Not sure who is in it. It's a bit small, and in need of a border. So I'll give you... 7/10.
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Not sure who is in it. It's a bit small, and in need of a border. So I'll give you... 7/10.
Quistmas, the only Final Fantasy holiday. It is still funny. 7/10Quote:
Originally Posted by Santa Claus
Oh, and my Avatar is The Undying. Look closely and you can recognize him.
Yeah, it is a bit small. The person in it is Elliott Smith, by the way.
For the person above me, your avatar is a little small, like mine. I can't exactly make out what's in it (don't know what The Undying is). Seems, to me, like either a cut scene from a game, or some album art. I'll give your avatar a 7.6/10
The Undying is the Final Boss of Final Fantasy XII, that is probably a cutscene image, though. He is really Vayne Solidor, the consul turned emperor via assaination of his father, the previous emperor, during the final battle, after defeating his first transformation, Vayne Novus, he fuses with the apparition Venat and Sky Forteress Bahamut to become a mechanical version of the dragon king, Bahamut. I am going to use a bigger picture, though.
As for your avatar, I do not know who Elliot Smith is. Needs color. 6.5/10
If there was a word more meh than "meh", I'd give it to you.
Well then, 0/10! Take that, Servo!
That is Vayne, right? If so.. his final form made me think of something around the lines of "Transformers, robots in disguise". Anyway, I give it a 6/10 cause the border is a little weird. The picture looks a little tilted.
Is cool, man. You always have great fonts. And those User Bars are great. Someone really intelligent and charismatic must have made them. ;7 Ten, man.
nice..and cool..!!! what is it..??? is it a dark angel or something..??
I think one of the only things I hate more than Cloud would be, like, Chibi Cloud. Riding a cloud. Most likely trying to find Sephiroth. So they can... you know.
You know. 3/76.
You never beat FFXII, havent you? The Undying has a tie, cigar, monocle (think of a pair of glasses with one lens), ALOT of hair, and a microphone on a stand, most likely for a radio comedy or talk show. Could also be for FF news. Thanks, anyways!
As for you, "Tom Servo", he always looks like he has a gum-pay-dispenser-thingy for a head. 8/10
Boring, unedited, no border.. It's pretty generic, man. ^^;
Her armpit looks photoshopped. XD
Cute. Not badly made or anything, either.
wall-e! gotta love that little robot. 9/10
Pretty, but I've seen it on this forum before. Twice.
So, unless you're her re-incarnated...
Also, no offence to you or anything. >.< I just dislike seeing them multiple times. Not trying to insult you in any way.
Digging it but the red patches kind of look like it is that time of the month. 8/10
Well Edgar always was pretty cool. And there's nothing like stating the obvious what with the FF in the corner. Are you by chance implying that you have charm and guile? I like it, I'll give it an 8/10.
Yawn. Get a life 0/10
I don't really get it, but your avatar has a cool design. I'll give it a 6.7/10.
Other then font running off of the side I would say that it is alright 5/10
Generic, yet classic. I clearly appreciate the classics.
Crisp and clear. Like the font glows and how the black blends with the picture very well. 9/10
Very nice. Reminds me of Seifer from FFVIII for some reason. I don't know who it really is, though.
I like the cerulean border, along with the lighting, and how the blue eyes stand out. 8.7/10.
I like eet. Needs a border, though. Nine.
Looks great, and it's not just a crop. YAY! =D
I love the color scheme and the pic goes really well with it. Not sure who the couple are (I really don't watch much TV), but they seem dysfunctionally fun! Since you made the set even better! 10/10
I really like it actually, its just sorta cool, like simple but effective although I'm too sure of the character... I'll give it an 8.5/10:)
It needs a border, and the res is to high - there's some pixelation around the text. Or the image quality wasn't high enough when it was saved. So... 7/10.
It has a border when it doesn't need it. I don't know who that is. Your font is cool, though.
(Stop your obsession with borders. >_>; Not everything needs a border. You just -want- it to have a border. =P)