Poorly Done, Bland, Nothing much there but Kid Goku and one Quote...
I give you 0.5/10
Improve your Sig, and you'll get better Ratings.
Printable View
Poorly Done, Bland, Nothing much there but Kid Goku and one Quote...
I give you 0.5/10
Improve your Sig, and you'll get better Ratings.
All in a good sig.
10/10! Perfection!
The thing that sticks out the most is the rough edge of the face in the angelic one. And perhaps the background could be more filled? Other than that, everything is centered in the spoiler boxes and look organized.
Knowledge is Power ....yeah!!
I'll give you a 9.999999/10 minus .00000001 because it's to, well...out there. I mean it's to awesome....
Much better than the last one.
I love the Lion King version of Sora, Riku and Kairi.
10/10 still!
I thought that your angel and demon one was pretty cool, but this one is also cool. I do have an issue with the image of the guy. It seems blurry to me, at least when you compare it to your Avatar it does. Also, his left wing isn't as high up as the wing on the right. Was that deliberate? I think it would look better if they were of equal height. I like all the reds and blues going on though.
You love that transparency effect a lot don't you? heh. :cool:
It's a nice size, and I like how you have everything else in spoiler boxes. And HEY! I'm in your family! So extra points because of ME!!! :lol: (no, I'm not that stuck on myself)
I like this banner, but I was a bigger fan of your angel and demon one.
9.5/10 Your Artwork is Amazing, And I love it all. I don't know exactly what the .5 Flaw is, but other than that...Amazing (=^_^=)
I'll make the same transparency comment as last time. =P Other than that, I still give it an 8/10.
I liked your other one better...
Sexy ghost you have there!
Pity she died!
Awesome! 9/10
Your three month tribute to Kingdom Hearts isn't over with sir. :shake:
I love this one of yours! It may be a bit large though. Can you resize it a bit? Other than that, it's really well made and has the character (who is that btw?) popping out of the border, which is awesome! I think the font is pretty awesome, but if I didn't know any better I could almost mistake that it said "VniMasterMage".
Oh and you have everything else in a nice spoiler tag.
Nicely organized, and nea art, 10/10!
11/10 You get an extra point for having such a cool sig...
Like the quote plus it's cute. 7/10
It's funny, I like it.
Okay. Now I'm not 100% on this, but I'm not seeing a banner of any kind in your signature there Xan. It may be just my computer and it's just not loading, but all I see is "Sig made by ViviMasterMage" but not the banner he made for you.
However if this is some sort of clever ploy to question my sanity then by god your doing a pretty good job! I've reloaded this page a couple of times and I still see nothing.
Or maybe this is like that story of the Emporer and his new clothes, where you're trying to convince people that there is indeed a banner there, but it only shows up to those who are good people!
I'm onto you and your trickery, sir.
10/10 because I liked the banner that VMM made for you, and you're still giving him credit for it.
Xanatos, I must agree with Dodie. I don't see it either. I wonder what could be the problem? Otherwise, even if you did have it there I couldn't rate it myself, I just wanted to clarify what Dodie said.
I count now as a third view. Xan your sig is not there and I have high speed over here. At school I mean..not home....at home I have dial up....
VIVI master mage 10/10 for the awesomeness of your sig. I love it.
It's a very cute picture so I give it a 7/10. It'd probably look better centered, but that's just my opinion. XP Still, I like it. I always thought the lion version of sore was cute.
7.9999999999999999999999999999999999999/8 yeah only to 8 sorry, but you only say that about my sig cause mine is better than your and your jealous. We can share if you want. Just kidding...
Great picture/concept, but something seems wrong with Kairi and, to a smaller extent, Riku.
I give it about a 9/10. It's a nice signature, and I love the way you did the colors. The white next to the angels face though, could maybe use a bit of blurring to blend it in so that it didn't have the rough edges. Overall, a ver good signature. Everything is in it's place and looks neat and organized.
<3 I can't help but love the angel and Demon thing. XP *Insert witty good vs evil joke*
i give you 7/10 for your signature.
it's a cute picture.. i like it! but i think your sig is too simple, am i right? hehe..^^
良くなくはなくて、私はまあそれが好きです、それで私はそれに8/10を与えます(Not Bad, I Kinda Like it, So I Give It an 8/10)
wow! thank you for this! ^^
uhm well.. you have a nice picture :) so i give 8 for you.
by the way.. you can speak japanese well.. ^^
Not bad at all!