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Cotton headed ninny munger
dude on speed.
That guy.
My (Older) Brother Who Is Addicted To Gaming And Will Stop At Nothing To Ignore His Social Life And Game His Heart Out.
Wow, that's the perfect description of me!
You are an avid poster who will stop at nothing until he himself is a TFF God and... screw it, until his has a billion posts and then he'll become a stoner.
The person who has who wants to compete with me to get to 10,000 posts but he knows that I'm gonna win if I put my mind to it! (Such long names!)
The guy who thinks he can beat a master gamer(not really) and challenges him to the race to 10000 posts where Andromeda and LocoColt reside in TFF Heaven.
The one who thinks that Andromeda and LocoColt04 are the only two with over 10,000 posts and does not realize that I have found two more members with that many posts, and he seems to be doing worse at Star Ocean: The Last Hope than me, despite the fact that he got the game before me! (LONG LONG LONG NAME!)
Fine then. You are the posting addict who posts upon posts ABOUT posting and keeps posting some more. He'll never stop posting and eventually become an icon of posting addicts everywhere, and I'll be watching when he becomes a god, because I know there's not a chance in Hell I'll ever keep up with him, and I'll fell happy when he does, either in six months, one year, or TWO years, however long it takes! (SUPER LONG NAME!)
You are the random person who randomly posts random thoughts into different random threads made by some random person that decided random ideas that they randomly made up randomly in their random mind would be so much fun to other random people who actually enjoy randomly posting in random threads made by that same random person whose randomness is beyond measure of the random scale which was created by a random person in hopes out randomly comparing a person's randomness to another person's randomness.
Well, you're just random in general, so there! That's your name, Random McRandomness!
Larry... Something!
Johnny 2x4
Fate... Leingod!
It's Larry Turcotte. Don't spread it around... :ohno:
No, it's Fate Linegod!
I'll call you... Turquoise!:P
Demon-girl (I'm just kidding!:P)
Pants on Fire.
Ultra Liar!
Super Mega Ultra Liar.
Super-Mega-Ultimate-Big-Fat-Really Huge-Gigantic-All-Around Large Liar or lies!