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  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 LocoColt04's Avatar
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    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0

    Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy over 1000 posts. Time for a new one!

    I'd love to post some lyrics myself, but I'm not listening to anything at the moment.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  2. #2
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
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    Stalking Dragonheart
    Then, you just spammed

    Band: Hypocrisy
    Album: Into The Abyss
    Song: Deathrow(No Regrets)

    I am no savior
    and I ain't no saint
    They will take me to the electric chair
    Yeah, Ha ha ha

    No remorse
    and no regrets
    for those I've sent straight to hell

    I have my demons
    They're all here in my cell
    They're all here and follow me everywhere

    My hate controls me
    and gives me strength
    My only protection inside the walls

    Dying. Desiring. Crying. Dying.
    Dying. Desiring. Crying. Dying.

    The walls are closing in
    My cell is getting smaller
    Soon, all the pains must cease
    Life will end here

    My final days are coming
    I can wash away this pain
    My body's getting colder
    Oh, I feel so unafraid

    Dying. Desiring. Crying. Dying.
    Dying. Desiring. Crying. Dying.

    The walls are closing in
    my cell is getting smaller
    Soon, all the pains must cease
    Life will end here

    My final days are counting
    I can wash away this pain
    My body's getting colder
    Oh, I feel so unafraid

    On death row.
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  3. #3
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Opeth - The Moor

    The sigh of summer upon my return,
    fifteen alike since I was here,
    bathed in deep fog, blurring my trail,
    snuffing the first morning rays.

    Weary from what might have been ages,
    still calm with my mind at peace,
    would I prosper or fall, drain the past,
    the lapse of the moment took it's turn.

    I was foul and tainted, devoid of faith,
    wearing my death-mask at birth,
    the hands of God, decrepit and thin,
    cold caress and then nothing,
    I was taken away from my plight,
    a treason betowed to the crown,
    branded a jonah with fevered blood,
    ungodly freak, defiler.

    Pale touch, writhing in the embers,
    damp mud burning in my eyes,
    all the faces turned away,
    and all would sneer at my demise.

    Outcast with dogmas forged below,
    seared and beaten, banished from where I was born,
    no mercy would help me on my way,
    in the pouring rain nothing is the same.

    Vows in ashes,
    I pledge myself to no-one,
    seethed and spiteful,
    all shudder at the call of my name,
    if you'll bear with me,
    you'll fear of me,
    There is no forgiveness in these eyes,
    for any but one,
    dispel the mist for now,
    Melinda is the reason why I've come.

    She is waterdrops over the pyre,
    a thistle in my hands,
    stained and torn, ages and brown,
    virtuous shell with kindred innocence.

    I awoke from the miama,
    passing swiftly through the moor,
    there is here, waters stir,
    and in the distance all that was lost,
    if you'll bear with me,
    you'll fear of me,
    you'd never leave me to,
    a fate with you.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  4. #4
    Banned What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Hecate's Avatar
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    With my son, living a life.
    Weezer - Beverly Hills

    (My cousin got me into this song and I miss her. She lives out in Utah.)

    Where I come from isn't all that great
    My automobile is a piece of crap
    My fashion sense is a little whack
    And my friends are just as screwy as me

    I didn't go to boarding schools
    Preppie girls never looked at me
    Why should they?
    I ain't nobody
    Got nothing in my pocket

    Beverly Hills
    That's where I want to be
    Livin' in Beverly Hills
    Beverly Hills
    Rolling like a celebrity
    Livin' in Beverly Hills

    Look at all those movie stars
    They're all so beautiful and clean
    When the housemaids scrub the floors
    They get the spaces in between

    I wanna live a life like that
    I wanna be just like a king
    Take my picture by the pool
    'cause I'm the next big thing

    Beverly Hills
    That's where I want to be
    Livin' in Beverly Hills
    Beverly Hills
    Rolling like a celebrity
    Livin' in Beverly Hills

    The truth is I don't stand a chance
    It's something that you're born into
    And I just don't belong

    No I don't
    I'm just a no-class beat down fool
    And I will always be that way
    I might as well enjoy my life
    And watch the stars play

    Beverly Hills
    That's where I want to be
    Livin' in Beverly Hills
    Beverly Hills
    Rolling like a celebrity
    Livin' in Beverly Hills

    Beverly Hills

  5. #5
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Stalking Dragonheart
    Band: Hypocrisy
    Album: The Final Chapter
    Song: Adjusting The Sun

    Reach for the sky.
    Dare it for quest.
    It will make you blind.
    There is no end.
    And reach the stars, and planets, solar systems afar.
    Is there anyone out there, to our lonesome prayers?
    You think you know the answer?
    Would not be without the other.
    It is all for the pleasure.
    Would not be without the other.

