Weird but funny though.
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Weird but funny though.
Scary but beautiful !
Cute, 8.5/10 (=^_^=)
I love pocky, you bastard! :shake: :lol:
Ryu, The samurai is always interesting, but his face kinda reminds me of the angry face in Awesome Center: Under the Awesome
4.8675309/ 5.0983
Is that Q*bert getting killed? awesome. 8/10
I'm not a big fan of (2-D) game screenshots used at avies, sorry. =S
I'm not really liking this one. I don't like the appearance of the character that much, and it is too sparkly for my tastes. 7/10
The brightness of your avatar actually hurts my eyes a little bit ;_; Not feelin' it otherwise, either. No offense (actually, I hate you, and wish death upon your entire family!) ....anyhoo....
Wuv, Yer Mom
Your avatar looks like he just got his balls ripped off or he just saw his fat grandma dancing naked.
Cloud's a great character and all and a BA but using the Dissidia artwork and a full body pic as an avatar, eh idk about it.
6/10 looks kinda lq and plain.
Not bad tho
Again, not such a big fan of plain-out cropped screenshots, but I like Ion...and Mieu is awesome, 7/10. =S
He looks scared
but i like it
I kind of like it. This is a little picky, but there is a vertical white line on the right side, though. ;! I would say 7/10.
Yay! I love small 1px borders! They just make it seem complete, you know?
I have nothing to say. I don't know who it's of but I like the quality of the image as well as the simplicity. (You must get sick of me and the fact that I say "simplicity" a lot, huh? xD)
9/10, again!
7/10, not bad, but could use some customization.
The image is okay, but you should have used a stroke on the text and probably the whole avatar too. Red text on a red background is not good unless you put a border around the text.
5/10 because I wasted $20 on the new movie that wasn't even that good. :P
“Simplicity and repose are the qualities that measure the true value of any work of art.” --Frank Lloyd Wright :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Nova
Could Use A Little More Personality To It To Truely Make It Your's And Make It Stand Out Alot More :P
7/10, still cool, but it's starting to wear a little bit
Now that I look at it again, I don't really like the blue lines either. =/
haha he looks like he just peed in his pants
The image is awesome. It's just a shame that some of the quality was lost when you put it up. Try sorting out the quality and a 1px border to make it seem complete and I'll raise your score:
Looks cool! And I like the namechange as well. 8/10 :3
BTW, I'm Never Changing Mine, It Is Perfect The Way It Is, Exactly What I Would Like To be Portraid As.
looks cool!
BTW @Treize: There aren't blue lines! You must be seeing what's left of the originally colored fedora.
The font is definitely better than before, and you got rid of some of the blue lines, too. Somehow the font seems to be standing out too much, but it's not bad. I can't see if there's a border or not. Borders always help, even if you blend the color into the avatar (like in mine).
Looks like it took awhile to make lol hardwork gets highscore