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    Your biography reminds me

    By the way, whats up!
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    Ah, know it all makes sense! XD Your answer to my last VM is on YOUR profile. Sorry, I haven't noticed. I tend to only read my own profile. Perhaps I'll answer your VM later. x3"
    Halloween's pretty boring by far. .-." I suppose I'll stay at home, as no one'll go to a party. .-. So I'll just wait for the sweet kids to come to our house. <3
    How about you? ^^
  3. XXXXXXXXD *DIES* i hope I won't have to deal with suicide birds. It's enough with the silly cooks that flies into our windows of our house. Or down the chimney. It's actually happened twice.

    Hmmm as for how many classes I've first four years of school were all with the same class all the way through, pretty much. Or well not really. For the first year, when we were six years old, it was just us 16 people. When we moved up from "pre-school" into first grade, we always were in the same classroom as the 8 and 9 years olds. So in my school, first, second and third graders mixed. I think that actually, when I was in the third grade we were so few that we actually had the preschoolers with us in the same class as well. xD; But we still went around to different classrooms to have lessons with our "real" class, so to say. So four years with the first class. And I'd have kept going my three next years with that class too, if I hadn't changed school. At the time I was furious about having to switch (mom's descision, she found the school I changed to better and thought I would suit better in a "culture" class. We had musicals and the like every spring. xD) I'm happy I did now though. A girl I sort of knew from my old school changed and started in my new class too, and we're still best friends. Also mixed years, 4th, 5th and 6th graders in the same classroom. Highschool were probably the biggest change I'd had so far, first time except for preschool that I didn't go into a mixed class, so those years with those people were more intense. Most of my highschool class were people from my previous class, and another part of it were people from my 1st 2nd and 3rd years....god this is getting messy. xD My class right now is just full of new people, and instead of going to a school that it takes 20 minutes to walk to, I have to go 45 minutes with bus every morning to get there. I'm having my best school years now I think, but the end of highschool or whatever to call it was still the best. Those last months when we realized we soon wouldn't be together anymore were pretty intense and we really just enjoyed eachothers company to the fullest. Sort of bittersweet that it's over already.
    god that was a boring drabble. xD is the school system of where you live any different?

    Maaw. xD But like the funny part is I talk SO much in class. But when we have oral stuff like doing a presentation or whatever in front of the class, I'm the WORST. I turn red in the beginning and the words just disappear. At least when I'm alone. It goes much better when I'm doing it with someone else. But alone. I don't know. For some reason it doesn't work. It's so silly and uneccessary. e__e;
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    Hah, birds... <.<" Reminds me of what happened to me.. I think a year ago. xD" I was driving to the train station, as usual, when some birds passed me by. I had the strange feeling one of them wanted to commit suicide, because it flew right into my car. XD" (There were many suicide-birds on the streets last year, to be precise xD) Okay, no problem for me, I just acted as if nothing had happened. Yet, when I drove home, I realized that I'd really killed a bird. (Or rather: it killed itself xD") Wouldn't be a problem... IF IT WEREN'T HANGING ON MY CAR!!! >_< As I'm a girl, I don't know what this thing is called.. but in front of my car there was this bird, hanging lifeless. And there were quite some people surrounding me. So I had no chance but to - again xD - act as if I'd seen nothing. Some people were looking strangely at my car because of this bird there... and I thought: "Holy sh*t... hopefully there'll be no kid on the street! If a kid saw a dead bird hanging on my car...." Guess what happened. XD There was a kid who stared at the bird... Damn, I'll never forget that! XD
    Buuuuut, the moral of this story is: No matter how embarrassing driving can be - you'll laugh about most of it after a few weeks xD

    Yeah, it's always quite strange to act like a child again, as we're forced to act like grown-ups. <.< But I love to play with kids. <3 I always feel so... free when playing with them. <3
    Sounds as if your school system is... kinda splitted. Oo You basically have no school you attend after Elementary School? Then how many different classes have you had? You must've met quite many people along the way oo

