I likie - very purty, and I like the border... 10/10
Can't wait to see your new sig!
Printable View
I likie - very purty, and I like the border... 10/10
Can't wait to see your new sig!
It's a little too low on the contrast, I think, and could use a bit of 'shopping. But it's not bad and it matches your sig and stuff. So yeah, have a seven.
It's made by you. Enough said. 10/10
It is matching and has a border, so thats all good, but I think comapred to your banner it is too small.
Making it bigger would make your overall post section very nice indeed
likes me said in the sig one i dont know what it is but its interesting ... 5/10 just cos i duno
Ok nice, colorful... hmmm very cool 8/10
It's blurry. Either lower the resolution or make it smaller. It doesn't appeal to me at all really. *shrug* 5/10
I laarve it.
Oh, how cliche. Why so cliche? Stop it. Nobody's laughing at your clicheness.
I wish I had your photoshop skillz (I spelled it with a z because I want to be cool? Please accept me?)
Haha. I like your avatars. 10/10
Ooh, Prince of Persia. Well la dee daa. Look at you, Mister Fancy Pants with your Prince of Persia avy.
La dee ****ing da.
Kitty! Kitty! 10/10!
Must say that I really have digged all of your avatars.
Crisp, clear, and clean. 9/10
Been the same for a while or am I a retard? Anyway maybe times for a changes?
BUt still it is mooriffic
Fat guy gone skinny!
Erm... Its like that effect you get when you try to watch a widescreen film on a tiny tele... You know, and the moving images hurt your eyes? At least it ain't moving... O_O
Erm, I prefered your other avi - the one with the green dude - which was much better...
Erm... I'll give you... 5.7/10 cos at least you have an avi, and it matches your sig...
Text could be a bit better, but I'm picky about text. Overall, it's very clear and clean, thus an 8/10 for you.
Really quite fantastic. I really like the filter. 10/10
Oh! The person looks cool! She has a nice helmet...and purple hair. 10/10
its cute because i like Kiari 10/10
I don't really like it. I prefer ones that are taller rather than wider and it's had nothing done to it at all.
It's a lily... to go with the name. I like lillies :) 8/10
Dr. jones
I gonna bust out a rap for you suckas.
Uh, yeah, son, it's Quake
Not quite as good as cake
Well, maybe better than fruit cake
But definitely not better than chocolate cake
But then again there aren't a lot of things better than chocolate cake
Oh shit, son, I'm off topic as you got me talkin' bout cake
My lyrics ain't fake
Ah yeah son, it's quake.
Word to your mother.
Haha! Cute lil' cat dancing around! Aw... 9/10
its strange 8/10
Shit quality, cropped image with nothing done to it, don't like.
I don't get it? Is it meant to show me the world when the penguins ruled the earth?
I really don't get it? Is it meant to be meaningful?
Sean Connery shuns meaningful
A bit blurry. I don't particularly like it. But by no means is it horrible or anything. 7/10.
Very fantasy. Very pretty. Very 8/10.
i prefered your old one