    Religion, a rotting machine.
    Religion, you think its presupposed too long?

    You think you know the answer?
    There would be none without the other.
    It is all for the pleasure.
    There would be none without the other.
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  6. #6
    Banned What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Hecate's Avatar
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    With my son, living a life.
    my player says this song is done by Gypsy, but the lyrics search would say otherwise: Inkubus Sukkubus.

    Heaven's gift to me just the way you are,
    A new aged child from a distant star.
    It feels so good just to be
    So close to your love. You are heaven's gift to me.

    You are so sweet and pure just the way you are.
    Mama's precious jewel. Daddy's rising star.
    There's so much in life for you to see.
    And so much to be. You are Heaven's gift to me.

    La la la la la la, la la la la la,
    La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la,
    La la la la la, la la la la,
    La la la la la, la la la la la la la

    Heaven's gift to me just the way you are,
    A new aged child always in my heart.
    There's so much in life for you to be,
    And so much to see. You are heaven's gift to me.

    La la la la la la, la la la la la,
    La la la la la, la la la la la,
    La la la la la la, la la la la la,
    La la la la la, la la la la la la la.

    La la la la la la, la la la la la,
    La la la la la la la, la la la la la la,
    There's so much in life for you to see,
    And so much to be. You are heaven's gift to me

  7. #7
    Im listening to A remix of the Transformers theme by DJ Starscream Intersting thing is its Slipknots DJ Sid ... DJ Starscream is his side project.. woo!

    Well It has no lyrics but its good lol.

  8. #8
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Actually, Slipknot is DJ Starscream's side project. He's been scratching longer than Slipknot was around. It's not too unusual that his name is DJ Starscream and he is scratching the Transformers theme, either. "Starscream" was the co-leader of the Decepticons on Transformers. Sid's always had a thing for Transformers. A couple of my friends know the guy really well.

    But to keep on topic. I am listening to the Cosby show in the background on my TV.


  9. #9
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Angel of Death's Avatar
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    Up In the double you eye.
    Sublime- The Rivers of Babylon

    By the rivers of Babylon
    Where he sat down
    And there he wept when he remembered Zion.

    Oh from wicked, carry us away from captivity
    Required from us a song
    How can we sing King Alpha's song in a strange land?

    So let the words of our mouth
    And the meditations of our hearts
    Be acceptable in thy sight

    By the rivers of Babylon
    Where he sat down
    And there he wept when he remembered Zion.

    Oh from wicked, carry us away from captivity
    Required from us a song
    How can we sing King Alpha's song in a strange land?
    How can we sing King Alpha's song in a strange land?

    Finally. Pure awesomeness.

  10. #10
    lol Im well aware of who Starscream is in Transformers! Im a huuuuge fan. well not so much anymore, what with that beastwars shite... oh dear.... Long live the 80's, cartoons and toys where good then. .. anyways...

    Im Listening to If I had a Million Dollers by Barenaked Ladies.

  11. #11
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MrChainsaw
    lol Im well aware of who Starscream is in Transformers! Im a huuuuge fan. well not so much anymore, what with that beastwars shite... oh dear.... Long live the 80's, cartoons and toys where good then. .. anyways...

    Im Listening to If I had a Million Dollers by Barenaked Ladies.
    Holy shit, before I read that, I was singing that song...

