moogles are so cool, is that tthe one from Final Fantasy advent children?
O'well it's still cool 10/10
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moogles are so cool, is that tthe one from Final Fantasy advent children?
O'well it's still cool 10/10
T3h thing looks cool! 8.55/10.00
You got the same as my brother on here Dark Sephiroth, I like it since I picked it for him so 8/10
I like it, it looks really cool. 7/10
Nice avvie I giv it 9/10
you're my nephew so i'm maybe just a little biased..but that is so awesome!! it's all glowy and moogle-ey!! i absolutely love it!! 9and a half/10!
4/10, Your avy can't hold its booze.
yeah!!!! I don't even know what it is either, but its righteous as hell, I'm liking it.
Kind of weird but cute.
It is also kind of big which is a plus
I dont know why but I'm starting to get into pictures of people lately ^_^. 9/10
LOL Funny I think it is funny so 8.5?/10
I quite like it. It is a bit small, but it is rather dark and I am quite interested to know what it is, or where it is from.
Whoa that avatar is kind of old but I'm diggin' it XD I like it a lot Levi, a 10/10 for ya.
What it is? Nail in a ball shape with Darkness around them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Leviathan
Where it is from? Hell lol
hmm...i read your thing there but i still don't get what it is
i don't know but it looks neat 7/10
It screams "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" to me so i love it!!
Brings back memories, the ones I wisgh to supress. 9/10 I like the things in life that force me to remember, no matter how the pain rises.
It's Vinnie...I like Vinnie..7/10
Well, let's see. Seymour Guado looks goofy. And I also despise him. However, it's funny. I'm not sure how many points to give. I think 7.5 will do.
It's a chocobo on acid!! AWESOME
but it's not on acid...sad sad..
Cute,kind of weird, small in a way but too cuteto be true =). 10/10
wierd but really cool
the blackness of the nails adds to it
I like Cait sith, and apparently so does the guy with the avatar! 7/10.I'm just not crazy about it.
I love this avatar so I give it a 9.5/10 because of the color and it really looks awesome.
Vivi is awsome. And the art is awsome!
Aww, thats cute <3 10/10 it looks like a dog, I <3 dogs so yeah ^_^
Dark, and mysterious. I like it! Its alot like me. 9/10
Awesome i give it a 9/10 hard to see who it is.It looks like that one guy from Naruto
im an anime fan so.... 9/10
i like it he's really cool! (9.7/10)
Whoa I cant tell if thsoe are two guys or a girl who looks like a guy and another guy but oh well I <3 the text so damn much and that gives points. Cute cartoon too 10/10