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  1. View Conversation
    Yeah, I was thinking about that, too. Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure they'll still be crossing names out of that notebook - Can't wait for the next season... grr, I guess I'll just watch Shark Tank in the meantime.
  2. View Conversation
    Of course I watched it!!! Awesome!!! I can't believe Tommy's dead!!!!! AAAAGGHH!!! Laurel will prolly be overcome with guilt now! Ditto with Oliver of course.
    The Glades leveled... @.@
  3. View Conversation
    Yes!!! Absolutely! Wasn't it cool when he bashed that guy's head into the wall three times as he was falling!?! XD
    And what's up with Laurel's attitude? Is she seriously THAT in love with Tommy to turn down Oliver? Or does she still hate him because of the thing with her sister?
    And now Oliver's sister is going to help Roy find the Vigilante? AHHHH!!!
    Yeah, I've been keeping up.
  4. View Conversation
    OMG!!! I'm watching that series too! My brother keeps teasing me about it, but I haven't missed an episode yet! What about you?
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    Eek, I ran outta money again, so that's why I ran out or internet. Sorryz

    It's about a married, middle-aged chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with cancer and, barely making ends meet as it is, (he also has a disabled son) decides to go into the business of cooking meth. It's sort of a dramedy, rated R.
  6. View Conversation
    Wow, like an automatic limiter of sorts. Niiiiice.
    Meanwhile, Cyan has outdone herself in sheer laziness
    I've been watching a LOT of tv series on DVD, including Game of Thrones. I'm done with the first season already. And though on the surface it appears to be just entertainment, I HAVE been taught an invaluable lesson: I cannot stand traitors!!!
    Everest: beyond the limit, season 2 (basically a reality show where people make pathetic attempts to climb Everest, while the wiry local people, called Sherpas, haul the contestants' luggage, cook their meals, and guide them up the treacherous slopes without complaining)
    And yesterday I started on 'Breaking Bad' season 1. From the cover I thought I'd hate it, but it's kind of growing on me after the first disc
  7. View Conversation
    Poor thing. Don't forget to chill every now and then, even if it's not online with other people who have way too much time
  8. View Conversation
    You mean as the original cartoon, er what?
  9. View Conversation
    Yeah. Spiderman 3 left such a bad taste in my mouth I don't blame ya. I found this Youtube vid yesterday Top 10 Dopiest James Franco Moments - YouTube

    What about X-men?
  10. View Conversation
    I thought so too! I went into the film thinking: 'Oh this'll be a bunch of macho mush,' I thought Iron Man was a mindless, immature guy franchise that I could never get, but the first movie completely changed my mind. I thought it was really funny and I like how they meshed the story into Afghanistan, that made it very dramatic.

    What didya think about spiderman?
  11. View Conversation
    Haha, I hadn't thought of the ff Odin being related to the Norse god. (weird, seeing as how that's an obvious connection) I liked it too. The comedy and old-fashioned speech in modern-day setting, especially

    What are your thoughts on Iron Man?
  12. View Conversation
    Hmm. Me too. I sort of enjoyed that Captain America one. What's your favorite so far?
  13. View Conversation
    Okay, sounds like it'll be a blast.
    Have you been following those Marvel Comic movies that've been popping up everywhere?
  14. View Conversation
    I...wouldn't bother with the HD version (unless it costs less or something) I mean, there's only so much Goofy one can take. The picture seemed overwhelmingly vivid to me already, course I had a big screen. *big mistake*

    I'm not gonna have to watch old Chuck Norris films in order to get the jokes am I? (*oof* Delta Force was such an ordeal) =_='
    What Chuck Norris films have you watched?
  15. View Conversation
    Ha, I did that, too. Why do they even make it possible to send yourself a VM?

    Sounds like you got a pretty good deal on that. Yay!

    I finally finished KH 2 and have started on Drakenguard. The voice-actors are really annoying (esp that fairy), but for those dragon flying sequences, I think I'll put up with them

    Which actors, per se? You mean like how Arnold showed up in the first one?
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