON- of anime. I saw Magic Knight Rayearth, Tenshi Muyo!, Death Note, Chobits, among others.. Yeah yeah, I know those are "popular", but you know.

    I finally got to start in on watching NANA last night also ('cuz "Glamorous Sky" by Nakashima Mika is one of my all time fav. songs - she recorded the soundtrack for the movie that was made and did the voice of the rockstar Nana). I'm trying to find the movie right now, actually. No luck so far. They have movies too, but Netflix or just downloading whatever is a better bet. It's slim pickins' on Hulu Plus.

    We've always had dogs growing up. Mostly boxers and poodles, though. My mom's teacup poodle Gidget just turned 3 the other day. She weighs 2 lbs and my mom spent nearly $3,000 on her. *eye roll*... I told her she should breed the damn thing and make some money, but she refuses. Whaaatever. It's a lot of work to train them when they're puppies - potty training and whatnot. And researching breeds is important too. A lot of people think Yorkshire Terriers are "sooooo cute", but they're a -bitch- to train - as with miniature dobermans. My mom bought a yorkie and the damn thing wriggled out of his halter while they were outside, ran in the street and got hit by a car. It was pretty bad. And my dad's Min Pin is 13 and pees all over the place.. I think it's because our boxer passed away and she was the one who always asked to go out to use the bathroom. My parents had to hire a professional carpet cleaner to go in and clean around the replacement refrigerator they have in the living room 'cuz he'd peed so much & it was starting to smell like ammonia really bad.

    Instead of BBQ sauce, maybe try like a Memphis dry rub!

    Memphis-Style Dry Ribs Recipe -

    It calls for a lot of different spices, which I know can get really expensive, but I'm sure you could find something less complex. I really like the Saveur website though - they have a lot of really good recipes & menu ideas and whatnot. I love ribs too, but sometimes I'd rather have a dry rub style as opposed to saucy bbq sauce. lol And like.. Buffalo Wild Wings - they have Desert Heat dry wings - they're -awesome-.

    Oooooh I make really good Tres Leches (3 Milks) cake, and I decided to make one for my parents, but my mom insisted I attempt to make a chocolate version which I've -never- seen or heard of in my life. So I did, and I added a bit of almond extract, but I added too much on accident. It was overwhelming to say the least.

    If I'm really hot, I can dig a cold shower, but then again, it has like an opposite effect - like when you get out, it feels warmer whereas if you take a -warm- shower, you'll automatically feel cooler.

    Lol! Outside oven.... -That- is a new one, indeed. Or well.. Makes me think of when I baked that stupid cake and my mom was cooking dinner.. I had to go out to their big truck and use the convection oven out there to bake it. I'm really not much of a baker like dessert-wise 'cuz I don't eat a lot of junk and I try to steer Parker as far away as possible from things like that. Since she's 1/2 Mexican and that side of her family, from what I know, -does- have a tendency to be overweight (I've only seen like 1 picture of the women in her dad's immediate family and they're all like.. Obese) and weight issues run on my dad's side of our family (me included), so.. Yeah. Lol she already has a booty - small as she may be.

    LMAO carrying a roasting pan in pitch black - not a big deal at -all-! I'd be afraid of tripping over something and dropping whatever I'm carrying...
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah, I hate asking him while he's gone in Afghanistan, but Jay taking over -all- of the rent has kind of added a little bit of a strain. And besides, it's not like he's spending money on anything other than Burger King and his car payment & insurance.

    I'm not sure about Black Butler or The Slayer, but they've got a -TON- of anime. I saw Magic Knight Rayearth, Tenshi Muyo!, Death Note, Chobits, among others.. Yeah yeah, I know those are "popular", but you know.

    I finally got to start in on watching NANA last night also ('cuz "Glamorous Sky" by Nakashima Mika is one of my all time fav. songs - she recorded the soundtrack for the movie that was made and did the voice of the rockstar Nana). I'm trying to find the movie right now, actually. No luck so far. They have movies too, but Netflix or just downloading whatever is a better bet. It's slim pickins' on Hulu Plus.

    We've always had dogs growing up. Mostly boxers and poodles, though. My mom's teacup poodle Gidget just turned 3 the other day. She weighs 2 lbs and my mom spent nearly $3,000 on her. *eye roll*... I told her she should breed the damn thing and make some money, but she refuses. Whaaatever. It's a lot of work to train them when they're puppies - potty training and whatnot. And researching breeds is important too. A lot of people think Yorkshire Terriers are "sooooo cute", but they're a -bitch- to train - as with miniature dobermans. My mom bought a yorkie and the damn thing wriggled out of his halter while they were outside, ran in the street and got hit by a car. It was pretty bad. And my dad's Min Pin is 13 and pees all over the place.. I think it's because our boxer passed away and she was the one who always asked to go out to use the bathroom. My parents had to hire a professional carpet cleaner to go in and clean around the replacement refrigerator they have in the living room 'cuz he'd peed so much & it was starting to smell like ammonia really bad.