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    Holy shit, before I read that, I was singing that song...
    Woah.... weird indeed

    Right now im listening to GWAR! - I Hate Love Songs

    I hate love songs and I hate lovers
    I hate everything that I can't have so I hate you

    I hate love songs and I hate lovers
    I hate everything that I can't have so I hate you
    I hate movies with happy endings
    Like that one I saw where all the girls were beautiful like you
    Like you
    Like you
    Like you

    I hate wet dreams and masturbation
    I hate everything that feels good like sex with you
    I hate flowers and little birdies
    Makes me wanna puke when I see something cuddily like you

    I'm bored
    with your insanity
    I'm too tired to smile at your stupidity
    You've got the very best of me
    fell in love push came to shove but you broke so easily

    I love hate songs 'bout mass destruction
    other people's pain takes my mind off you
    I love puppies when they're road-kill
    They're too cute too live, too cute to live, too cute
    like you

    I'm bored
    with immortality
    I'm too tired to stick it out for eternity
    You've took the very best of me
    fell in love push came to shove and you broke so easily

    I hate love songs
    I hate love songs
    I hate love songs
    I hate love songs
    I hate love!

    i hate love so i hate you

  13. #13
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Stalking Dragonheart
    Band: Nightwish
    Album: Century Child
    Song: Bless The Child - Video

    "I was born amidst the purple waterfalls.
    I was weak, yet not unblessed.
    Dead to the world. Alive for the journey.
    One night I dreamt a white rose withering,
    a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness.
    I dreamt all my future. Relived my past.
    A witnessed the beauty of the beast"

    Where have all the feelings gone?
    Why has all the laughter ceased?

    Why am I loved only when I'm gone?
    Gone back in time to bless the child
    Think of me long enough to make a memory
    Come bless the child one more time

    How can I ever feel again?
    Given the chance would I return?

    I've never felt so alone in my life
    As I drank from a cup which was counting my time
    There's a poison drop in this cup of Man
    To drink it is to follow the left hand path

    "Where have all the feelings gone?
    Why is the deadliest sin - to love as I loved you?
    Now unblessed, homesick in time,
    soon to be freed from care, from human pain.
    My tale is the most bitter truth:
    Time pays us but with earth & dust, and a dark, silent grave.
    Remember, my child: Without innocence the cross is only iron,
    hope is only an illusion & Ocean Soul's nothing but a name...

    The Child bless thee & keep thee forever"
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  14. #14
    Registered User What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 streaml1ned's Avatar
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    Southeastern, US.
    System Of A Down: Hypnotize
    Album: Hypnotize

    Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen Square
    Was fashion the reason why they were there?
    They disguise it, hypnotize it
    Television made you buy it

    I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my

    She's scared that I will take her away from there
    Dreams that her country left with no one there
    Mesmerize the simple minded
    Propaganda leaves us blinded

    I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl [3x]

    I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my

  15. #15
    All you metal heads will love this one!

    Wild west show, big & rich

    Country's the shit!

  16. #16
    Boku Mo Wakaran - Room Of Angel

    You lie silent there before me
    your tears they mean nothing to me
    the wind howling at the window
    the love you never gave
    I give to you

    Really don't deserve it
    but now there's nothing you can do
    so sleep in your only memory of me
    my dearest mother

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye

    So insignificant
    sleeping dormant deep inside of me
    are you hiding away lost
    under the sewers
    maybe flying high in the clouds
    perhaps you're happy without me
    so many seeds have been sown in the field
    and who could sprout up so blessedly
    if I had died
    I would have never felt sad at all
    you will not hear me say I'm sorry
    where is the light
    wonder if it's weeping somewhere

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye

  17. #17
    Deeds Of Flesh - Three Minute Crawlspace

    Trapped inside
    A dead nightmare
    Buried deep
    Frantically, scratching for light
    The oxygen is getting thin

    Just a matter of time
    Before the air runs out
    You're doomed
    Try to fight, it's what I like

    It's what I like

    Buried by
    A servant of the ancient one
    Soil seeps through the cracks
    Split kneecaps, nails bent back
    They're broken

    Just a matter of time
    Before the air runs out
    You're doomed
    Try to fight, it's what I like

    Trapped inside
    A dead nightmare
    Buried deep
    Frantically, scratching for light
    The oxygen is getting thin

    The air is getting, getting thin
    Three minute crawlspace
    The air is getting, getting thin
    Three minute crawlspace

  18. #18
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Stalking Dragonheart
    yeah, whatever

    Band: Kamelot
    Album: The Black Halo
    Song: Moonlight

    I have never craved the system's sympathy
    I get restless over pity smiles
    Some precaution wouldn't harm my history
    If I had the will to wait a little while