    Hehe, I'm also quite silent, and I didn't talk much in class. That's why all my marks in oral exams were bad. xD" The teachers always said the opposite of yours: They told my parents I was so silent and that I should interact more in class. xD
  5. View Conversation
    You were interviewed?! ôô That's also pretty interesting. xD I thought handing in the pictures was everything you had to do. At least it's like that when you want to attend art classes in university over here. You just hand in some pictures and then they decide whether they accept you or not. xD" I think I would've been shy, too. xD"

    Well, a kid jumped on the road without looking... and guess who the unfortunate driver was who was on the road in exactly THAT moment. xD" I really had to slam my breaks to the fullest. <.<" That was... not a nice experience to make. ^^"
    Haha, I know how you feel about the second problem. ^^ I think currently I look like I'm still 15... when I got my driver's license I had the feeling I looked like 13, too. xD I always waited for the police to stop me and ask how old I actually was. XD

    Something inbetween. I can't handle younger children, like in Elementary School. It's not that I don't like them, but I don't know what to do with them. For me, kids have to be able to write and read - then I can work with them. XD" Besides, I want to be a teacher for English and Maths... No good with kids who are too young. xP So everything except Elementary School is fine with me. ^^ The kids I'll be teaching will be ~11 to 18 years old. Dunno which school this is in Sweden. xD"
    Philosophy sounds interesting, too, but I heard that you just had to talk to score good marks. So it wouldn't be a good idea for me. xD" If you're rather the silent type of person I wouldn't recommend it. There are always people who think they're better than you and talk all the time... that would be quite annoying. x.x Out of those two.. I would've chosen Psychology again. x3"

    I'd say we don't have much snow. And there shouldn't be much snow, I suppose. xD" I live quite near to some mountains (just saying this sounds so ridiculous XD), but not near enough to have much snow. >_o Normally we have a bit of snow every year, but not exactly much. Sometimes we've snow on the 23rd of December, but it all melts again. xD Snow mostly falls down in November and January. Inbetween: no snow ~..~
  6. View Conversation
    Ah, I've heard of such forms of tests. Way better than it was for me. xD" We had to come to the school, sit down in a kind of exam room and draw there... We had to draw two pictures that day: One with pretty much just food (XD), grey scale, one in color. The first was actually more fun than the second. x3" We had some snacks on our tables which we had to draw. The second was... well, I'm not good at thinking of a picture myself. xD" So it was rather difficult for me, especially as we had a topic. We had to draw a picture of the future. If someone in the year 4000 found technology we use these day - what would that be? I think that was the topic .-."

    Hah, I would take the driving lessons now, if I were you. xD" I've had a... very bad almost-accident once and I didn't want to drive again. I was afraid it could happen again (I was mostly afraid of really having an accident xD"). But after driving for another few weeks, it was mostly gone. .-." I wasn't afraid anymore, because I knew that it would probably never happen again. So if you're afraid: Do what frightens you most. (That is actually one of the things we also learned in Psychology classes xD)

    I've already finished Psychology classes. ^^ And I'm somehow glad I won't have them anymore. xD" At university I'll only learn about Psychology in schools (as I want to become a teacher :3"). Some things really were interesting and it was fun at first, but then I realized that it didn't help me in any way. You won't be able to help someone even after attending those classes. Neither will you understand humans better. We just learned theories (like Freud's, Skinner's, Beck's, etc.) and there was no analysis of people. We just had some fictional cases which were far away from reality. xD"
    In our last year we learned something about therapies, too, but we still can't help anyone... :/

