The Final Fantasy Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Reporting Incidents

As a member of TFF, you have the duty of reporting any incidents immediately to a moderator and/or the administrators. If you see a problem happening, please tell us. There is a link under each post to report it. Please explain with at least one paragraph who was causing a problem and what they were doing. The more information you give, the better we can help you.

Moderator Abuse

If you believe a moderator is abusing his or her powers, you have the duty of reporting it to the administrator(s). They will look into the issue and resolve it. DO NOT unfairly accuse a moderator of bad behavior or you will be warned. If you apologize, the warning is dropped. If you are in fact correct about a moderator's behavior, the moderator will be warned.

Unfairly Warned

If you believe you were unfairly warned report it IMMEDIATELY to the administrator(s) and they will resolve the issue. Note: If you harass and/or flame the moderator who warned you in ANY way, shape, or form for the warning, your request for a second opinion will be DENIED. It is up to the administrator(s) to handle the situation. Taking it into your own hands will result in an additional warning.

Unfairly Banned

If you believe you were unfairly banned, report it IMMEDIATELY to the administrator(s) and they will resolve the issue. Note: If you harass and/or flame the moderator who banned you in ANY way, shape, or form for being banned, your request for a second opinion will be DENIED. There is no sense in harassing a moderator because of being banned and expecting to be unbanned. Taking it into your own hands will result in the banning/deletion of any accounts you have created to harass moderators and TFF members. Flaming is not tolerated.

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