    You cut the silence like a knife
    You know I can't repent for all

    Moonlight falling over me
    Sail on where the shadows hide
    Moonlight crawling down on me
    Just like you could not compete with my pride

    Compensation for a misconducted life
    Is it way too much to ask
    Hard to wake up
    With your heart and soul deprived
    When the morning comes
    The second to your last

    You cut the silence like a knife
    At the edge of my last defences
    You cut the silence like a knife
    You know I won't repent for all

    Moonlight falling over me
    Sail on where the shadows hide
    Moonlight crawling down on me
    Just like you could not compete with my pride

    Shine on silver from the sky into the night
    Gaia shivers and I need your leading light

    Moonlight falling over me
    Sail on where the shadows hide
    Moonlight crawling down on me
    Just like you could not compete with my pride
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  19. #19
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Big and Rich, like the other 90% of current country is actually closer to pop/poprock

    Band: Slayer
    Album: Reign In Blood
    Song: Raining Blood

    Trapped in purgatory
    A lifeless object, alive
    Awaiting reprisal
    Death will be their acquisition

    The sky is turning red
    Return to power draws near
    Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears
    Abolish the rules made of stone

    Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past
    Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above

    Awaiting the hour of reprisal
    Your time slips away

    Raining blood
    From a lacerated sky
    Bleeding its horror
    Creating my structure
    Now I shall reign in blood!

    Until now!

  20. #20
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Tsiiri's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: *^#@%#@$#%I think there's a bug in the system...
    Behold, the oxymoron of music...Christian Metal

    Demon Hunter - Not Ready To Die

    You've got a lot of nerve and
    I've got a lot of fingers to point
    While you were busy building
    knowledge I was already right
    And even mine is not a chisel for a thickened skull
    Chant your anthems to the deaf
    And we can sit here and cry until there's nothing left
    Or we can take our voices with our hands
    We'll make like knives and make demands

    We'll take our voices with our hands
    We'll make like knives, we'll make demands

    I'm burning bridges for the last time
    I'm breaking habits for the first time
    I saw my future today, it said I'm going away
    And I still haven't sung the last line
    On my way down

    I'm not ready to lay, not ready to fade
    I'm not ready to die

    And everyday of my life I can feel it
    Getting harder to breathe
    With every minute ticking by I'm getting ready to leave
    I know a life like mine is not a reason to fret
    But I've been busy building scras that
    You will never forget
    If only 33 years can save my life
    I've had 24 more to make things right
    So when I'm taken to the sky and you're still here
    You can clear your mind and dry your tears


    When I'm taken home and your still here
    Just clear your mind and dry your tears
    We'll take our voices with our hands
    Make like knives, We'll make demands


    <img src="">
    <img src="">

    Thanks to everyone who made these banners.

  21. #21

  22. #22
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Stalking Dragonheart
    Band: Pain
    Album: Nothing Remains The Same
    Song: Just Hate Me

    I gotta think of something
    to make you think less
    of me, that I am nothing
    to hold on to, cause we are through
    I dislike you

    I wish that you could hate me
    then things would be so easy
    just get me off your mind
    if the bitch would have a son
    then I would be the one
    so hate me

    geese, flying from the winter
    that's what I should do, do, do
    or become a sprinter
    and run away
    cause we are through
    I dislike you

    I wish that you could hate me
    then things would be so easy
    just get me off your mind
    if the bitch would have a son
    then I would be the one

    I am being mean
    like no one's ever been
    just hate me...

    I wish that you could hate me
    then things would be so easy
    just get me off your mind...
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  23. #23
    Band: Bathory

    Album: Blood, Fire Death

    Song: For All Those Who Died

    For all those who cried aloud
    But whose tears were never heard
    For questioning one almighty father
    Of a heavenly distanced world

    Beloved thee who submit
    The holy writings assured
    The golden cross stained with innocent blood
    But stand yet a thousand heavenward

    Burning naked but smiling
    Not full of fear but pride
    Knowing death alone could cleanse them
    Of the reasons for which they all die

    For all those who died

    For all those whose great beauty
    Stirred their tortures to rage
    And for all those whose great ugliness
    Did the same

    For all those who cried aloud in vain
    For mercy on the rack
    But whom of dying naked in scorn
    Not ashamed

