Can't really see what it is.. Assuming it's Cid? =P
Needs to be a little bigger and such. 6/10
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Can't really see what it is.. Assuming it's Cid? =P
Needs to be a little bigger and such. 6/10
I like the effect, whatever it is. Somehow it reminds me of warm, fuzzy felt.. Not sure. It matches the sig nicely, and I like the border on it. Not a standard right around the edge like most.
Oh so gothy, as if she crawled out from the asylum herself! Heh heh, 10/10
I love Naruto, perfect 10/10 Rika
Tee hee. Blasting power and stuff. Me likey. 7.5/10
I like how it matches your sig and the little effects you made on it! 9.5/10
Neji was a complete jerk at first. But then he got better. So im pretty happy with him.
Neji = <3, lol.
I likes it. The colours are good, sharp image and stuff. Yay. 9.3/10
I like the effects, I have such a hard time with them, but it makes him look like hes running! 10/10 Nice job Tiger Lily
Could use a border, but that's a minor thing. It suits your theme and all....
And it looks good. 9.9/10. :lol:
I like it ^^. Creative border and all.. It goes with the sig and everything.. But I like the pic in the sig better. Zomgchibicuteness! =P.
I'm sorry, I don't like it too much. The feather mask is atrocious.
Ninja Gaiden is awesome and all. But the way his arms look in that pic is just.......WTF.
colourful i like it 8/10
That's because he's wearing wolverine claws. You can't see it because the pic is too small. I need to get a bigger pic in there but I can't figure out how.
Here's how the pic is supposed to look.
awsome avatar 9.5/10
MY Hime was a crazy weird anime. It was missing a few things that I usually like in anime but I did enjoy it.
I know the character in the avatar but I cannot remember her name. All I know was she was like really strong. And I really loved her sword. Other thank that she was annoying and I wish she would die.
9/10 Cause I like her sword. And whats she's doing in the avatar.
A 4.5/5. It's a nice picture of Sora and Roxas.
lol, i have the same pic as my Desk top pic!!!!LOL, pretty epic i think, bahumut and some one eles, forget the name, lol, 291/300(that 9/10 if youre not good at math :D)
Its Alexander and that was my background too since yesterday.
4/5 Its just looks like a person behind a fuzzy TV screen.
cant make out what it is 5/10
nice car, look like a bug, 9/10
What about THISQuote:
Originally Posted by The Stig
- Back to MoonStone's avatar -
Not bad at all, I like it 8/10
thats a nice guitar, lol, wish mine was like that, lol, 9/10
bty, what band is that?
Fuzzy awesomeness, 7.9/10
His name is Sully Erna and he is the lead singer of GodsmackQuote:
Originally Posted by MoonStone
Anyway..Back to Lily's avatar..
Seifer! One of my favorite characters in the whole world..but..unfortunately..Paint made it blurry >_> though It's a good avatar :) 8.5/10
Godsmack = Win. 8/10
Wow... it's got the whole gothic feel to it, so I'm going to give it an 8/10. It's really cool.
great avatar 8/10
Nice. Good quality and animated. I like the black bars at top and bottom. Gives it a slightly theatrical appearance.