Gaara could've kicked naruto's ass if gaara hadnt hurt naruto's friends! lol
Just finished this discussion w/a friend
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Gaara could've kicked naruto's ass if gaara hadnt hurt naruto's friends! lol
Just finished this discussion w/a friend
LostUtopian I like your avatar, 8 out 10
reminds me of the gundam Death Scythe 8.4/10
You know I like it. >.> 9/10
I say Canadia too.
It sounds cooler. :P
I like the art style..simple yet good =D
It's a chibi in armour.. It's cute, and I like it, although the quality could prolly be a little better. 8.5/10
What? It matches with the sig!!!! Who says "Canada"? What is "Canada"? CANADIA ALL THE WAY BABES!!! 10/10
I don't know who that is, but I associate the image with you. I imagine you to look like that picture. Which is, I guess, the point of an avatar. 9/10
Your avatar is cool, and I feel I've seen it somewhere else, but I can't think of where...
Ah the nostalgia...
10/10, and you owe me telling me where that pic's from...
Lovely use of blue...
It looks..doomy.
I cant tell what it is but its awesome so 9/10 ^>^
It's a skull (I think? XD), and it's cute! 9/10
Same to the sig but heck, I agree with Bleachfangirl. "Canadia" sounds cuel, much better than "Canada" ^.^ (10/10)
That's an awesome avatar. Love the changing pictures and the tone. :p 9.5/10
Hmm...Your avatar matches your signature but I think you need to frame it!
Anyway. 8/10
It's fiery and demonic! >=D 9.3/10
It's tooney and it's funny when thought of in conjunction with the sig. No border, granted, but I still think a solid 9/10.
And I've always loved hand drawn pieces. ^^
its good its pretty clever 8/10
It's Eric Bana getting bitch slapped by Brad Pitt holding a sword... YAY! 9/10
its funny because you can actually make fun of youself and not carei cant because im very patrotic and im british and probally a bit wierd coz we have a monarchy
ps if you get the wrong end of the stick about this post well im sorry
Eh, what?
I didn't say anything about the British. They're cool. I'm British as far as I can trace my family.. I don't poke fun about patriots, either. Unless it's Nick, but he's different. ^^; (You know I love you, Nick. In a totally non-sexual way.) And I had to Google Eric Bana before I realised he was Australian. So I wasn't laughing at my country, if that's your point. I was laughing at your avatar. =P
Anyway, back on topic.
Again, it's Bana getting slapperoo-ed. Good stuff. =P 9/10
Goes with your sig, not much to say about it XD.
Fits in well with the entire post, good work.
classic 8/10... nice...
Matches your signature, although the text is a little blurry. 7/10
Cute little drawings, I don't really get the joke. I'm not very cultural, maybe I should ask you about it... Anyway, I like the drawings.
8/10... =]]
cool and mysreious 8/10
Amusing and matches your name, but doesn't really go with your signature. 6/10
Makes me feel warm and fuzzy, like a damp sponge.... wait? what? i mean COME ON *hits self* nah i like it good drawings no inking done which is what i like
Is that a monkey's skull? It looks evil and creepy. =D 8/10
No i'ts the logo of a band called the misfits, i just changed the name,
yours is MEOW