    Burning naked but smiling
    Not full of fear but pride
    Knowing death alone could cleanse them
    Of the reasons for which they all died

    For all those who died

    Pleas for mercy signs of guilt
    Naked bodies broken on the wheel
    Tears sign the confession
    With crusted blood lips sealed

    Trial by water

  24. #24
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 lolosky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Stalking Dragonheart
    Album: Nothing Remains The Same
    Song: Injected Paradise

    How does it feel to get kicked when you're down and out?
    I said how does it feel to get pushed off the edge and just fall
    fall to the ground?

    the more that you do, the less you get
    why can't see you you're going down

    you're on your knees, you're begging me please
    can't get away from the needle's chill
    you're taking a ride in endless time
    injected paradise

    silence rolls up like walls of noise
    you're getting numb and deaf
    things are getting out of control
    you're out of control

    the more that you do, the less you get
    the poison rushing through your dying veins
    the more that you take, the more you loose
    time is taking its toll

    you're on your knees, you're begging me please
    can't get away from the needle's chill
    you're taking a ride in endless time
    injected paradise

    the more that you do, the less you get
    the poison rushing through your dying veins
    the more that you take, the more you loose
    time is taking its toll

    you're on your knees, you're begging me please
    can't get away from the needle's chill
    you're taking a ride in endless time
    injected paradise
    1, 2, 3......... PARTY

    <img src=""/>

  25. #25
    NP Twista - Get Me

    [Verse 1]
    On a rainy dark early morn,
    A lethal legacy was born,
    Ask any rapper around
    Bout the f**kin mics I left torn
    But the game won't give me all my P's
    And I wont leave the chi to get G's
    Got love for my mc's at home
    But some of them still hate on me
    Look how many years I done repped
    Hustle thru the streets in the Go
    Inspired by the first rappers ever
    Signed a contract a decade ago
    Put chi name on records in the east
    Put chi name on records in the south
    Put chi name on records in the west
    b*tch how you gone open yo mouth
    To the mutha f**kin industry
    Why you hate on me and my city
    Will it be an imbalance of power if yall let chi niggas get G's
    Or I it us holdin us back
    Think hard when you rollin yo sack
    Whatever the case my chi *****
    If it's in my means I got yo back
    What the f**ks really going on
    Does a man bite cause he knows he on
    Don't he know I 'v already established myself as Twista Coleone
    Well I'm holdin my city down
    Aint going nowhere here I stand
    You know where I'm at if you hate me
    If you want me
    Here I am

    Here I am, [2x]
    Come and get Me [2x]

    [Verse 2]
    Tell me what did I do to deserve
    All of this madness around me found me in the studio burying myself in work smoking herb
    Tried to kick me to the curb
    To the back
    To the ditch
    To the dump
    To the shack
    But I sprint
    To the front
    In a llac
    With a fifth and a blunt
    And I'm back
    In the b*tch wit a pump
    And I'm ready to bust at you hoes
    Ready to dump lames in ditches
    Steady makin fakers bleed
    LB family handle business
    Come and enter Twista's realm
    Journey wit me thru the pain
    The hurt just might make you envision drama that can turn you insane
    How much of my chaos bring tears
    How many threaten my career
    How many threatin to murder me but b*tch you know where I live
    Who the f**k you think I is
    Yall aint comin at no lil shawty
    Why you think you can hurt like these years
    Joe why my lil P's got you salty
    Think you finna bring out my fears
    Tell me why my success
    Make you cry and why my downfalls make you laugh
    I bet my hydro got you high
    Never let hate back me down
    Stand firm like a man
    If you want me
    Wanna kill me
    Here I am


    [Verse 3]
    We got geo like neo and of course we as saucy as Morpheus
    Or we as sick as sir Marcus aralias alias atheist
    Against niggas who flow be the achiest
    Against a aliens and why they hate me is maybe is cause I'm controlling this radius
    Of this world and this whole universe
    Don't believe let me spit you a verse
    And just when you think you the worst
    I come wit words that make you disperse
    My allies know I'm too cold
    My enemies know I spit fast
    My lords know I 'll bust that thang
    My gangsta's know I'll whoop some ass
    Mobster family steady ride
    LB family steady click
    When us and other crews collide
    Choose ya weapon take a pick
    Load up
    Click clack
    It's on finna bust, get back
    Run home come at me bogus get whacked wit a strap
    To the back, of the dome
    Industry niggas get gone
    Heard yall be speakin big words
    I'll show you some sh*t that a blow you down
    Slow you down
    Like you sip syrup
    For chi sacrificial lamb
    Right here I stand firm
    If you want me
    Here I am


  26. #26
    Mama, I'm coming home by the of course Ozzy

    I don't think I need to post the lyrics, this is the best song ever!

