Conversation Between Copperfire and Dodie16

7 Visitor Messages

  1. *nods* Me too. And it's really no problem.
  2. Thanks! I appreciate it a lot. I don't think that Sephiroth can win at this point, but as long as he's not the first to go, then I'll be happy.

    Thank you for your support. I mean it.
  3. No problem. Done. I gave Sephiroth a point and took a point off of the Shadow Lord. He sounds lame. I would have taken a point off of Kefka if he wasn't actually a decent villain.
  4. Hey Copperfire! Just dropping by to say hey, and also if you would help Sephiroth win in the FF Villains elimination that's going on right now. The rules are easy: Just take one point away from a villain and add it to another.

    2010 FF Villains Elimination

    You don't have to, of course, but I would appreciate it a lot if you did.
  5. ^.^ Cool.
  6. Nope. I don't mind at all! Always glad to meet new people!
  7. I'm adding you to my friends. You don't mind do you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7