That's not anything to be proud of.
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That's not anything to be proud of.
Spamming isn't a good thing. Neither is post whoring. I thought I told you that, Fate.
Take another read at the rules.
Craven's avatar: 9/10.
Great avatar 9/10
It's nice and clear. Something's missing... Perhaps a border? Other than that it looks quite good.
Actually I like this one craven, nice match with your sig pic. 8.5/10
-has to blink-
u win this time ML!
it's old and boring now. sorry.
You go with what you want, regardless of what anyone says. Although, you probably aren't here anymore...
thnxs and i'm here just very busy. btw i love tidus, so a 11/10 for you
Looks good. Umm... Nothing more to say, is there?
I'll give you 7.5/10
Ha Ha Bob, indeed! That is hilarious!:lol:
I like it 10/10
The message makes sense, if only there were an image to go with it... :(
It's Tidus!^^ And I like the color that works well with the picture.
Though made from the sig, it works well as an avatar. Probably be something I'd make in a moment of laziness, lol.
Though the sig is a bit plain, the avatar actually works quite well. I especially think the "M" encrusted on the forehead works nicely.
Looks great! The use of Fayt's getting ready for the clash, and the use of the "F" for FaRaKi is nicely done! All around, great picture! 100/10!
*uber gasp* TIDUS!! My second favorite character!! THAT IS A 10/10! ^.^
Colorful, but barely readable text.
Looks great, nice font. 8.9/10
Wierd Triangle....
Do you really need to ask?
Some guy who has absolutely no fashion sense, and carries what looks like two katanas. I'll admit he'd be cooler in color. 7/10.
i really like the letter R it is intriguing it makes you think what it really stands for, maybe it stands for Ralz i am unsure on this anomaly but it will be discovered in the future.
Sorry Ralz i never really liked Tidus but im not to saying it isn't good.7/10
A samurai with traditional armor and even on traditional rice-papper. Very nice, 10/10:woot:
Wah!! He looks so hard-core! ^.^ I wouldn't want to mess with him... ;! 10/10
How can someone turn down on an angel girl, especially when it's colorful, 10/10
^.^ I love how everything stands out! 10/10 (HOT ANIME GUYS!! *drool*)
mmm very pretty 9/10
Samurais kill shit and are cool. I give it a 9.