  27. #27
    What are you currently listening to, v.2.0 Ruby Light's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    The Candy Shop f00
    Baby Ranks
    La Trayectoria
    Baby Ranks...
    Para ti...

    Amor, dile que no...
    Te maltrate tu corazon...
    Quiero, baby, tu amor...
    Que me ames sin temor...

    Yo quiero ver tu emocion
    Tu pasion, y sentirte bailando sexy
    Quiero yo, en esta ocasion
    Decirte hoy que si no estas me muero yo

    Baila, que tu cuerpo representa
    Chula, te me has subido a la cabeza
    Es hora de olvidar lo que te afecta
    Sueltate, motivate, y perrea
    Activala sola que mi flow esta sonando
    Belleza, es mi trono y aqui voy a seguir ________
    Porque en la vida hay muchas sorpresas
    Como el conocernos, mi reina, mi bella mujer
    Y tu man, yo se que nunca te trata bien
    Que es malo, y nunca te logra satisfacer
    Pero voy a brindarte mi querer
    Y voy a complacerte a ti otra vez
    Solo sigueme, y hare que te olvides de el
    Para que ya no llores hoy mas por el
    Vamos, entregate a este baile, y ven
    Voy a brindarte lo que tu te mereces

    Y que aun siento en tu calor
    Esa ilusion de estar juntos al fin tu y yo
    Y ya no puedo fingir que yo
    No siento nada por ti, amor
    No puedo...



    "Que haces?"

    ("Aqui, triste y aburrida.")


    ("Porque mi novio me sigue haciendo da&#241;o.")

    Amor, dile que no...
    Te maltrate tu corazon...
    Quiero, baby, tu amor...
    Que me ames sin temor...

    Yo quiero ver tu emocion
    Tu pasion, y sentirte bailando sexy
    Quiero yo, en esta ocasion
    Decirte hoy que si no estas me muero yo
    Y que aun siento en tu calor
    Esa ilusion de estar juntos al fin tu y yo
    Y ya no puedo fingir que yo
    No siento nada por ti, amor
    No puedo...

    "Asi es la vida...
    Aveces uno ama al que no debe amar...
    Baby Ranks..."

    (No puedo...)
    <center>.:.sKy'S tHe LiMiT.:.</center>


  28. #28
    Scary Dreams by Black Sabbath. Unfortunately they never recorded this one so I am listening to a bootleg from their 2001 tour...

    There is no warning
    There is no time
    No resurrection
    Till we safely die
    There are no visions
    No paradise
    No superstition
    No Afterlife

    We just fade to black
    We just fade to black

    Won't be no future
    Won't be no pain
    Won't be no Satan
    No one to blame
    No children growing
    No getting old
    No one is dying
    No stories told

    We just fade to black
    We just fade to black
    We just fade to black
    We just fade to black
    You can't find tomorrow
    You can't touch today
    You don't feel no sorrow
    You're driving me insane

    I just can't wake from these scary dreams
    I'm locked inside for eternity
    I can't awake from these scary dreams
    I'm locked inside for eternity

    I just can't wake from these scary dreams
    I'm locked inside for eternity
    I just can't wake from these scary dreams
    I can't escape from these scary dreams.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  29. #29
    Hollywood Undead - Knife called Lust
    Shady JEff: Lets go right now!


    I look alive, Im dead inside. My heart has holes and black blood flows.
    We'll do some drugs, well fall in love and get ****ed up while the world
    just shrugs. With no thought Logically. Were wondering the streets so
    aimlessly. I hate to see these kids just being put down so painlessly.
    And people say you Dye your hair and wear tight jeans, that
    doesnt mean.That you cant scream, or like loud noise, you got a choice,
    you have a voice. And just because you showed no love and hate on us
    you ****ed our trust. Now watch we thrust this Knife Called Lust into
    my Chest until it Bust.

