i like it except for the missing y?
(would be a ten but that y just ruined it for me *sobs in corner*)
Printable View
i like it except for the missing y?
(would be a ten but that y just ruined it for me *sobs in corner*)
the lines on the render ruin it, though the background and text are nice
Not big on the quote.
Love the banner.
where has it gone
but from what i remember you cut off her nipples
I like the banner, not so keen on the quote. It looks a little out of place. *shrug*
Looks great. Perfectly layered, the text suits your banner and it's very well formatted. I'm guessing it took a bit of time to make. :D
It very tidy, and I like the new Jecht pic! 10/10 chocolate chips!
It's gettin' really long... Not so keen on it. If you cut out all that stuff below your TFF family it would be better.
i like it very much
-perfectly blended
-right amount of effects
the brushed sort of made it look odd
so 9/10
The render f**ks it up for me the lines in eys the eyebrows the edge of the face and the mouth ruin it for me. 7/10
It's too biiiggg. And you, er, spelled you name wrong. >>;
Love the banner and the quote on the banner, and i didnt spell my name wrong but on differnt forums my name varies between adrew and addrew so i just use adrew on my banners.
Really nice addrew 9/10
Well there's a lot going on.
It just looks slightly messy and i don't like Bleach
Wait. So your new banner is.. like a transparency grid, only darker and meant to be there? Kooky.
I think you should cut it and just have the favourite banner and the family. *shrug*
A really nice loved up pic, the blue is lovely aswell and so is the quote 10/10
i have always liked your sigs
Whats it meant to be :(
It looks...odd. Nothing near as good as the ones you've made before. But better than the 'warp' one...
awesome, I like the green bit in the middle, what ever it is and the xombie on the side, what does the text say down the middle though... 8.5/10
Big sig is big.
Delibird!!! I really like it. Now for a score. 9.8/10
Me likey.
me likey too
It is rather random, and I love random things. :D
You're signatures are always brill. Lucky sod. >.>
9/10. Nine, because it's now making me want kiwi, which I don't have =/
TEH LULU! Awesome sig. How often do you change it? :lol: Just one grumble - The "I have a signature consuming..." is hard to read in TFF Light (which I use). So like, 0.1 off for that. 9.9/10
It's awesome. =D
The main pic: Lily. Just stop now before we all kill you for making (most of) our signatures seem like festering piles of regurgitated cassowary passings. It all comes together so well, and the filters are excellent.
The picture in your spoilers: HILARIOUS. I love it. So now we're officially related if we weren't already!!! We'll do the DNA test one day.
i like very musch the style and colour is perfectly balanced
An excellent picture. It looks really good. And the "give blood" advertisement is an excellent idea. It's nice to see someone advertising a charity/good cause on here. 10/10
You can has a ten.