    Instead of BBQ sauce, maybe try like a Memphis dry rub!

    Memphis-Style Dry Ribs Recipe -

    It calls for a lot of different spices, which I know can get really expensive, but I'm sure you could find something less complex. I really like the Saveur website though - they have a lot of really good recipes & menu ideas and whatnot. I love ribs too, but sometimes I'd rather have a dry rub style as opposed to saucy bbq sauce. lol And like.. Buffalo Wild Wings - they have Desert Heat dry wings - they're -awesome-.

    Oooooh I make really good Tres Leches (3 Milks) cake, and I decided to make one for my parents, but my mom insisted I attempt to make a chocolate version which I've -never- seen or heard of in my life. So I did, and I added a bit of almond extract, but I added too much on accident. It was overwhelming to say the least.

    If I'm really hot, I can dig a cold shower, but then again, it has like an opposite effect - like when you get out, it feels warmer whereas if you take a -warm- shower, you'll automatically feel cooler.

    Lol! Outside oven.... -That- is a new one, indeed. Or well.. Makes me think of when I baked that stupid cake and my mom was cooking dinner.. I had to go out to their big truck and use the convection oven out there to bake it. I'm really not much of a baker like dessert-wise 'cuz I don't eat a lot of junk and I try to steer Parker as far away as possible from things like that. Since she's 1/2 Mexican and that side of her family, from what I know, -does- have a tendency to be overweight (I've only seen like 1 picture of the women in her dad's immediate family and they're all like.. Obese) and weight issues run on my dad's side of our family (me included), so.. Yeah. Lol she already has a booty - small as she may be.

    LMAO carrying a roasting pan in pitch black - not a big deal at -all-! I'd be afraid of tripping over something and dropping whatever I'm carrying...
  13. View Conversation
    Well, the original plan was to move back to -my- area of Nashville so that we can be close to my sister again (as it is, it's like an hr & a half drive. Even meeting my sister anywhere in downtown Nashville, it's still an hour) - that way when we get Parker back, she won't have to change schools or her daily schedule too much, BUT, Jay decided he wants to go to the Aviation mechanics school here in Clarksville and the roommate is expecting to move back in with us when he comes back from Afghanistan and -he'll- be going to Austin Peay University here. SO, I'm stuck here for like 2 more yrs. I just sent the roomie a msg on FB though and asked him if he'd mind sending us a few hundred bucks to help us find a place & pay for rent since we're storing all of his stuff for him - and essentially saving his room as opposed to finding someone else to move in and pitch in with rent (which we wouldn't do anyway, but you know). I'm just excited to finally live in a house for the first time in... A million years. lol

    The dogs are a for sure thing. We're getting a Newfoundland like pretty much as soon as we move - I had one growing up (he was mixed with Black Lab, though.. He looked like a big black Golden Retriever - he weighed around 175 before he got older and started getting sick & losing weight). He was -super- protective of me. He nearly tore one of my brother's friends up just for playing with me "Rough" (he'd picked me up by my ankles - I was like 3 and we'd only had Bozo for.. Not long).. Bozo growled, and my mom was just like "-Slowly- put her down. Before you get killed." - so after that, my dad would play hit me. The 1st time, Bozo would get between us. My dad would keep on, Bozo would growl. My dad would keep on, Bozo would tear his arms up. But anywho. Jay had a full blood Newfoundland, but his ex-wife has him now. They're gigantic dogs, & extremely expensive, but well worth the money. They're super smart, great swimmers, not a mean bone in their body.

    Annnnd we'll get a boxer next. 'Cuz I -have- to have a boxer. lol

    Anywho, it's the Cat Jay has a problem with. He doesn't like cats. But, since Parker asked, he gave in. lol

    Ooooo anime... We got a free 1 week trial of HuluPlus & lemme tell ya - Every Anime you could ever think of is on there. No joke. Even one of my favs - Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Magic Knight Rayearth, and I'm not sure what all else. Jay was watching something and I was like "This probably means we're gonna get this, doesn't it?" and He was like "Yeaaaapppp.... $8/month? And we can watch whatever shows we missed? Yeah."

