Happy birthday H.U.N.K! Here, a gift! *gives H.U.N.K 50 skeleton slaves*Have fun being 16!
Oh are you? Thats father Anderson right there! Amen. Nothing much happening around here, I'm am getting real close to beating Final Fantasy IV for the first time. Pretty epic game, I just might put this next to FFT on my favorite. So how you been?
I'm lovin' the new Avvy! Soooo, what's up?
Ummmmm, there's a web party going onat my Castle if you want to join! It's in "Armageddon's hidden Supreme Chamber" If you want to join!
Yeah Custom charactors. And now I'm not sure if I want to play SC4, what with that, and a downgades CaS system. (CAS means Create-a-Soul)
Cas's? What are those? Costom charecters mabey? Cool A$$ $hit? I don't have a clue. Man guess what, I recently played SC4 at a friends house and they changed everyones moves around!!!! ITS TERRIBLE!
No Prob! I love SC3 a LOT! I'vwe got a couple of cool CaS's if you want me to send them to you sometime!
Hahaha, thanks for joining me in my soul Caliber Awesomeness at Ryu's house.