Uhm im gona invite bryan over and see if we can beat LOTD and Resident Evil 5,CV,and outbreak 2. Want to join us?
I WaNt To DrAw A PiCtUrE, A PiCtUrE WiTh A TwIsT, IlL DrAw It WiTh A RaZoR, IlL DrAw It On My WrIsT! An Emo Poem! MUHAHAHAHA!
I'm great ^^ thank u how 'bout u ?
Hi there ^^
Thinking about playing EO tonite but there are a cra*load of speeders in the PK zone...we must train somwhere else. Plus I need gold, beacuse I decided to get Oblong.
Yo home-skillet-bisket. Whats up?
well my gaming life is kicking ass as always lol but real life well drama drama drama basically. i got more hours at work so thats good ....have you played fall out? since its from the guys that did oblivion i think i wanna try it out, but i wanna get a second opinion
Nothing man, just sitting around listening to Party Hard.
Yo man whats up? Did you watch WCG Ultimate Gamer?
hey brother man i started a group called metal militia and i want you to join.....and i uploaded new pic to the group if you wanna check it out and even more in my profile
When you do, go to hospital pick up mop and fight untill head breaks off. Then go into the room where first see the leach monster and find the knife. Combine the broken stick with knife and you get spear of great justice! I loved it and it almost never breaks.
Cuz hes a friken gangster and uses the handgun with one hand biat*h. Yeah what now?! David also starts with his toolbag of wonders and has very helpful stuf. In the hospital lvl I made my own weapon with david and it was awsome.
Yeah there is no escape from that thing but you can distract it with the blood pack thingys. The black cop as you so politly put it is Mark. I prefer using Kevin and David. David is just frikin awsome.
Yeah Ill have to come over some time for that. The third level is just a bunch of bullcra*. It took me forever to kill that stupid leach thing. Which charecter are you using the most?
Witch boss are you talking about? What lvl was it on?
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