what ever that thing is it is awsome 1/1
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what ever that thing is it is awsome 1/1
What can I say? A beautiful picture of a beautiful girl. 10/10
Nintendo!!! OMG!!! You get a 10/10 for that :)
Cool, i like the angel in middle of a fire and FFVII banner. It all cool
It's big. XD
I dunno where its from, maybe a new anime you're watching.
Have one of the digital community personalise it a bit, because as it stands it's just a picture.
im a Nintendo fan myself 10/10
go super smash mario brothers!!!!!!
Evil and cool. It gets 10/10 in my book.
I like that funn ball thing but pic under it is kind of boring...8/10
EDIT: Me=Slow, but anyway...it is some new anime maybe...7/10
remines me of Big O 10/10
That's it? How boring. I am a fan of Ngo's art though, so hey, 7/10.
Starts out kind of blaaah, then music that I don't listen to (:P) and finally.... Oscar Wilde quote!
9/10, I like him.
Also, it's not ****ing HUGE, and I like that. I've been needing to make mine a little smaller for a while now.
I don't really like the top one, but I like the sketchy effect on the second one, and I don't think its too big, if I have to scroll down over a screen thats what I deem to big.
Nintendo, grand.
1984 reference, grander.
Dissin the Canadian military, grandest.
And the best quote I've ever read, {pillar of salt, lol} uhhh, I'm out of grands...so it's GRRRRREAT!!!
very cool 8/10
Real nice,I like the red eye going it adds a little colour while still retaining the dark atmosphere! 9/10.
That clown is going to eat me! I hate to be eaten by clowns. Maybe if the clown had a balloon that he could give to kids it would be more friendly. Still as far as possessed clowns go this one seems real nice so I'll go 8/10.
Sweat as always and forever it well be.
I like that sig it's kind of dark and you really have to look at it to see the face in the corner. I think it was well made and very interesting. 9.5/10
Well, your whole sig is about your club. Also I like that you used Kirby on it. Your club's sigs rock. 9/10
Love the Chocofire. Beautiful. 10/10.
I like the second one alot. 8/10
I love the image.
and the cool Hellsing text. :D
Your sig is like I got high and went to the seaside carnival. If I were high at the seaside carnival I would ride the tilt-a-whirl. It would be like all psychedelic and stuff. Wow now I have the munchies.
i like it, but do you think 9/10, you can make a banner with this pic?
Yes yes I can. Still it is not as cute as your old sig. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by rydia lover
hmm...'tis very cute with the little marios and all, but i shall only give it a 4/10, because i'm a bit of a nintendo hater. sorry!
You inner dragon is black (which screams evil like me) and you like you TFF a lot so you put them in your sig too.
The image is quite big and disorderly looking, also it is quite blurry and not the best to make out. The image itself is great and would look good if it was refined but alas... 3/10 for effort.
A note about my sig, these to half caste parents gave birth to both those twins, this is a rare occurance when such genes came out. Personally I find it quite humouress though others may disagree. But it is truely something quite unique.
Its nice and simple. The quote is pretty cool, though i'll worship you, not cut my flesh as i do that anyways but by having a silly little accident! I like the colours on your little playlist box. For keeping it nice and simple, 8/10.
Im there, bad spelling but hey! Same as RT you can call me like that XD you are privileged too.
I like the banners of Indigo League, always have, so prettyful. Haha the other picture is funny i like it. <3 100/100