    I love ribs. I've never actually eaten curry... I went to Publix last night, 'cuz I haven't been in a Publix in ages... It's such a fascinating grocery store. They have so much more than like Kroger or Wal Mart in the way of... Everything. And everything is so pretty and and and.... Like they have leg of lamb, ground lamb, lamb shanks, ground buffalo, etc. lolz ... Not to mention their freshly made sushi .. mmm...

    I made baked rigatoni with spicy turkey italian sausage and lots of veggies with vodka sauce (I mixed in a bunch of sour cream so it'd make it more creamy / make more sauce) and mozzarella cheese on my 1/2 'cuz Jay is lactose intolerant and it gives him gas if he eats a bunch of cheese. -_-;; I've always avoided Publix 'cuz it tends to be expensive, but I only spent like $40 total - not bad for what all I got.

    Anywho, I say you stop playing nurse until they fix it. Mmmmhhhhhhmmmmm. Or hold something that's important to them ransom. .. Lol that reminds me of when I lived with my ex's dad & step mom in AZ & their washer & dryer were outside. ugh. terrible. and then the last girl I stayed with didn't have a washer or dryer and never any money to go do laundry, so we'd get a big jug of Tide & wash all the clothes in her bathtub & lay 'em out on the bushes and stuff to dry.. It was during the Summer, so it'd all be dry within like 10 minutes. lulz. Ghet-to!
  14. View Conversation
    hehe. Anchorman!
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    Heyyyy! I'd be great if this stomach virus would go away. -_-;;; It's no bueno. It'd also be lots of fun if the BF & I could go look at houses for rent and actually -move-. Parker wants a kitty cat really bad. And Jay & I want a Newfoundland. Jay was totally against cats until P asked him for one. lulz Now he's like, "It'll be -your- responsibility when you're here, Parker" and she's all "I know! I'll take care of it!" *eyeroll* Yeah. That'll last for about a week. But whatever.

    How are -you-? ^_^
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About Cyanist
humble gamer striving for perfection while enduring an FPS induced headache.
California: Teh Promised Land
Sketching. reading old books, attempted cooking, gaming for hours on end, working on cars, frequenting junkyards, practicing archery and knitting hats for cats (not all at once).
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FF Tactics & FF VIII
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~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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I am the relationship-butcher.

by Cyanist on 09-08-2013 at 11:56 AM
JEEEEEZE, I've butchered another relationship. Startling realization #Ialwaysknewthat -_-;

So, I met a guy at a different forum that I was temporarily a member of (just to vent some anger at the moderators of this site after the V4 switchy thing - yeah, like I'm really gonna get over you destroying the planet, Freiza ) Anyway, over there, in that awesome, but somehow shockingly crude forum, we immediately clicked. Even though we hardly shared any of the same hobbies, (he's an

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Another Cyan Sketch

by Cyanist on 04-10-2013 at 01:16 AM
Greetings fellow art droolers and bored people looking for new stuff to ogle at. My latest sketch is of Aerith (or aeris), who I am perfectly awful at drawing, but whatev.
Here it is: In my sketch thread, as per usual

A lot of time has suddenly cleared up in my calendar, I don't know how long it'll last but I'm going to use it doing stuff I love: Sketching!

I geeve up

by Cyanist on 01-29-2013 at 10:14 PM
Realist Cyan: "This will be my twenty fifth blog - and my last" T_T
Gamer girl Cyan: "Duuude. Don't get so T.O.ed, it's not personal, there just aren't that many blog readers out there yet!!!! Don't give up!!!"
Realist Cyan: "Does it occur to you that I'm speaking to different versions of myself because I don't have that many people to talk to?"
Gamer Cyan: "ya know it did."
Realist Cyan: "Good. Just checking if the world

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Cyan's best sketch yet!!!

by Cyanist on 01-22-2013 at 01:04 PM
Hello peopleses. Before I reveal my latest and there's no doubt, my greatest sketch, I'd like to whine once more.
After much thought and due deliberation I have discovered many things that I do not like about the forum updates. One MORE complaint is: there simply aren't enough selfless people on this site to support, read and comment on the massive amounts of blogs that keep cropping up. I imagine it's terribly insulting to pour one's soul into a page and find the little 'zero views' on

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Icy wicy

by Cyanist on 12-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
Lady Cyan: *Phew* I haven't done a blog in a while...
Pompous Prof. Cyan: Do you know why that is?
L. Cyan: No. I had supposed the cause had something to do with my exhaustion of late.
Pompous Prof. Cyan: You are incorrect, madame. True, you have been inordinately lazy, a lapse brought on by the sleepy weepies, which is quite to be expected in the winter splinters, but mainly, my colleagues and I have uncovered the cause to be of much more serious origins... *pause for dramatic

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