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    I'm probably going to need some training. I tried hunting for a Lv 45 bounty (a direspider) and it didn't take long for it to kill my party ._. I wouldn't stand a chance against other things, I bet.
  2. View Conversation
    Near the end already? Wow. I'm guessing I'm in for it once I reach Balandor.
  3. View Conversation
    I made it past Albana now and spent most of my time there trying to finish some errands. They take quite some time but at least the map was helpful.

    No much progress on my story at all these last couple of days but at least I managed to have fun
  4. View Conversation
    One of the others pointed out one heading off to the ruins so I guess I'll start there. I haven't started yet to be quite honest o_o
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    It's quite a pity I probably would not be able to meet you in person, ever, but one can dream. I think it'd be quite interesting to talk about the things we like, or play some games ^^

    I'm kinda in a good mood despite my boss being difficult last night. Got two nights off so I'm probably gonna do some catching up in WKC2. Looking for the toads at the Lagnish Desert already sounds like a pain x_x
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    Thanks again. I just hope you never take it the wrong way if I don't drop in so often. Life can be hard at times and well I just don't have the motivation to even touch the keyboard, you know? You're probably someone I'd miss if I somehow lost my Internet access. ^^

    Sometimes I'm not even sure what to say. Like now. The least I can do is be here for when you need to talk to. PMs are always good if it's too personal to discuss in public.
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    Very glad to hear that from you. At least now I don't have to rewrite anything now that the chapters that needed it are done. ^^

    It's just so great talking to you sometimes, you know? Like every now and again there's just something you say that makes me feel better. Thank you.
  8. View Conversation
    I see. I guess I'm doing good so far.

    Finally posted the ninth chapter of my story. I feel bad for skipping rewriting the four before it, but I feel like I can get things done now.
  9. View Conversation
    All I've been able to gather from types of weapons are that daggers allow quicker attacks while crudgels (for axes) have a higher critical-hit ratio. Other than that every weapon seemed to have the same effect.
  10. View Conversation
    Oh I understand now. Like how swords have short swords and daggers. Nearly lost me there ^^'
  11. View Conversation
    Five weapons? That's quite a lot of skil points to invest in o_o'
  12. View Conversation
    Or a bow user xD

    Seeing the help guides online, some criticize the elemental arrow use while others encourage it. Honestly, I think it helps to have them in the long run. I've been able to KO Fire Scorpions with just two Ice Bolts.
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    Lately I've been using a Knight only when things get pretty ugly, or when I just don't have the patience to deal with an enemy (like a Direspider). I had restricted myself on using skills that cost no MP until the second game, which made me realize I could take down enemies faster that way.
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    Yeah, and from what I can tell I can become more of a support party member, which is okay with me. Staying on top of everything would help me focus on the bigger priorities in the end, though my reflexes still need to be worked on (a party member usually runs out of HP before I can heal them). Lately I've also been able to take down giant enemies like Stone Golems much faster after some practice and experimenting with other skills, so it looks like I'm improving
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    It took me a while, but I managed to find the necessary switches. The rooms on the map I needed to go to were small so I must have missed them. I plan to look up ways to strengthen my character as I feel things will only get harder from here. I feel like I haven't done enough, especially since I haven't done any quests and have only done a few errands.
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Stress, Good and/or Bad

by Andromeda on 11-28-2016 at 10:09 PM
It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to

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Something More Coherent

by Andromeda on 02-02-2015 at 09:43 PM
This is a little early, huh? I'm largely prompted by some recent work that I'm doing. Said work was prompted by something else. Something akin to the domino affect would be accurate, I guess. I would have put these somewhere else, but well the proper locations no longer exist sadly.

So what is it that I'm talking about? Logos! Yes, logos! Titles! That such thing. In my unending quest to do the wrong creative thing, I made some title logos or what have you for some of my stories.

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Mistakes, Directions and Paths

by Andromeda on 01-05-2015 at 01:20 AM
I don't do these as often as I might wish, though I would really wonder if I really would have much interesting to say if I did it as often as I wanted. However, Christmas vacation ends for me after two weeks and so I sort of felt like putting things down. Like always, I start off with just thinking about events and then I get to a subject of discussion. And I always think I don't have anything to discuss, but I always end up with something. And I figure another one out for this one.

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Love/Hate? or Entertainment?

by Andromeda on 07-21-2013 at 08:14 PM
Hey it's actually a blog post from me. Crazy talk huh? I've been busy with other things and I haven't had a topic I really wanted to ramble about. Well, I found a topic and it is all thanks to a JRPG I just finished. I'm going to be doing some general ranting about the game, but I'll also get into my gaming philosophy which actually extends out to other things. I've also got some other things I'm going to do as well at the end. So scroll down to see the surprise!

Anyway, the game

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Shift - Chapter 51 - Black and Blue

by Andromeda on 04-20-2013 at 12:25 PM
The very air that surrounded Yuki seemed to be unsympathetic to the problem that was weighing on him. It pressed against his shoulders keeping him from rising from the street. He had no will to stand at the moment. His head just held down brushing the side of his face with his dark blue nearly black hair. The streetlamp above him cast a heavy light that darkened his eyes until it just seemed like there was a void present.

Yuki’s mind was stuck as memories of the past flooded with

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