I think it's a little girly ya know.
I like the trans good job.8/10
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I think it's a little girly ya know.
I like the trans good job.8/10
^I dunno what to say...besides it looks tight...8.7/10
Changed my avie^_^ got tired of jedi squirrels...a little too creepy considering squirrels follow me...now im afraid one will grab a light-saber and cut off my big toe...
I like the sketch. 8/10
It is really cool, I like it a lot! <3 10/10:)
I dunno what its about, but it reminds me of a good friend... who's a girl >.>;
(I'll be changing my avatar along with my sig soon, but feel free to rate it >.>; )
It looks kinda cool, kind of simple though 8/10
Say hi to ur friend for me:)
The picture doesn't really convey any meaning, but the star hypnotic... very hypnotic...
Err, 6/10
I cant see it very well but I notice there are two girls :O JFC! j/k, kinda cool but not that much :S could be better 7/10
Amusing, but boring.
slight risk of lung disease and emphisema, but good and animated!! ^-^
8/10 Cute girl, don't know who she is, but she is cute. ;)
I like it, but where is that smoke coming from and what does the symbol mean? 8/10
Pretty composition, although of awkward form. 8/10
Oooooh, shiny. "silence," eh? Interesting concept. I like the picture-in-picture aspect you've got going on here. Wow, an avatar that actually means something.
The only crit I could really give you on this is that I think the image in the bottom layer should be larger, or perhaps the one in the PIP box should be smaller. They're about the same size, and it looks a little funny.
8.5 of 10 overall.
Note to the next poster: my new avatar is one of my characters on EVE Online. I got a 14 day trial, and so I was having fun with the wide arrays of character customization. I'm about to change my title to something more appropriate, too.
Oh, okay. EVE Online. I see... That's a kinda odd looking character, there. Her name is to her left, though, so that's cool. I'm guessing some work in photoshop was done, at least, eh? For the name. Maybe for the background, too, unless that's a still from the game itself. It's cool. I'll copy Loco for the last score he gave, and give this one an 8.5 out of 10.
Note to the next poster: Give me a bad score, and I'll rip your lungs out your throat! I can't remember how that quote actually goes...
How could anyone diss a piece of genious like that. And considering the fact that I love kitties with stoner eyes, it wins in my book. Only bad criticism I have is the background although it does help to sell the stoner effect better.
I couldnt give less than 7.8 for this badass puppy.
cool. Nice firey colour scheme, and anime related. I like it! 8/10
Dude... uh... that is me... but thanks! ^-^Quote:
Originally Posted by Suzu Kitamura
Well its pretty average but I guess the effects you used make it legitimate enough to pass as an above average avatar. 7/10 from me.
Very cool. I like how it is drawnin a rough pencil style. 9/10
I like it although I can't definitely say who it is. I'm probably goin out on a limb when I guess that its probably the phantom of the opera. ;!
Nonetheless, the character is cool looking so I give it a 8/10
(Make a fightclub avatar to go with your "I am Jack's smirking revenge" quote)
cool, but not my style, it is kind of weird for me 8/10
0/10, it sucks golfballs through a gardenhose.
Kinda simple, small and not that interesting 1/10
Cool color scheme and flashing letters, but MCR suxor.
I like the way it's positioned and the reflecting lights make it look extremely realistic (unless it IS real of course).
Dude, I have loved your avatar for ages.
Graphically, it's nothing special in terms of compilation. An image with some text on top. In that regard, it's really not that cool. But, as an overall piece, considering how damn cool that image is... it kicks ass. Have you ever thought about using a different font or something on the image? Or perhaps... nah, I just have ideas.
If you have the original image, I'd like to play around with it, just for fun.
8 out of 10.
Not very interesting, simple and random. 7/10
^ It's kinda more funny then cool. It's one of those avatars that you just don't take seriously...7/10
Cool, I like it a lot. Very interesting and kind of colorful. 10/10
8.8/10 No more cookies for Bob!