    Hehe, I also remember, when I was younger, we played much outside in winter (snowball fights, building snowmans, such stuff xD). There had been snow. Now it's rare to have snow. .,.
    Did you ever have snow on Christmas Eve?
    (Man, all this talk about snow makes me think it's winter XD)
  7. View Conversation
    Ah, I know which kind of school you mean! =D
    I also tried to have art classes in school, but I failed because there was a test before you could take those classes. -.- So I decided to do Psychology instead. It was a bit easier I suppose, as I can't really draw anymore and I don't think I'd be able to do it. (And it's no fun for me.)
    You.. had a nude model? o.o" Weren't you at least a bit embarrased? (Okay, depending on the gender of the model ^^" But I'd be embarrased if I had to draw a naked person - even if I had to draw a woman. ^^")
    I had to draw a portrait of a classmate once (we had only few art classes.. two hours/week only .-.") and it was quite much fun. He wasn't really talented, to his picture of me didn't really look like me. xD
    As for your father... why was the portrait near his cup of coffee anyways? xD" Hopefully he won't spill some on your next portrait... :/
    Btw. do you look into the mirror to draw yourself or do you have a picture of you somewhere? ^^

    Hah, yesterday I was out quite long. At least it felt as if I've stayed outside very long. I've gone home by train and it usually takes ~30 minutes (train's always delayed -.-). When I got into the train it was darkening. When I looked outside after ~10 minutes it was quite dark. When I arrived at the station I had to get out.. it was pitch black outside. O.o" And it was from 7.30 to 8 pm. xD"
    In the morning... hm, I don't really know. When I got up at 6 am it wasn't dark anymore (sun was about to rise x3). When I arrived at work at 7 am it was still a bit dark. And then I didn't really see when it wasn't dark anymore. xD"
    (And I also have problems getting up when it's dark outside. xD")
    No snow? ôô Oh, I wouldn't have thought you had no snow. xD" We also don't have much anymore (global warming, wasn't it? XD), but sometimes there's also so much that we can barely go outside. It's not that we can't open the door anymore, but it'd be difficult to go by car. xD
  8. View Conversation
    Hehe, you won't need long to find a comic in which Vincent'll have something in his eyes. xD Normally it happens in every comic. :3 I hope you'll enjoy the comics. I really laughed much when reading them for the first time. ^^

    You're doing art classes? Are you in an art school or something like that? oo Or is it just a subject?
    Self-portrait sounds like much work. xD" Hopefully you're done soon. :/

    I've been to Denmark once, when I was.. about 3 years old. XD So I don't remember how dark it was. I think it's quite dark all over the world at 4 pm in Winter. How long will it be dark in the morning? ^^
    Oh and how much snow do you have? Is it cold over there? xD I just can't imagine a country that was described to me as dark and cold. xD
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    You can read the comic. :3 If I remember correctly, I saw it on and the author's name was... wazy. Man, I have to look if she's got some new stuff yet. XD

    Well, I suppose it's darker than in other countries. xP My father once told me that everything was quite dark in Scandinavia. But I don't remember where he's been to. Denmark perhaps. Dunno~

    School related things... sounds fun. ^^ Y'know, I still have two weeks 'till university starts, so... I'll enjoy doing NOTHING at all. x3~~ (Hah, sorry, couldn't resist XD)
  10. View Conversation
    Hehe, again, seeing the pic makes me happy. XD It reminds me on some web comics of FFVII which I found a while ago. There were some stories about Vincent who always had something in his eyes... xD

    Nope, I'm not from Sweden, but I know someone who claims to be from over there. ^^ I like Scandinavia quite a lot, especially the languages. Someday I have to learn one. .-."
  11. View Conversation
    Mwahaha, I just came to your profile because I saw that you're from Sweden. That somehow interested me. But after seeing that great Basch pic in your profile... I can't stop laughing. XD Thanks for making my day and sorry to bother you xD
  12. View Conversation
    I love watching your Balthier avatar. I could just look at it all day long!
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About Belugn

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Date of Birth
January 10, 1992 (32)
About Belugn
I fail at trying to make myself sound interesting, so if you want to get to know me, just mail me or something. : ) I enjoy drawing and Final Fantasy A LOT. I don't have any local FF nerds, so that's why I came here, haha.
Art, FF, writing, day dreaming, sea life, people, culture
Favorite FF?:
VI, X, XII. X will always be precious to me though, being my first FF. (Late introduction, i know)
Student, not a very hardworking one though.


"I don't think I have what it takes to make a good action game. I think I'm better at telling a story."
Hironobu Sakaguchi


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