Conversation Between Alther Primus and Rhaps

333 Visitor Messages

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  1. ... hi.

    How's the RP
  2. I've been better xD how about you?
  3. Oh well! LOL I was just ging you a hard time though, how you been?
  4. I'm sorry dude... I'm not sure how we can keep it rolling with just the three of us, and Heartless doesn't post as much anymore...
  5. 'Sup?

    Wow... jst... wow
    I've been dead to this place for nearly a year. maybe 2, and SILL no progress on the Genesis RP?
  6. I'll try.
  7. ... Well maybe you can ressurect it during the summer.
  8. Yeah, sorry bro. Hard to maintain stuff like that and school and work - _ -
  9. So... I take it the Red Leather RP is dead and in the ground?
  10. LOL!

    Yeah, I hate the economy this year.
  11. Oh look, a letter from my uncle!
    and I've been exhausted lol capitalism and the things it brings with it are not as fun as they're made out to be

    LOL! How have you been?
  13. *coughRPcough*
  14. ROFL!


  15. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 333
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