and im so listening to the best of Manson cd right now!
Good for Aerith.. But... Poor Sephy...
I've been on this site since 2006 woah and im so listening to the best of Manson cd right now!
This is you...Is this a spider-man toy in your hand ? 8.5783346744/10
She looks hot and really sexy, a girl that I want to kiss <3 10/10
Special thanks to Omega Weapon
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Gang Drama's Signature"/></a><br/>-
- Without his assistance this signature was going to take me ages to make it -
had to 9/10
My spideysense is tingling!
Ahmg, pinkthing picked me up, eeee O:
8/10 XD
My TFF Family ^_^SPOILER!!:
Aww, cutesey. But loses points because I've seen it so many times before.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
'Bloody' Brilliant.
And the vampire theme is also seen in your name and sig. Lovin' it.10/10
victoria aut mors
It's pretty cool, it has a wolf on it which is always a good thing lol. Wolves are pretty cool. Plus it is animated, very creative! 10/10
That's really pretty ^^. Aerith fanart, yeah? It's so nice. I love the font and the picture and the general effect of the whole thing. And how it matches with your sig but not in that overly-matchy way.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
Nice, bloody and ties in well with your sig and name. 10/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
laguna, nice 9/10
btw my new avatar is from Death Note as well
The wolf is gone! Wow, there's a whole Deathnote cult going around with the avatars ... Although, let's face it, it could be L again. It looks nice, although it's a little plain. 7/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
This guy looks familiar O_o ! Wait a minute....!! Its uncle Laguna10/10
Special thanks to Omega Weapon
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Gang Drama's Signature"/></a><br/>-
- Without his assistance this signature was going to take me ages to make it -
Simple, easy to take in, although it's got a few layers. Really effective and matches your sig. Football is good, too. >.< 10/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
...still not seeing a balcony lol 8/10
Are you in trouble, you look hurt.
My TFF Family
PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.
Looks American! 9/10
Special thanks to Omega Weapon
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Gang Drama's Signature"/></a><br/>-
- Without his assistance this signature was going to take me ages to make it -
Looks iraqian? 9/10
Haha. That's awesome. SPIDEY! XD
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
blooooooooody ^^ 9/10
Looks like those spiderman things at moviegallery...XD
Still kinda funny after the 5th time so...
My TFF Family ^_^SPOILER!!:
kitty....soooo cuutttte 9/10
Spiderman! I only just got into it. So shoot me. Well, not really.. Anywho, 9/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Laguna....he smells, LIKE FRIGGIN CUPCAKES 9/10
a guy with a spiderman...thing
Well the movies are cool, so 9/10
that guy is me lol 9/10 death note yes??
Last edited by LostUtopian; 08-17-2007 at 06:39 PM.
I'm not feeling creative, so no comment. But you an have a score. 9/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Laguna! again!, Looks like you're not planning to change it ANYMORE!! 10/10
Actually, I am. >.< Working on a new set at the moment.
OMG! Red hair! And a sword ... Automatic 10/10.
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.