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    Yes, it was but with all things considered it was a better night than most nights I have at that store so it was more tiring than anything else. Sadly, moving out yet again means that I would have to transfer my internet service to the next house, and that may take from a few days to a couple of weeks. That's pretty much how long it took to get it installed on this one. In the meantime I may not be able to read since I can't access this page with my phone so I'll read what I can now before we move.

    Finances have been better lately, actually. So I may be able to get a subscription sooner or later, but like WKC II it may take a while to even get to that point. Since it's online-play only (from what I've read) setting things up plus settling into our new house may take a while. But it's definitely next on my list.
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    Searching yet for another house, Black Friday shift, and just being tired in general, I've been making little progress but it's still going. Managed to get to Chapter 147 and witnessed the fight between Fumiko and Stamatia. I don't think I've been that entertained ever since that long fight between Haruo, Yuki and the street punks. Though Fumiko losing her arm was kind of a shocker.

    On a different subject, I couldn't help but notice FFXIV on the games section at my job. Haven't paid attention to the threads here lately, so what's your take on the game?
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    More on the story.

    The first chapter dates back all the way to June 22nd of this year. I had this crazy idea with a co-worker (who shares my interests, more or less) after seeing her attempt to fan fiction. "Kingdom Hearts, but with anime" she said. At first I had the intention of doing a crossover (as I always did) but I dropped the idea after seeing I would get nowhere with it. And ever since then I tried doing an original creation, and while it has taken months just to write eight chapters, ideas suddenly started pouring in for about a month or so now. So I write when I can and I'm motivated enough. I released the eighth chapter just days ago, and right now it's likely the ninth will be out within the next three days.

    I did this with one person in mind. And I think I already shared that painful chapter of my life with you, but I don't remember if I have. She may be gone, but at least I can try to keep her memory alive.
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    I just need to see the right words and I may remember. I may go back sometime to find out but I can't make any promises.

    I'll present you the first chapter as soon as I can. I just have to make sure it's presentable.
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    Thanks. Just being able to log in at my usual spots is one of the few things keeping me sane. I'd seriously lose it if I lost contact with you and everyone else.

    I'm trying to remember without going back, and all that comes to mind is the scene with the ghost. But I'll keep reading to remember. I'm back to reading at least a chapter a day so I may be able to catch up eventually.

    And you don't have to give much feedback, just happy you've read what I sent already.
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    Hey just thought i'd give you a quick rundown on what happened to cid in FFXIII without spoiling it for everyone on the forums. Lightning and the crew battled with him at the top of that one huge tower in Gran Pulse. At the end of the battle there were some conversation and at the end he became crystallized.
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    My mother would do most of the anticipating. This lady liked me, or at least pretended to like me until we found out about the bust. At that point she started accusing us of stealing her things and even bluffed one time about calling the cops, but we were smart enough to see through her bluff. It was then when we made our decision to move out and that's exactly what we did within the week. But she looked for me at work about a couple of months back to settle any debts we had. I just hope she doesn't show up again as we don't owe her anything anymore. When I think about it, she should have been arrested too since she and her husband shared the room, and even though she has a heart problem everyone I asked told me that was no excuse to let her go after finding so many guns and drugs in the room. We are all guessing she betrayed her husband by calling the cops on him and possibly my mother. We are doing fine on our own now, but we usually go broke days after pay day. So I've been kinda bummed out. And yeah, perhaps I told you the long version of the story after all but I wanted to let out so much when I typed this. -sigh-

    I didn't really look at it that way. Had forgotten what Seiji's power was while I can recall what Yumi, Fumiko, and Chiharu are able to do. I just didn't take the time to put two and two together so I never realized just how risky the mission was.

    I'll PM you a chunk from my latest chapter. My first few chapters were a little on the sloppy side. As for this chapter, I felt a writer's block coming but I managed to push myself before going to bed yesterday and I'm happy to say I amazed myself. You probably won't get much of what's going on but it's still pretty early in the story so it'll be fine, I think
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    I actually knew the man for many years, it was his new wife we had trouble placing our trust in. And during our stay she made sure my mother suffered, though let's just say my mother would anticipate her moves more often that not.

    I was expecting Yumi meeting Yuki to go the same way you have portrayed it, actually. Or at least something similar. Not sure what to say about the situation with Yori, though. Too early to say.

    Oh and if you ever want to read a piece of what I'm working on feel free to ask. I still can't promise how it's gonna go but at least I continue to write a little at a time. I'm close to getting chapter eight done but it's taking me forever. No complaints, though.
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    It is. We moved in with other people back in January and it wasn't until August that the FBI broke into the house. Turns out they had a warrant, and that drugs were being kept at our house. I was at work when it happened and found out when I got home. Met the detective and even got searched. That's just the short version but by the mercy of God my family and I weren't even taken in for questioning. They just let us go.

    I know you aren't worried. No need to when you know who you're talking to, right? Just reached Chapter 135 so I stopped for the time being, but could resume later or tonight.
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    Meh, lately I just avoid streaming anything. Met with the FBI face-to-face back in August (not my fault) and since copyright laws exist and all I just decide to play it safe since a lot of things are technically illegal. So I avoid soundtracks unless it's the official Youtube channel and anime sites unless it's Viz or crunchyroll. It's a decision I'm okay with, though I will miss out on a few things x.x And before you say anything I do realize I sound like a prude. But I also figured I'd show my support for my favorite anime by buying something from them. A former co-worker even agreed with me on the issue, though she totally hates my guts now. So much happened to me this past year that made me make the choices I do today, even if a lot of them seem so minimal x3

    100 chapters? Well I got this far, didn't I? I can handle 100 more and however many you will write after that. It might take longer but I'm gonna try to see it to the end.

