so cool 10/10
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so cool 10/10
still kinda like the banners, bout it though -.- 8/10
id give it an 8/10 :)
Note to everyone: You're not meant to be able to read it. It doesn't matter. It's just for effect, and I figured quoting him was cool. There.
OK, Maduin: I like it. The tones are nice, and it suits Yuna well. ^^ 8/10
I can read's a wonderful cookie recipe! 9/10
It totally is.
Kefka looks like a scary clown ... XP
so pretty i will give 9.5/10
I like it! But!! Something wrong :eek: !! 8.5/10
Kefka IS NOT A CLOWN -.- LAGUNA Is a WHINER 9/10 to g,d,
He totally is. And he totally isn't!
so u admit it?! 9/10
Kefka totally is. Laguna totally isn't. And Americans are confusing. XD
Gaara! <3
Well formatted, looks good an isn't over-sized. A definite 10/10 I'd say. ;)
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kay.
Disclaimer: As a banner maker, I feel the need to point out that all I did on this banner was resize and add text. The images were cut and the background was done by some other twat.
Not bad. Though the images are a little fuzzy. I like the green glow effect and the way the characters are placed is pretty cool. Maybe the sig could have been thinner? So that the images would be slightly smaller and look less fuzzy? But other than that, not bad. :)
Nicely done Kaos_Dragon ;) You deserve a big 10/10
Ahmg, I didnt know sephiroth was in PoP!!!
Jokes, jokes. But it does remind me of him :lol:
Old school megaman.... Looks cool.
I wonder about how good it'll look when your TFF family get's bigger, but for now 9/10.
It looks awesome! Nice quotes and banner. Good to have links, too. And you have a family in there now! ^^ 10/10
Because this is probably the last post I'll have in this thread for too long. XP
Gaara is awesome, and I love the sand effect 10/10
your family seems cool, I might think about joining ><
yep im a whiner hater in lily's fam lol
Why the hell arent u in my fam darkwolf >< need to be! 9/10
Really i love your sig. specially the last one so i will give you 10/10
WOW i like this sig, its metallic and it has roes in it plus i like your name 10/10
It's pretty basic. A border, a render that doesn't look half bad, and some text. I do like the simplicity of it though somewhat.
Looks like a S.F. reject :-p 8.3/10
A little smaller than before, good job ;) 8.67/10
- I grow tired of your first banner :LOL: : 0/10
- Your second banner looks good :) : 4/5
- Your third banner looks amazing :D : 5/5
Score : 9/10
Well i grow tired of ur odor :-p j/k....maybe 8.8/10