    Tha Producer:

    This love , This Hate
    Is burning me away
    (Shady JEff: is burning me away)

    It's hard to face that we're all the same

    This love, This Hate
    Is Burning me away
    (Shady JEff: is burning me away)

    It's harder times like these that never change (Shady Jeff: That never change)

    Charlie Scene:

    mad at the fact your dad is an addict, your friend takes pills he thinks it cures sadness,
    I'm not here to attack or make you kids panic,
    but i just think it's tragic the way these kids have it.
    and everybody sins and it all begins, it goes back around, nobody ever wins.
    and you stab yourself in the back, EVERYBODY JUST RELAX! it all just hits so close to home,
    we all got friends but we stand alone, and your on your own from a broken home,
    you keep the truth inside and it stays unknown. nostalgia hit and its time to quit,
    and everybody acts like it don't mean shit. a
    nd your friend will stab you just to **** some girl,
    put your hands in the air and scream **** THE WORLD!!!



    Tha Producer and Charlie Scene: Let go

    Tha Producer: I'll bring you closer

    Tha Producer and Charlie Scene: Right now

    Charlie Scene: I'll hold on tightly

    Tha Producer and Charlie Scene: Let go

    Tha Producer: We're going no where

    Tha Producer and Charlie Scene: Somewhere

    Charlie Scene: And things aren't over

    Tha Producer: Harder times like these!

    Tha PRoducer and Da Kurlz and Shady Jeff: Growing up on the streets!

    Tha Producer: Harder times like these!

    Tha PRoducer and Da Kurlz and Shady Jeff: I'll put you back on your feet!



    Charlie Scene:

    And i fall to the ground with my teardrops

    And I get lost everytime my heart stops

    Tha Producer:

    This love this hate is burning me away

  30. #30
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Rogersville, TN
    Blog Entries
    Dillinger - Cocaine in My Brain

    Hey Jim, Jim, just a minute y'all
    I want to ask you somethin'
    I want you to spell somethin' for me Jim
    Can you do that? Sure John
    But I want you to spell for me New York
    John, why you ask me to do that?
    I just want you to spell New York, Jim
    Well alright, I'm gonna go ahead man

    N-E-W Y-O-R-K, that's New York man
    No Jim, you've made a mistake, Jim
    I'm gonna teach you the right way
    And the proper way to spell New York
    Well, go ahead, John

    A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork
    That's the way we spell New York, Jim - yeah
    You see I'm a dynamite
    So all you got to do is hold me tight
    Because I'm out a sight, you know
    'Cause I'm a dynamite

    But everytime I walk in the rain
    Man, o man, I feel a pain, I feel a burning pain
    Keep on burning in my bloody brain

    I've got cocaine runnin' around my brain
    I've got cocaine runnin' around my brain
    I want you to dig me soul brother and soul sister
    I want you hold me tight because I'm a dynamite - yeah
    I've got cocaine runnin' around my brain

    No matter where I treat my guest
    You see they always like my kitchen best
    'Cause I've cocaine runnin' around my brain
    cocaine runnin' around my brain, yea

    Hey Jim, Jim? Where is Jim, man?
    Jim, I want you to tell me somethin'
    I want you to spell for me New York, Jim
    Come on, Jim, I want you to spell New York

    A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork
    That's the way we spell New York
    Right on, out of sight man, right on, ooh
    Right on, yeah, right on

    And just because this song rules.

    The Dillinger Escape Plan - Sugar Coated Sour

    What rounding out breaks,
    The silent barrier waiting and waiting and waiting...
    Can I pick your modest waste?
    I expect no more than a...
    Did I stutter? Did I stutter? Did I stutter?
    Simple regret.
    Yeah, you deserved it, and you earned it.
    Take a bow you deserve it.
    Eat shit you earned it.
    Life would be so much better if you did not exist.
    Life would be so much better.
    And God bless you ****ing queen.
    What pawns we have become in this bland little play.
    What pawns we've become, it's incredible.
    Sugar. Coated. Sour.
    Last edited by Musashiden; 11-20-2005 at 07:26 AM.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
    Thread killer extraordinaire since 4/20/01.
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