    I recycle names from stories that haven't worked out so well so if you have read anything from me you might spot a few things. But I'm also coming up with different names as well as names for attacks. Not a lot has come up for the latter but there's still time before major fights break out. Lots of things have been planned but I really have to push myself each time to continue.
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    That's one song I won't forget, especially since I hear the soundtrack hasn't been released outside of Japan. And I won't worry as long as you're around so I can talk about Shift, at least during the pivotal scenes. As far as I know, Yumi and her group are on their way to rescue her brother Yori. Been curious how that would turn out for the longest time, so I might find out on my nights off pretty soon.

    My current story will be about time traveling with characters and worlds I made up on my own. It's been easy so far because I would create characters ever since I was around 14. Naming them can prove to be difficult, but I look up star names from time to time especially since I intend to involve the Zodiac as well. So much i wish I could just blurt out but I'll let the writing do that for me
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    Aw, thanks. Just reading that from ya puts a smile on my face.

    *ahem* Yeah, I continued onward and faced both the Sun King and the Black Knight and I could just feel the end coming. I lost the fight but I can continue when I can set time aside since, as I mentioned, I got many things going on and not enough time to thoroughly enjoy each one. Haven't even cracked Ni No Kuni open for about a week now since I keep putting it off. Not to mention being on the latest chapter of my new story and still trudging through the 127th chapter of Shift. And I keep putting it all off more often than not for my Pokemon obsession, and I haven't even gotten the X & Y version yet. -shudder-
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    Feeling so good on my birthday that I felt the urge to come here o_o And of course, you're the first (and perhaps only) person who came to mind.

    Never mentioned how I'm doing in certain games, but it feels like I'm near the end of WKC II and Ni No Kuni. I just arrived at the Galmatha Fortress in WKC and I've just obtained the Mornstar spell in Ni No Kuni after learning the truth about Sage Alicia. How close do you think I am to the end in either game? I could just look it up but I figured it's better to hear it from someone who's played them
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    Mainly I've been watching the new series of Doctor Who. Nearly done with Season 4. You may/may not have heard of it but I think it's pretty good.

    It's another story. Over the years I've been not-so-famous for leaving things undone so I really can't say if this story will be something I stick to. However, I AM determined to see it end. And this time, the story is almost entirely original with characters and worlds I've made up on my own. And in prose form, too. I have you to thank for that.

    And speaking of Shift, I've slowly been getting back into it after all this time. However I'm barely past Chapter 127. I can't promise much progress since I'm juggling many things but it seems I have gotten over the personal issues I had when I stopped reading it.
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    Gotcha. Just figured you've seen it already. Haha. Besides that I haven't been watching much anime lately. I recently got Netflix and I'm just watching everything that fascinates me as much as I can. Then there's also something else I'm working on but don't want to show ya until I know it'll be something I stick to. Too early to say.

    How have you been?
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Stress, Good and/or Bad

by Andromeda on 11-28-2016 at 10:09 PM
It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to

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Something More Coherent

by Andromeda on 02-02-2015 at 09:43 PM
This is a little early, huh? I'm largely prompted by some recent work that I'm doing. Said work was prompted by something else. Something akin to the domino affect would be accurate, I guess. I would have put these somewhere else, but well the proper locations no longer exist sadly.

So what is it that I'm talking about? Logos! Yes, logos! Titles! That such thing. In my unending quest to do the wrong creative thing, I made some title logos or what have you for some of my stories.

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Mistakes, Directions and Paths

by Andromeda on 01-05-2015 at 01:20 AM
I don't do these as often as I might wish, though I would really wonder if I really would have much interesting to say if I did it as often as I wanted. However, Christmas vacation ends for me after two weeks and so I sort of felt like putting things down. Like always, I start off with just thinking about events and then I get to a subject of discussion. And I always think I don't have anything to discuss, but I always end up with something. And I figure another one out for this one.

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Love/Hate? or Entertainment?

by Andromeda on 07-21-2013 at 08:14 PM
Hey it's actually a blog post from me. Crazy talk huh? I've been busy with other things and I haven't had a topic I really wanted to ramble about. Well, I found a topic and it is all thanks to a JRPG I just finished. I'm going to be doing some general ranting about the game, but I'll also get into my gaming philosophy which actually extends out to other things. I've also got some other things I'm going to do as well at the end. So scroll down to see the surprise!

Anyway, the game

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Shift - Chapter 51 - Black and Blue

by Andromeda on 04-20-2013 at 12:25 PM
The very air that surrounded Yuki seemed to be unsympathetic to the problem that was weighing on him. It pressed against his shoulders keeping him from rising from the street. He had no will to stand at the moment. His head just held down brushing the side of his face with his dark blue nearly black hair. The streetlamp above him cast a heavy light that darkened his eyes until it just seemed like there was a void present.

Yuki’s mind was stuck as memories of the past flooded with

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